Category Archives: Lifestyle

Why the Guestlist Needs to Be Finalised ASAP When Planning an Event

If you are planning an event, you need to make sure that you finalize your guest list as soon as possible. It does not matter whether you are planning a wedding; you need to ensure that you have the guest list for the event down, as it allows you to plan so much more. Without knowing who is going to be coming to your event, you can’t progress planning in many other areas, especially if you’re a nonprofit event planner or if you’re coordinating a large-scale corporate function.

Get the Invitations Sent Out

Once you have decided who is going to be on your guestlist, you need to get your invitations sent out as quickly as you possibly can. Make sure that there is a clear RSVP date on the invitations so your guests know when they have to reply by. You also need to make sure that you are sending out any invitations with enough time for your guests to work out whether or not they actually will be able to attend the event.

For this reason, online invitations can be a great idea. They will be sent out in an instant, so you can be certain that they will arrive in inboxes much faster than if they were to go out by mail. Greenvelope’s online invitations can be used across a variety of events, and can be just as beautiful as printed ones. On top of this, they can also collect useful information that you will need to know for the final event. Having all of this information available in a database online can be far more convenient than if you were to have to input all of it yourself from paper forms sent with printed invitations.

Venue Capacity

When you book a venue for an event, you will have a certain capacity that you need to stick to. Smaller venues might only be for 40 people, larger ones could be for 200 or even more. It can be surprising how quickly your guestlist can fill up with people who just have to be there.

If your venue has a strict capacity, you might have to be ruthless with who you invite. The sooner that you are able to confirm the guestlist, the sooner you will be able to pass these details across to the venue so they can start making their own preparations for your day.

Dietary Requirements

If you will be serving food at your event, you need to make sure that your guestlist is finalised as soon as possible so you know what dietary requirements your guests might have. These can range from a choice of diet that they might follow such as veganism all the way to allergies that require gluten or nut-free meals.

You need to make sure that you can pass on as accurate a list of requirements to your caterers as you can manage. This could affect your menu quite significantly, and they could have to ensure that they carefully prepare your guests’ food to avoid cross-contamination. The sooner that you can give them this information, the sooner they can begin to come with dishes that will suit your event.

Seating Arrangements

Finally, you need to finalise your guestlist as soon as possible as it will allow you to being to work on the seating arrangements for the big day. This can be a real headache, so the sooner you can get everything finalised the better. A seating plan is never as simple as it initially seems. You will find yourself having to make constant adjustments to it, so the sooner you can start on it the closer you will get to the perfect arrangement!

There is always the chance that you could invite two people who don’t usually get on to your event. It just wouldn’t be fair to leave out either of them, and you can rely on them to be civil at the actual event. However, asking them to sit at the same table could be asking for trouble. It might be better to try to keep them apart, and the best way that you are going to do so will always be with the seating plan.

Planning a big event will take a lot of effort on your part, and so you need to make sure that you are always prepared to take on the challenges that it might throw to you. Part of this will be managing and finalising the guestlist for the event. Though you might be tempted to focus on some of the more fun parts of event planning, there are some important factors that you need to sort out first. One of these will always be your guestlist, so make sure that it is finalised as soon as possible.

Health And Wellbeing: What You Can Do To Help Yourself

Throughout your life, you should be aiming to find ways to improve and manage your general health and wellbeing. This will give you the best chance of staying healthy and living the life that you want to live. Reading this article will help give you some perspective, and an idea of changes you can make to improve your health.

Look After Your Body

The first thing you should think about is your body. This can contain a lot of different things, from eating the right foods to getting the right amount of sleep. If you don’t already, you should consider engaging in regular exercise, even if it’s just taking more of a walk on your way to work. Doing more physical work, in general, will benefit you, but be careful to not overdo it and strain yourself. Work out and eat well to get to a point of being at a healthy weight.

Protect Your Mental Health

Many people neglect their mental health through inaction. They believe that by leaving it alone they are doing it the best service they can. However, you may be neglecting a problem that could then start growing. That’s why you should work to improve it, which could be done either alone through personal growth and development, or with the help of a therapist. Speak to people around you about issues in your life, as long as they feel comfortable hearing it, because you don’t want to bottle everything up and go through it alone.

Regularly Go To The Doctor

There will be some things that are simply out of your control health-wise. Even if you do everything right it’s unlikely that you will be able to avoid a trip to the doctors at some point in your life. That is why so many people arrange to speak to a doctor annually so that they can go over any ongoing issues or catch any issues early before they get out of hand.

Consider speaking to your doctor about regular visits, as it may depend on availability and the facilities themselves as to if they can incorporate this. You can go to more private centers such as Ezra that offer early cancer detection scans. Detecting cancers early gives you a better chance of getting successful treatment.

The more you visit your doctor, the more they will get to know you. This saves you time further down the road and could help your doctor to understand your health more as you get older, which could catch things more efficiently.

Focus On Good Foods

Whilst you don’t need to completely cut out junk foods and unhealthy foods in general, it is always advisable to cut down on them. If possible, you should focus more on good foods, and promote yourself to a more balanced diet. Your body won’t be able to only survive on fruit for breakfast lunch and dinner, you will need a mix of all things such as protein.

Of course, it can be difficult to know what counts as good food. That’s why you should speak to a nutritionist or even a personal trainer. These are experts with body health and what foods can help support you. They will also be best equipped to help tailor you a diet unique to you and your needs as everyone will be different.

Hydrate Yourself

For similar reasons, you should hydrate yourself regularly. Water is important for the body as it replenishes the liquids inside you over time. You will need a certain amount of liquid to hydrate you throughout the day, depending on your age and build. Consult a medical expert or use an online guide to find the right amount for you.

Water and liquids can help to regulate your body temperature and keep your joints lubricated. It can help your body to prevent infections and keep your organs functioning properly. A normal amount of regular hydration can also help improve the quality of your sleep and even your mood when you wake up.

Keep Good People Around You

You will find that your general wellbeing will be improved by keeping good people around you. This means having people you can relate to that either make you happy to be around promoting positive actions or pushing you to be a better person in general.

People that promote only positive traits within you will be the driving force you need to make yourself better. You don’t even need to be better than you are now, you just need to not be worse.

Improve Your Home

The conditions at your home may be below the required standard you want. In times like this, it may be worth looking into potential improvements. They could even improve your health in some cases. Look at the quality of your walls, and take immediate action if you suspect there are any signs of dampness or moisture in the walls. This could be mold growing that could damage your lungs and affect your breathing.

Caring For Your Body Is Caring For Your Mind

If you want to feel healthy and look healthy, then you need to focus on how you’re treating your body. A lot of the time, indulging in the things that make you happy isn’t the only requirement to keeping happy – as there’s a lot that you need to take care of physically. For example, even if you enjoy a diet of fast food and snacks, it’s not going to make you happy in the long run. It’s going to affect how you feel physically, and in turn how you feel mentally. There’s a lot to look at if you want to feel satisfied and content.

mind, body, health, personal care, lifestyle, sleep, stress, mental health, happiness, happy


Tackling insecurity

Insecurity is something that plagues a great many people, and there are many things that cause it – completely dependant on the individual. For a large majority of people, insecurity comes from physical appearance. To get to the bottom of such insecurities you have to assess what about it you struggle with. If it’s something that cannot be helped, then the problem is coming from your mentality. If it’s something that can be helped like issues with teeth – very common insecurity, then a trip to the dentist such as can get you your answers.

It’s much healthier to be able to recognize these insecurities as incorrect and stop trying to exaggerate your own perceived flaws. There are some things that cannot be changed, and some things that people are often overcritical when it comes to their own appearance.

Getting the right amount of sleep

It’s becoming increasingly common for people to neglect their need for sleep when they’re doing something they enjoy or feel like they need to do. If you’re the type of person to skip out on sleep to get more enjoyment out of your day, it’s a contradiction to your goal. While you might get to enjoy a few more hours that day, you would be sacrificing those hours the next day; while worsening how you feel mentally. When your body and mind aren’t getting the rest that they need, it can seriously affect your mental health – and something you should be sure to keep in check.

Your diet affects your mind

Just like with sleep, your body and mind need the right amount of nutrients to function correctly. Junk food is fine every now and then, but there’s only so much salt, fat, and sugar that the body can process naturally. While the rest of it might be either rejected or built up, the nutrients that your junk food is lacking will be something your body will have to go without. When your body doesn’t get what it needs, you’re going to feel that physically in the form of tiredness. And again, just like when missing sleep, tiredness is going to play a large role in how you’re feeling mentally.

You only get one body, and sometimes skipping out on a healthy diet to eat the junk food of your preference isn’t going to keep you happy in the long run.