Category Archives: Lifestyle

Advice For New Dads During Pregnancy

There is a saying that goes, a woman becomes a mother when she finds out she’s pregnant, a man becomes a father when the baby is born. While this may go some way to explain why some men find it difficult to accept their new role during their partner’s pregnancy, and then suddenly come to life when the baby has arrived, it’s not entirely true for everyone. 

Also, no one really knows why that is, but it is thought to have its roots in human behavior and evolution.

Supposedly when we were still cavemen, competition for reproduction was rife and so females would copulate with many of the males and it was only at the birth of the child where similarities in features could be found that men knew who was the father of the offspring.

As unreliable as this system might have been, it’s all they had at the time, and as such females were largely left alone or under the care of other females until the birth of the child.

Thankfully, men have abandoned (most) of their neanderthal ways since then and the modern dad to have endless support and resources at his disposal to be the best partner possible before the baby arrives. For some advice on how to do that after the baby arrives, click here.

holding pregnant belly to feel baby, fatherhood, dad, new dad, parenting, marriage, kids, husband, wife

Image By Bgmfotografia 


From the moment you find out about your partner’s pregnancy, be the dad you want to be. This means that after the initial freakout (and you have a little bit of leeway here – but you need to snap back quick!), you need to put her at the center of everything, because from here on out – she is.

Some dads make the mistake of becoming a little overbearing, so take the time to ask your partner what she needs from you. This is one of the few areas that men have left to really step up to the mark, and rely on all of our hardwiring and biological instincts. Remember, that’s half of you in there. You can find loads of good thoughts, here.


Your partner is going to undergo some massive changes emotionally and physically, some of these changes are going to impress and amuse you endlessly (her new heightened sense of smell for one), while others are going to challenge your last nerve (mood swings, pregnancy brain, and the ability to fart for the “A” team – do not comment on this – EVER).

The only thing for you to do during this time is to remain patient, calm, and supportive. That’s why you have your friends and your dad. They’ll get it.


Maintaining an easy and open flow of communication during this time is super important, especially if you’re both going to be first-time parents. This includes communication with her healthcare team and understanding any unique healthcare requirements that your partner might have that you’ll need to be a part of. Does she need a pregnancy chiropractor, or is she anemic? Does she experience issues with anxiety or depression and how can you help alleviate some of her discomforts if this is the case?

Fun Activities for You and Your Kids This Festive Season

family watching movie, movie night, festive, season, holiday

Image Credit

With the schools closed and kids at home this festive season, you might wonder what fun activities you could engage your kids in and bond with them in the process. This blog will give you a list of fun and engaging activities you can engage in as a family.

Cooking Together

Although it may not seem like it, your child will be thrilled at the chance to assist you in the kitchen. Getting your children into the kitchen does more than teach them how to cook. It makes them feel helpful, inspires confidence, creates excellent avenues to bond with your kids, and the family gets to enjoy a tasty meal at the end of it all. So the next time you go shopping, grab some mittens and an apron for your kid, the whole family in the kitchen helping each other could be the bonding activity you never knew you needed. 

Movie Night

 When was the last time you watched a movie together as a family? And no, I am not talking about going to the theatres. Starting a family tradition like a Friday movie night could be a fun activity involving the whole family. Go on, choose a movie from the cable channel, prepare some popcorn, turn down the lights, hurdle together on the couch, and enjoy yourselves.

Going Camping

Camping is a great pastime that you can set out to do with your kids. It will remove them from the confines of your home and give them a chance to bond with nature. They will also learn about the plants and animals in their environment and possibly see a star constellation or two if the night is clear enough.

 To spice up the camping experience, consider bringing along a hill climb bike, or some fishing rods and catch some fish if the place you are camping has fishing grounds.

Road Trips

The holiday season may be an ideal time to pack up your bags and hit the road with your kids. Road trips are a terrific opportunity for your family to have fun and embark on adventures. Travelling by car will expose them to unique experiences, people, cultures, and ways of life in different places as you travel to your destination that taking a flight won’t.

Additionally, you will also get to eat new cuisines, see new sites, and discover topics that the classroom will not teach them. Exposing your children to new experiences can help them develop their interests by stimulating their curiosity and motivating them to explore more independently.

These are the memories your kids will treasure and remember for years to come

Visiting a Zoo or an Orphanage

If your children have not been to the zoo or an animal orphanage before, this will be an excellent outdoor activity to bond with them. Not only does it allow your young ones to learn about nature, but it is also a good time for you to teach them about  conservation and the importance of zoos and orphanages towards the conservation


Sharing quality time as a family strengthens and builds relationships, giving everyone a sense of connectedness and safety. Hopefully, the above list has given you a couple of ideas to explore with your kids this festive season.

5 Easy Ways to Start a Healthier Lifestyle

woman in yoga pose, healthy, lifestyle, health, fitness

Starting a healthier lifestyle is all about committing to lifelong health. When your desire to change overpowers your desire to indulge in unhealthy habits, you are ready to start a healthy lifestyle. If you are serious about making changes, here are five tips on how to begin a healthy lifestyle to get you started.

  1. Start Eating Healthier

When you decide to lead a healthier lifestyle, the first thing to work on is your diet. Begin by incorporating healthy foods like fruits and veggies into your meals rather than completely changing your eating habits. Your body and mind need time to adjust, so don’t rush the process.

If you take it slow at first, you can change your eating behaviors. Include health vitamins into your daily eating plan to make up for any nutritional deficiencies you may have. Over time, you may discover that you are more capable of changing up your meal plan completely!

  1. Keep A Schedule

As human beings, we have internal body clocks that keep in time with nature. This means we need to begin paying attention to the sunrise and sunset and how these times interact with our eating and sleeping habits.

With so much artificial light in our lives, it can be challenging to know what time to go to bed, wake up, eat, and so on. Your best bet is to stop eating before 7 pm and wake up as early as possible while still getting eight hours of sleep. Aim to go to bed around 10 pm, and you are golden for an early start.

woman in yoga pose, healthy, lifestyle, health, fitness
  1. Incorporate Some Exercise

Give yourself time to adjust to exercise. As you start to build a habit of regular exercise, you can increase the intensity. You might consider joining a gym or hiring a personal trainer to help you reach your goals. Remember that caring for your body is caring for your mind.

  1. Practice Letting Go

We all know that stress has adverse effects on your body. An important part of building a healthy lifestyle is learning how to let go of the stress that we carry. Make an effort to take up a daily practice of letting go.

Whether you choose to meditate, enjoy a home-cooked meal, or take a bath, make your rituals intentional so that you notice the stress lifting from your shoulders.

Self-care is critical to building a healthy lifestyle. You can find many meditation apps for download to help you work on letting go. Try integrating them into your daily practice to help you destress. The more you practice, the easier this process gets.

  1. Keep A Journal

You can find journals that incorporate fitness logs and food diaries as part of their template format to make things easier to keep track of. There are also grid paper journals that make it easy to customize what you write into organized boxes.

As you make changes, you will want to be tracking your progress. Keeping a record of your thoughts and feelings about your lifestyle changes will make it easier for you to reflect and look back on areas you can improve upon. Journaling is also an excellent outlet for stress, helping you to improve your mental health as well.

The Bottom Line

Starting up a healthy lifestyle means taking baby steps and tracking your progress as you go. Do what works for you regarding your eating habits and exercise, and prioritize sticking to a sleep schedule that honors your internal body clock. Do all of these things, and soon, you will find that you have reached a healthier state of being.