Category Archives: Parenting

Screw You, Teething and Sickness!

We’ve gone a few weeks since our last torturous teething episode, so I guess we were due for another one eventually. It’s difficult to prepare for these things as we never know the severity of one teething incident to the next. but shrill crying is almost ALWAYS expected.

Okay, crying, drooling, change in eating habits, extra fussy, and tired are others to expect as well. But this time, Avery has been running a mild fever which, although common for teething, is never fun.

Is it actual sickness, or strictly from teething? All we can do is make the best guess from her body language, and looking in her mouth which is no easy feat!

It started on Wednesday where everything seemed normal in the morning. Avery shot me her mean face as I scurried to make her breakfast. She’s a demanding one, even shaking her fist!


I moved quick and fed her a fresh batch of NuttZo Banana Bread which helped turn her back into cute-face Avery.


We carried on with our day by going into the garage for a workout and then went on a walk/run with our Golden, Abby, around the neighborhood. We stopped at the neighborhood playground so Avery could romp around in her new Soft Star Shoes and, of course, proceed to remove all of the mulch from the playground.

I tried to turn it into a game to get all of the wood pieces back into the pit, but she didn’t care to play. After playing the antithesis of my game for 20 minutes, we strolled back home for lunch and naptime.

As I prepared lunch, Avery started acting odd by not being very vocal. I waived it off as just being tired after catching her doing the all-to-common eye rub.


But then, her mood turned and I could do nothing right. On top of that, after struggling to get her to eat something, a major teething symptom appeared….


Cranky slobber girl came out to play drive me insane! She took a few more bites of lunch and finally just straight up refused anything else. Since this is when I am trying to make my own lunch as well as dinner for Going Mom and myself, I threw what meal I could together and took Avery to get her down for a much needed nap.

She hasn’t fallen asleep in my arms for naptime in a long time (she does for my wife and that damn magic boob though!), but she was exhausted and fell into a slumber within 5 minutes. I laid her in her crib where she slept without a peep for almost 2 hours. Another oddity as of late.

I had high hopes that after getting some rest, she’d be all honky dory again. And when she flashed a grin like this right upon waking, I felt we were in the clear.

Smiling After Naptime

We went to the kitchen for some water and a snack before going on another walk. The first sign that she was still not her usual self shined through as she held her sippy cup while rocking her crazy after naptime hair. Her face makes it obvious that something is not right. But, still freakin’ cute, huh?


On top of this, Avery felt very warm and still was having trouble eating anything. I gave her small bite of chewy chestnut which she usually eats pretty well, but she kept that thing in her mouth for a solid 20 minutes! Yep, one little chestnut and she held it there like a Russian hamster (that’s for you and Hammy, Gary!) hoarding its food.


Those cheeks!!

Once Going Mom came home from work, she took Avery’s temperature and confirmed she had a mild fever of around 100°F. The rest of the evening was spent with Avery going back and forth from happy to crying, to pissed at the world, to “lights” (she stops everything to point up at lights), and back all over again.

After dinner (another struggle) and a bath, Kelley nursed Avery to sleep where she didn’t make a sound all night. The good thing about this is that it broke a 4 day streak of her pooping after going to sleep, the bad thing is that this meant she must really feel bad.

The next day, Avery woke up with her fever gone and in a seemingly chipper mood. Kelley sent a text asking how she was and not seeing signs of fussiness or difficulty eating, I said all was well. During our morning workout, I sent her a pic of Avery swinging her kettlebell as if peace had been restored.

Avery Swinging Kettlebell

Silly me, I was so WRONG! We went to Sprouts after our usual walk/run and while wearing her inside the store, the cranky slobber girl returned!

Her cries radiated throughout the aisles as I quickly tried to remember why the hell I even came to the store. My memory returned and I grabbed what we needed (and some of what we didn’t need) and drove back home.

For the next hour, Avery sat at my feet, crying loudly, as I tried to feed her and rush around the kitchen to put meals together. Poor kid, I tried holding her and pacing around and could feel the heat radiating off of her body again.

She wouldn’t eat much, but drank water and more breast milk than she’s had in a while. Avery fell asleep in my arms again, and I’m positive I could’ve played the trumpet in her face and she would remain asleep. Don’t worry, I don’t have a trumpet, and I’d probably just end up spitting into the thing without a sound being produced.

My loving wife dropped everything the second she got home and I told her the fever was back and took our happy girl away. Avery simply would not allow us to stop holding her. Kelley held her for the rest of the day as I cleaned and prepared dinner. But dinner was not had as Kelley just wanted to get Avery to sleep and held her as she nursed the poor girl to sleep.

It was a sad, quiet night, with this being the first fever-induced sickness we’ve experienced with Avery. Her temp got up to 102°F and her eyes were heavy all evening. At least Going Mom and I took the requisite parent with sick kid selfie and posted to social media.

Avery Sick with Mommy

After laying her in the crib, Kelley came out to eat dinner with me and we tried to watch a Walking Dead episode. Not 5 minutes into it though, we see Avery just sitting up in her crib. Silent, but just sitting there as her body slowly waved around.

After another 5 minutes of her still sitting, we went in and discovered problem, she threw up. I managed the sheet changing and diaper getting duty while Kelley cleaned Avery and changed her clothes. Kelley once again held Avery to comfort her to sleep as I came out to write this post. We decided to postpone watching zombies for the night since parenting comes first. Oh, and it’s on Netflix so we can play catch-up after Avery is well again!

Maybe I’ll happily report she’s back to her old self flashing smiles and eating better in my next post. Fingers crossed!

How do/did your kids handle the woes of teething?

Were they sudden or gradual signs?

17 Memories From My 17th Month Since ‘Going Dad’

The memories never stop for a parent, that’s a-pparent (bada boom!), but I’ll have to eventually find a stopping point for these posts. Hopefully I’ll make it to 2 years/24 months before figuring something else out.

Anything past 24 is, if not already, pressing the attention span of any readers. Not that I care that much when it comes to this post since it’s about my memories!

Avery, after 17 months, here are some memories you’ve given Mommy and Me so far…

1. This month, you’ve started grabbing on to a blanket draped over the top of the rocking chair in your room when Mommy nurses you to sleep. Every night, as I kiss you goodnight and wait for you and Mommy to get situated before I turn out the light, you instinctly behind you and grab a hold of the blanket. It leaves us with a big grin each night.

2. When we workout in the garage, you like to mimic us with your wooden “barbell” by doing overhead presses. Your form needs some work, but we have plenty of time for that.

3. You’ve had crazy legs and feet for a long time now, but this month you started romping around or kicking the air as you shake your head make some sort of gurgle noise. It’s cute most of the time, but I’ll admit to getting annoyed from it some times. And I know Mommy does NOT appreciate it when you kick the air with her chest “in your way”.

4. We’ve been somewhat sticking to baby-led weaning for you, feed you a lot more with a spoon and fork too. After getting frustrated by not being able to use the spoon yourself, we gave it to you for your first try. You kinda used it, but then cheated to actually eat the food.

5. Britax and our Dallas Dads Group hosted a fun event at the DFW Family Expo where you ran like a wild child around the expo. Even as we held you for a picture with very kind Kate from Britax, you flipped the camera the bird.

6. We bought a pink Radio Flyer tricycle for you several months ago and finally busted it out this month. You quickly took a liking to your trike, and love when Mommy and Daddy push you. Maybe you’ll learn to pedal soon! Until then, keep ringing the bell!

7. I took you to the new Trader Joe’s that just opened nearby for your first visit one Saturday. I remembered how it’s nothing special and probably won’t go there anytime again soon. I even got hit in the parking lot to top it off. But hey, always fun to experience something new with you!

8. We had another Dallas Dads Group meet-up at the same bounce house, Jump For Fun, that we went to before. You were more active than before, but I still had to carry you over plenty of the obstacles. You were, however, quick on your feet in the basketball area.

9. Everyone knows you’re not scared of our vacuum, but I’ve had to pull the little Dust Buster out a few times which sends you in a screaming frenzy. You outright HATE the thing! Even your caterpillar can’t ease your fears.


10. Now that you are fully capable of holding your own bottle, you are becoming quite skilled at setting it down and picking it up without spilling. You don’t even need your hands! Except for when you clap for yourself, which is always.


11. Going to the park/playground/back yard is always fun to watch you explore, but you don’t care so much about the equipment. Instead, you’d rather throw dirt or mulch around, which always gets caught in your hair.


12. Speaking of hair, you have developed some crazy curls it seems like over night. They are in full crazy-curl-mode right after nap time and typically stay that way until your bath. Have to share a front and back view here…



13. Our neighbors, the Dunn’s, have two little girls, Natalie and Zoey, that you have been playing with more often than before. Okay, more like all of you run around in the same area, but it’s great to see you somewhat social. Natalie is only a few months older than you, and Zoey is several years older. You always have fun over there and even tested out their new trampoline. We hope you grow up and become good friends since their parents are great people and their Daddy, Jason, is a fan of scotch just like me.


14. You are still rocking the NuttZo world and gobbling everything up I put it on or cook it into. From the oatmeal I make for you and Mommy to simply on top of banana slices, you easily make it disappear.

15. Turtles are nothing new to you since you were crawling around them a year ago, but we recently found and rescued a baby one together. We called him “Little Leo” like Leonardo from the Ninja Turtles.

16. Your vocabulary has increased to include a simple “Hi” which you know makes you cute. So now, when I have to get on to you, you just look at me, smile, and say “hi”, and madness magically disappears! Damn that cuteness!

17. Last year never happened, but this year we set you in the middle of a bluebonnet patch for the obligatory bluebonnet photo session that every kid in Texas has to endure. You were in a stranger’s front yard, but just be glad it wasn’t the side of the highway like a lot of families use!


I’ve been told by several other parents that 18 months is when it starts to get fun. Judging by the fun we’re already having, I look forward to what she’ll be doing another month from now. It’s all happening so fast, and I’m glad to share it with my two beautiful girls!

boba, babywearing, family

Cold Water Swimming and A Psychedelic Moose

After taking our obligatory bluebonnet pictures of Avery in a stranger’s front yard, our small family made it to our destination; Nana and Papa’s. We hadn’t seen Kelley’s parents in a while, and they had plenty of hugs and kisses and gifts for Avery.


Steve and Kathy, my wonderful and loving in-laws, had us over for a delicious, healthy lunch of grilled chicken, spaghetti squash, and spring mix salad. Per our request, Kathy left ours unseasoned/marinated and let us add herbs, spices, and other flavorings as we saw fit. Everything was great, and I could’ve had 3 more helpings!

But right before sitting down to lunch, I had to do some form of quick workout for my mental well-being. Crazy, I know, but it’s me. At first I thought I’d do a quick session of hill sprints since Kelley’s parents have several awesome hills in their neighborhood, but wanted something different since I can do that at home too. Then I got the perfect idea; a cold water swim in their pool!

It’s not quite ideal swim weather in Texas yet, but that was part of the allure. I’ve heard a lot about cold thermogenesis lately, and wanted to give it a shot. I’ve already taken cold showers which suck at first, but you feel ah-mazing afterward. So I borrowed some of Steve’s shorts (thank you, Steve!), and went outside for a quick swim before lunch. I just had to psych myself into jumping first…..


After contemplating, I took the plunge and felt an instant stream of goosebumps flow across my entire body.


Brrrrr! But I acclimated rather quickly and went about doing around 11 back and forth sprints. Not by preference, I had a trio of the family dogs there to cheer me on bark at me, and one of them, Harry, decided to photo “bomb” the picture Kelley took of me during a rest break.


See the bomber there in the background? Yeah, you’re welcome, I enjoy sharing everything with you guys. 🙂

Meanwhile, Avery getting lots of love with gifts from Nana and Papa and tickles from Aunt Steph and Cousin Taylor.


Avery immediately started reading one of the books many books by Sandra Boynton after taking it out of the giant gift bag from her Nana and Papa. Doesn’t she look like she’s really getting into the plot?


But reading material wasn’t the only thing Avery received, she got a few clothing items from boutique shops in Colorado, where Nana and Papa live most of the time now, and even the most psychedelic (Going Mom and I both used this word at different times) stuffed animal moose ever!


It’s hard to see in the pic, but Avery’s face shows just how psychedelic the moose is. With peace signs and flowers all over, I was half-way expecting a guitar and a joint to go along with it, but they never did. Probably for the best! After opening her gifts, it was playtime with her Aunt Stephanie and Cousin Taylor.


Avery took interest in a toy car (yes!!!) and proceeded to venture on her own a little.


She even used the remotes to somehow turn the TV directly on to The Walking Dead. Guess she’s hooked just like Mommy and Daddy!


The weather was cooler than it has been, and clouds kept the sun from harshly beaming down on us, so we took things outside for a while. Taylor worked with Avery on her soccer skills, but Avery made sure to hold on to that toy car.


Before we took off back home, Stephanie snuck in more cuddle time with the car-holding Avery as she adored her cute hat.


The hat didn’t last long, but they had a nice hand-holding walk around the yard with car still in hand.


It was a busy, fun-filled day at Nana and Papa’s, beginning with the bluebonnet photo session. On the way home, Avery took a short nap and then we did a few chores as she ran around like a wild child/any toddler before going to bed.

We had to leave the car with Nana and Papa, but Avery seems to have forgotten the vehicle and is now giving rowing lessons to her psychedelic moose.


I don’t think hippies and rowing mix well, but guess Avery will do her best; she’s a determined kid, that’s for sure!

Have you ever tried subjecting yourself to cold water or air? Ever hear of cold thermogenesis?

Do you have any Sandra Boynton books? We had “The Going to Bed Book” and enjoy reading it every night, so we’re glad to have more in our book arsenal!


Sunshine Dad