Category Archives: Parenting

Fun Run in the Sun and a Pun

Yesterday, Tuesday, we hit 70 degrees and the sun finally poked through after its brief hiatus. Texas hardly had it bad when compared to places like Boston this winter, but it’s been crappy enough to warrant a deep desire for Spring’s arrival.

Truthfully, I was ready for spring and summer back in November, I just prefer sweating over shivering any day! With the better weather, I wanted to get Avery outside to run around a little, but first we had to make a trip to two stores. Luckily, she didn’t mind since it means getting to ride in her new Britax Boulevard ClickTight car seat.

Britax, car seat, safety

Seriously love this seat and it was a breeze to install. We’re keeping her rear facing as long as possible since it’s the safest way, and the Britax seat allows us to continue doing so up to 40 pounds! Plus, Avery’s not complaining one bit.

After making it back from the stores, Avery was hungry and needed to eat before anything else happened. Going Mom and I taught her a few sign language essentials with one of them being “more”. Now the girl ALWAYS wants more!


Yep, that’s her sign. I’m trying to allow her more freedom in feeding herself if it’s finger foods, so I gave her a few pieces of NuttZo Banana Bread to keep her happy. So much for that, she just stuffed her face with all of the pieces while simultaneously signing for “more”.


Crazy kid. It took her five minutes just finish chewing everything! Needless to say, I think she spent some time reflecting on her actions….


After eating, I put Avery in our B.O.B. jogging stroller to go for a quick run to a nearby playground. The kind folks, I mean elves, at Soft Star Shoes just sent me a pair of their Moc3 barefoot running shoes to review, so I figured it would be a great time to give them a test run. <—Would you call that a pun or not? I can’t tell.


Yes, I wore socks, and no, you really don’t have to. I just prefer to use socks until I am sure I really like things enough to go sans sock. Running in these shoes is so liberating with their zero drop Vibram soles and the fact that they weigh less than 5oz. I actually have been spending all day in the shoes and am only getting more attached to them each day.

Check back later for a full review, and then even later for another review of their kids’ shoes for Avery. I can’t wait to get some on our little girl to keep her feet safe while still “grounding” with the earth. Until then, her Bootzies work fine, they just run the risk of getting holes when worn too much outdoors.


Yep, like at a playground with mulch and concrete. Probably not the best for cotton, but she didn’t seem too concerned. She was, however, intrigued by the wood pieces scattered everywhere and made sure to inspect them thoroughly.

Yep, this one’s wood too.


Somehow I managed to climb the small play-structure with Avery to take her down a few times. The rest of time I just followed her around as she explored…..and randomly clapped.

Enjoying the #Texas sun with my daughter! #Spring is coming! #Parenting #DaddysGirl #playing

A video posted by RC Liley (@going_dad) on

Outside playtime was over when Avery ran back to her stroller, basically letting me know it was over. Fair enough.

I made another fun run round with Avery in the stroller to soak up the warm weather and get a little extra “go” time in the minimal Soft Star Shoes for the last time of the day. Verdict? Still love’em. I could never find a shoe I was comfortable in wearing around the house that I could also make a mad dash outside at any given moment, but these are it! If you haven’t tried them before, give them a go if you get the chance, and make sure to pick some up for your little one too.

Once back home, I turned on Pandora so Avery and I could dance around the house. And by dance, I mean she brings all of her toys from her playroom into the kitchen as I prepare dinner and make a green smoothie for Kelley and I.

This has been a long, hard week for my wife, actually the past several weeks have been trying, and she was stuck at work again last night. In hopes that it would help a little, I made one of her favorite breakfasts ahead of time to be ready in the morning.


Peanut butter oatmeal with chia seeds, cinnamon, and a big spoonful of NuttZo. I added a lot of blueberries too, but didn’t take a picture. Trust me, the blueberries are not to be taken lightly around here, and Going Mom has a specific measurement I keep messing up. The measurement? A lot!

She’s probably enjoying (I hope) this right now just as this is live. I’ll let you know if I added enough blueberries. Or maybe she will…….

And before I go, I had a pun to share. It’s nothing spectacular, but as a proclaimed lover of puns, I want to start sharing at least one with each post I write. Today, in anticipation of spring coming up, I have a seasonal pun.

After a rough winter, the trees will be relieved when spring comes.

I know, not the best tree pun, but I went out on a limb here. Maybe I’ll branch out for the next one. 🙂

What’s the weather like where you are now?

Do you like puns or despise them?

Staring Into Space: #MySundayPhoto – 03.08.15

It’s been pictures galore in our house, and we only have one subject; Avery. No surprise, huh? This week’s My Sunday Photo is of Avery staring out of our windows where a new house is being built behind us.

We’ve been watching the workers quickly and efficiently construct the two story house that seems to dwarf our one story, but hopefully the new neighbors will be nice!

I have no clue what I’m doing when it comes to editing photos, but figured I’d have fun and see what I can come up with. Here is the original photo:


Cute, of course, because, when isn’t she? But here is what I came up with. I just messed around with the basics like hue, brightness, etc. and added a blur effect.

Avery Staring_Edited

What do you think? Too much? Any quick tips on how to make photos a little more lively? I want to try doing a black and white one but having just one part in color. What is that called?


I’m a Soft Star Shoes Ambassador!!

First there’s NuttZo, the most delicious and healthy organic nut/seed butter EVER, and now I’m proud to announce I’m an ambassador for Soft Star Shoes!

Soft Star Shoes is a company based out of Oregon where they passionately make minimal footwear for the entire family. Handcrafted to order, they offer minimalist Running shoes, Moccasins, Sandals, Padraig Slippers, Sheepskin boots, and other Casual Wear.

I just started using their Running Moccasins they sent me to try and will post a review here in the near future.

soft star shoes

Looking forward to logging some miles, HIIT exercises, and weightlifting sessions in these 5oz foot-huggers. The freedom of sprinting practically barefoot is here! But I really can’t wait to get a pair of Kids’ shoes for Avery. They have shoes for babies, toddlers, and youth up to 12 years!

As if handmade in the USA by people (they actually call them elves) actually passionate about what they do isn’t enough, you can go online and design your own shoes for yourself and your little ones. I’m ready to get our whole family “going” minimal in Soft Star Shoes for casual daily use as well as when working out.

I’m no stranger to working out in minimal shoes as that’s all I’ve used for years now, but I’ve never tried anything like Soft Star Shoes….yet. Check out their site and see what you would like for yourself. Have fun with the design-your-own feature to see what you can create for the kiddos. A monogrammed moccasin for your tyke? How could you resist?!

Kids and adults don’t need the excessive padding seen on most running and casual shoes. It’s not natural and only messes with our dynamics. Get yourself and your family closer to the earth and feel the benefits of having “Happy, Healthy Feet”.

More to come on Soft Star Shoes, I promise. For now, enjoy your weekend and check out all they have to offer.