Category Archives: Lifestyle

How To Make Sure Your Supplement Schedule Is Healthy

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Many people interested in health, wellbeing, and self-care use supplements to help optimize their diet, even if they know never to use these vitamins or minerals as a substitute for a good, healthy diet. However, it’s also true to say that you’re not automatically healthy just because you’re taking supplements.

Moreover, less is often more when it comes to adding additional vitamin profiles to your general diet. If you were to walk into a supplement store, you may be convinced that unless you had one of each item on the shelf, you hadn’t been doing self-care correctly.

Of course, this is untrue, and many products are more notable for their marketing than they are the substantive nutritional profiles they offer. For this reason, taking a look at your supplement schedule once more and simplifying it could be key. Note that none of this should take place without express permission from your physician. From there, you might consider some of the following possible suggestions:

Opt For Complimentary Supplements

If you take vitamin D supplements, it’s often recommended to take vitamin K as well. This is because it helps to regulate calcium, ensure bone health, improve cardiovascular health, and more. As you can see, sometimes it’s good to opt for complimentary supplements that work with one another, and help complete your micronutrient goals throughout the day. For instance, Vitamin C can help enhance the absorption of Iron from plant-based sources, which is very useful for those who may follow a vegan diet. 

Ensure You’re Not “Doubling Up”

Taking too much of a supplement can be more harmful than not taking enough of it. This is why it’s good to make sure you’re not doubling up on your intake through different supplements. For instance, if you’re already taking a high-strength zinc supplement, but your multivitamin is already offering zinc, then you might lessen the potency of your general zinc intake from the other source, or try a new multivitamin. This way, unless you’re under a doctor’s instructions to take more than the recommended amount, you can balance your intake well. Tallying your intake takes a few moments to do, but it can be tremendously helpful.

Consider The Supplement Type

It’s also good to understand the intricacies of a particular supplement and how it helps you. This great guide to prebiotics vs probiotics is a good place to start. However, you may also find benefit in understanding how certain supplements can differ. So for instance, Magnesium Citrate is a healthy magnesium supplement, but compared to Magnesium Gluconate it’s more bioavailable, and as such can work as a laxative, too. That might not be what you’re looking for, as gluconate is often used as the food supplement. As you can see, sometimes even a slight change in supplement can make a big difference.

With this advice, you’re sure to keep your supplement schedule efficient and healthy, streamlined and purposeful, and sustainable and affordable all in one. This way, you use supplements as they’re supposed to be, as supplements, not substitutes to a healthy diet and active lifestyle.

How To Get Ready For A Special Occasion

Whether it’s a wedding, a party, a job interview, or any other kind of special – or simply out of the ordinary – occasion, you’re going to have to spend a little more time getting ready for it than you would if you were going to a friend’s house or heading to the shops. Most people use the opportunity of going to a special occasion to dress up and go to town on their look, but this is not the only consideration to make. Read on for some useful tips on how to get ready for a special occasion so you won’t be stressed and can enjoy not just the occasion itself, but everything leading up to it. 

People holding champagne glasses for a cheers, celebration, party, celebrating

Photo by cottonbro studio

Plan Ahead 

One of the most important things you can do when it comes to getting ready for a special occasion is to plan ahead as much as you can. If you wait until the last minute to get everything ready, to find an outfit, and to make travel arrangements, you’ll not only be stressed by the time you arrive, but you may not make it there at all. 

What would happen if the outfit you thought you might wear doesn’t fit or is dirty? What would happen if there were no cabs or the train times didn’t work out? It is far better to plan ahead and ensure you have all your arrangements in place so that you can just follow your plan and get to your special occasion with ease. 

Choose The Right Outfit

We briefly mentioned your outfit in the point above, and it is an absolutely vital factor to get right when you are getting ready for a special occasion. You need to look and feel good, and the outfit has to match the tone of whatever it is you’re doing. What you might wear as a guest at a wedding would probably be different from what you might wear for a job interview, for example. 

Consider what you are doing, the time of year (and therefore the weather and temperature), and how comfortable you want or need to be in whatever it is you’re wearing. It might be that you can wear something you already own, and if that’s the case, you might want to have it dry cleaned and ensure that it still looks and feels right on you. You might want to buy something new, in which case you’ll need to think about your budget and give yourself enough time to go to the shops or have the clothes delivered. 

Your outfit is what will make you feel good, so it’s the most important element of your ensemble to consider. However, there are other things to think about as well. 

Have A Makeover 

Whether or not you have a makeover will really depend on your own preferences and also the kind of special occasion you are going to, but it can be a lot of fun, and it will add to the feeling of enjoyment you’ll get overall. 

Some of the things you could include in this makeover (which can be de-stressing and ideal for some self-care time) would be teeth whitening, a haircut and maybe a color, a manicure, and pedicure, and perhaps some skin treatments like Botox or microneedling. If you’re in the area, search for a facial near me in Cherry Hill, NJ and make sure you get booked before your special occasion.

The one thing to remember about your makeover is that you should try to book it (or the separate elements) a little way in advance of the event, and certainly not the day of whatever it is you’re going to do. You’ll need time for your new hair colour to settle, and you’ll want to make sure your skin treatments haven’t caused any allergic reactions. Think about your timetable and try to leave at least two or three days in between having things done and going to the event itself. 

Get Enough Sleep 

If you are excited, nervous, or anxious about a special event – or any combination of these things – you’ll find that it can be difficult to sleep the night before, or perhaps a few nights leading up to the event. The problem is that this can make you feel even more nervous or anxious, and it will certainly mean you’re not able to focus on the event. This could mean that all that excitement you had will come to nothing because you can’t enjoy the moment due to lack of sleep. 
If you’re finding it hard to sleep, there are some things you can try that might help you. A warm, milky drink can be ideal, and using lavender or chamomile essential oils in a bath or on your pillow is also something that people like to do. Make sure there are no screens in your room and that it is as dark as possible, and this will also help.

Anxiety: A Comprehensive Guide

Anxiety is a common experience that we all go through at some point in our lives. It is a feeling of unease, worry, or fear a certain situation can trigger that thought or feeling. However, for some people, anxiety can become overwhelming and begin to affect their daily life. If you are one of those people who feel like anxiety is controlling your life, then this comprehensive guide is for you.

To understand anxiety, we need to know what it is and what triggers it. Anxiety is the body’s natural response to danger or perceived threat. It is a normal emotion that helps us survive by keeping us alert and aware. But sometimes anxiety can become excessive, leading to an anxiety disorder. This disorder can result in the manifestation of physical symptoms like sweating, increased heart rate, and headaches. These symptoms can be triggered by a variety of factors, including work, school, relationships, or other external factors.

Here are some of the different types of anxiety disorders you may be struggling with:

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is a mental health condition characterized by persistent and excessive worry about a variety of events or activities, along with physical symptoms such as restlessness, muscle tension, and fatigue. GAD can interfere with daily activities and can be treated with therapy, medication, or a combination of both.

Panic Disorder

Panic Disorder is a mental health condition characterized by sudden and unexpected panic attacks, which are intense periods of fear or discomfort that may be accompanied by physical symptoms such as chest pain, sweating, or trembling. Panic Disorder can be treated with therapy, medication, or a combination of both.

Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)

Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is a mental health condition characterized by a persistent fear of social situations or performance situations where embarrassment or humiliation may occur, leading to avoidance of those situations and impaired functioning. SAD can be treated with therapy, medication, or a combination of both. In many circumstances, learning to manage your anxiety can involve professional help, personal therapy, and practices such as meditation and exercise. Including techniques such as CBT and gradual exposure to social situations can be highly effective.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition characterized by persistent and intrusive thoughts or images (obsessions) that cause anxiety, along with repetitive behaviors or mental acts (compulsions) aimed at reducing that anxiety. OCD can interfere with daily activities and can be treated with therapy, medication, or a combination of both.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can develop after a person experiences or witnesses a traumatic event, causing symptoms such as intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, nightmares, avoidance of triggers, and changes in mood or behavior. PTSD can be treated with therapy, medication, or a combination of both.

Anxiety is a complex issue, but some simple tips can help manage it.

Here are ten tips for managing your anxiety:

Practice mindfulness meditation for at least ten minutes a day to enhance relaxation.

Learn breathing techniques (like deep breathing) to encourage relaxation.

Get adequate sleep every night and maintain a sleep schedule.

Avoid caffeine, sugar, and processed foods as they make anxiety worse.

Get regular exercise; even low-impact exercise like walking or yoga can help.

Seek help from a mental health professional if anxiety persists.

Engage in activities that make you happy and reduce stress.

Plan your daily activities in advance and avoid last-minute changes to your schedule.

Seek social support from trusted friends or family members.

Be kind to yourself and avoid negative self-talk.

Anxiety is a common problem that affects many of us. However, it is crucial to realize when anxiety is beginning to control your life and seek help. Remember, self-care is essential and can make a significant difference in your overall quality of life. By using the techniques discussed in this guide, you’ll be better equipped to manage your anxiety effectively. Remember, you are not alone. With work, patience, and determination, you can overcome your anxiety and live a fulfilling life.