Category Archives: Parenting

What Happens When You Put Ivory Soap in the Microwave?

Have you tried this easy experiment that only requires a bar of Ivory soap, a microwaveable plate, and a microwave?

Ivory Soap Experiment_Happy Hooligans

Simply put it in the microwave for a minute and a half and watch as the rectangular bar of soap transforms into something 6 times its size! I first saw it on the Happy Hooligans website and have been itching to try it myself.


I have yet to try the experiment, but I did track down the science behind why the Ivory soap. Read the how and why here.

As the site explains, Ivory soap is one of the few brands that float in water because it has air pumped into it during the manufacturing process. If you didn’t want to click on the link, here’s the part about why it expands in the microwave:

This is actually very similar to what happens when popcorn pops or when you try to microwave a marshmallow. Those air bubbles in the soap (or the popcorn kernels or the marshmallow) contain water. Water is also caught up in the matrix of the soap itself. The expanding effect is caused when the water is heated by the microwave. The water vaporizes, forming bubbles, and the heat causes trapped air to expand. Likewise, the heat causes the soap itself to soften and become pliable.

This effect is actually a demonstration of Charles’ Law. Charles’ Law states that as the temperature of a gas increases, so does its volume. When the soap is heated, the molecules of air in the soap move quickly, causing them to move far away from each other. This causes the soap to puff up and expand to an enormous size. Other brands of soap without whipped air tend to heat up and melt in the microwave.

– See more at:

And here’s his video if you’d rather just keep it safe and watch online…

This is definitely something I’ll do when Avery gets just a little older and doesn’t try to eat everything she touches. Part of the fun is getting to feel how the soap has changed after being nuked. Apparently, it easily crumbles and can even be used to make homemade laundry detergent!

If you haven’t already, try this with your kids and have the guess what will happen after the 90 seconds is up.

As a side note, this will fill your room with a pleasant, soapy smell, so try it right after cooking fish or when you just need to freshen up the kitchen! Maybe at your workplace?

What do you think of this easy experiment?

Have you tried or heard of it before?

How to Remove Your Sock: A Toddler Pictorial

Ahhh, c’mon, I know I put that thing in here somewhere!

baby, toddler, parenting, funny, humor

This is preposterous! Socks don’t just “disappear” like when mommy or daddy have my nose!

baby, toddler, parenting, funny, humor


baby, toddler, parenting, funny, humor

Oh, well hello there, fellow bambinos! Are you tired of your parents putting socks on you when you have a hard floor and you’re just learning to walk? Slip much? Geez, I sure do! So I made a quick tutorial on how to remove your socks sock.

baby, toddler, parenting, funny, humor

Yeah, it would’ve been “socks”, but I already took one off and lost it in that box.  Oops….not my proudest moment. I’m typically good about keeping track of things. For instance, my wooden duck walker and Catch Me Kitty are strategically placed behind me to make sure either mommy or daddy trips over here. It’s only fair if they put things on me that make fall, no?

baby, toddler, parenting, funny, humor, how to

All you need to know is how to take off one, and then you do the same with the other anyway. So, first thing you do is grab your sock-covered toes and start pulling up. Sometimes you have to pull hard and it might even stretch your leg more then you’d like.

baby, toddler, parenting, funny, humor

Okay, by stretch I mean hurt, but we have to remain strong. No crying!

baby, toddler, parenting, funny, humor, how to

Crap, panic is setting in, this thing won’t budge! Just bare (ha ha, get it, “bare” as in bare feet?) with me, use both hands, and keep your composure. See? Like me with my face of fortitude!

baby, toddler, parenting, funny, humor, how to

Unheard of. This sock is the devil and it can go to hail! Or I think that’s what they call it. It’s angry face time…..NO CRYING!

baby, toddler, parenting, funny, humor, how to

Ahhh, forget it! We’re all doomed to spend the rest of our lives single-socked! Okay, cry NOW!!!!

baby, toddler, parenting, funny, humor, how to

And this concludes my sock removal tutorial. Enjoy your Friday, bambinos, I think I’ll just sit here and watch my caterpillar from a distance….

baby, toddler, parenting, funny, humor

14 Memories From My 14th Month Since Going Dad

The memories keep coming almost daily now that Avery’s walking and is interested in everything! Seriously, how do you parents with multiple kids do it? Just our one is plenty to keep me busy during the day. Staying at home is definitely a full time job life with loads of overtime!

But no complaints here, I get plenty of pay in the form of….

mommy, daughter, parenting, family

….well, not the tongue sticking outing part, but just loads of love from Going Mom and our sweet (also crazy!) daughter.

I love them both, so dearly, and our current life is working so well! It’s been almost a full year since I left work to become a stay-at-home dad, and I never imagined how fulfilling this life would be. It’s wonderful and I know it will only get better.

That said, it also means I’ll be plenty more busy as Avery is no longer just an idle baby giving me quiet time during the day. Nope, she’s with me most of the day and we’re constantly doing something. Playing, eating, not sleeping, screaming, exercising, etc. Just part of the life, huh?

And now, on with the memories!!

1. Avery, you have become quite the chatter-box lately and “Dada” makes up most of your words. You may not know exactly what you’re saying, but you do know who Dada/Daddy is at this point.

2. Just recently, you started saying “Mama” too, and it’s usually accompanied by whining. I don’t think Mommy is too excited about that part, but it’s still great that you’re saying both Mama and Dada now.

3. It’s been really cold (for Texas), and working out in the garage is becoming increasingly difficult. You won’t accept being in your jumper much longer, but if I give you my weight lifting belt, it keeps you busy for a while.

weight lifting, workout, strength, baby, parenting

4. Speaking of garage workouts, you’ve taken to attempting kettlebell training and it’s only a matter of time when you’re working out with me in the garage.

kettlebell, strength training, baby, workout

5. I’ve been having fun and keeping busy with making different meals for you and so far you’ve been doing great at eating them. But, some of the more savory items take some work to get you to eat. So as long as we play like you are a kitty eating kitty food, it seems to work….so far. You even make a cute squeak as your way of meowing.

baby food, feeding, parenting
Being a good kitty.

6. What’s more, after eating something and not spitting it out (i.e. being a good kitty), we all clap for your good behavior, even you.

7. Of course, even if you like the food, it’s still fun to play kitty. You even come running for my NuttZo Pumpkin Protein Pancakes.

8. Now that you’re more aware of your surroundings than ever, you let Mommy and me know if you aren’t happy with us taking an extended walk. When doing our normal neighborhood loop, we sometimes take a longer way, and immediately after we turn, you start screaming. I guess you don’t like sitting in a stroller in the cold any longer than you have to. Can’t blame you, but hopefully your bear suit keeps you warm and this crying won’t last too long.

9. Surroundings aren’t the only thing you’re more aware of. Your diaper has become a perfect thing to unsnap whenever possible. This is a downfall of the snaps on cloth diapers, but you also tear at the velcro kind, so it’s a lose-lose situation for us. To combat your diaper removing ways, we have resorted to putting packaging tape across the front. So far, this works. For how long? No one knows….

10. Since you are eating a lot more now, and because it’s just good practice, we started brushing your teeth. You don’t seem to mind the all natural blueberry toothpaste and brushing, but you also clamp down on the toothbrush making the “brushing” part extremely difficult. Either way, you are doing better than we expected!

11. You seem to enjoy dancing when and wherever possible, and I’ll admit you’re already better than I will ever be.

dancing, baby, babies, funny, parenting

12. It’s getting easier to tell when you’ve gone poop. For one thing, they smell a lot worse, but almost every time it gets quiet and you go to your chair, a poop is sure to follow.

poop, baby, diapers, potty training

13. Bath time used to entail both Mommy and me, but for a while now, just Mommy will bathe you as I clean up after dinner. I could (and should) put off the clean-up, but I get to worked up to have it done ASAP. Regardless, Mommy seems to enjoy her time with you in the bath. How can you not enjoy time with such a cute kid?!

bath time, baby, funny, cute

14. You’re finally giving us hugs! Multiple times a day, you will come up and hug my leg as I’m cooking or washing dishes, and you’ll give hugs when we ask you to as well! It’s the best feeling having you come to us with your arms open!

Kissing is the next thing to work on. Sometimes she gives them, sometimes not, and sometimes she opens her mouth to eat our face when we go in for a kiss. Hopefully by 15 months she’ll be accepting of kisses. Things keep getting more and more fun and interesting around here!