Category Archives: Parenting

14 Memories From My 14th Month Since Going Dad

The memories keep coming almost daily now that Avery’s walking and is interested in everything! Seriously, how do you parents with multiple kids do it? Just our one is plenty to keep me busy during the day. Staying at home is definitely a full time job life with loads of overtime!

But no complaints here, I get plenty of pay in the form of….

mommy, daughter, parenting, family

….well, not the tongue sticking outing part, but just loads of love from Going Mom and our sweet (also crazy!) daughter.

I love them both, so dearly, and our current life is working so well! It’s been almost a full year since I left work to become a stay-at-home dad, and I never imagined how fulfilling this life would be. It’s wonderful and I know it will only get better.

That said, it also means I’ll be plenty more busy as Avery is no longer just an idle baby giving me quiet time during the day. Nope, she’s with me most of the day and we’re constantly doing something. Playing, eating, not sleeping, screaming, exercising, etc. Just part of the life, huh?

And now, on with the memories!!

1. Avery, you have become quite the chatter-box lately and “Dada” makes up most of your words. You may not know exactly what you’re saying, but you do know who Dada/Daddy is at this point.

2. Just recently, you started saying “Mama” too, and it’s usually accompanied by whining. I don’t think Mommy is too excited about that part, but it’s still great that you’re saying both Mama and Dada now.

3. It’s been really cold (for Texas), and working out in the garage is becoming increasingly difficult. You won’t accept being in your jumper much longer, but if I give you my weight lifting belt, it keeps you busy for a while.

weight lifting, workout, strength, baby, parenting

4. Speaking of garage workouts, you’ve taken to attempting kettlebell training and it’s only a matter of time when you’re working out with me in the garage.

kettlebell, strength training, baby, workout

5. I’ve been having fun and keeping busy with making different meals for you and so far you’ve been doing great at eating them. But, some of the more savory items take some work to get you to eat. So as long as we play like you are a kitty eating kitty food, it seems to work….so far. You even make a cute squeak as your way of meowing.

baby food, feeding, parenting
Being a good kitty.

6. What’s more, after eating something and not spitting it out (i.e. being a good kitty), we all clap for your good behavior, even you.

7. Of course, even if you like the food, it’s still fun to play kitty. You even come running for my NuttZo Pumpkin Protein Pancakes.

8. Now that you’re more aware of your surroundings than ever, you let Mommy and me know if you aren’t happy with us taking an extended walk. When doing our normal neighborhood loop, we sometimes take a longer way, and immediately after we turn, you start screaming. I guess you don’t like sitting in a stroller in the cold any longer than you have to. Can’t blame you, but hopefully your bear suit keeps you warm and this crying won’t last too long.

9. Surroundings aren’t the only thing you’re more aware of. Your diaper has become a perfect thing to unsnap whenever possible. This is a downfall of the snaps on cloth diapers, but you also tear at the velcro kind, so it’s a lose-lose situation for us. To combat your diaper removing ways, we have resorted to putting packaging tape across the front. So far, this works. For how long? No one knows….

10. Since you are eating a lot more now, and because it’s just good practice, we started brushing your teeth. You don’t seem to mind the all natural blueberry toothpaste and brushing, but you also clamp down on the toothbrush making the “brushing” part extremely difficult. Either way, you are doing better than we expected!

11. You seem to enjoy dancing when and wherever possible, and I’ll admit you’re already better than I will ever be.

dancing, baby, babies, funny, parenting

12. It’s getting easier to tell when you’ve gone poop. For one thing, they smell a lot worse, but almost every time it gets quiet and you go to your chair, a poop is sure to follow.

poop, baby, diapers, potty training

13. Bath time used to entail both Mommy and me, but for a while now, just Mommy will bathe you as I clean up after dinner. I could (and should) put off the clean-up, but I get to worked up to have it done ASAP. Regardless, Mommy seems to enjoy her time with you in the bath. How can you not enjoy time with such a cute kid?!

bath time, baby, funny, cute

14. You’re finally giving us hugs! Multiple times a day, you will come up and hug my leg as I’m cooking or washing dishes, and you’ll give hugs when we ask you to as well! It’s the best feeling having you come to us with your arms open!

Kissing is the next thing to work on. Sometimes she gives them, sometimes not, and sometimes she opens her mouth to eat our face when we go in for a kiss. Hopefully by 15 months she’ll be accepting of kisses. Things keep getting more and more fun and interesting around here!

Going Dad’s Sunday Food Log

Do you keep a daily food log? I used to a few years ago, but it’s not easy to track food when you actually prepare your own meals. Kind of sad how so many online food logs are geared more towards those fast food and other quick service restaurants or packaged food.

You can create your own custom food items all you want, but that takes a lot of time that most of us don’t have. Plus, chances are, if you’re making all of your own meals from fresh, whole foods, you probably don’t need to keep a strict food log as you’re obviously conscious what and how much you’re putting in your body.

It took me a while to stop tracking, but found that once I finally came to this realization, I had gained 30 to 45 extra minutes back to my days! More time to eat and NOT track, yay!!!

Going Mom, my amazing wife, gave me several hours of freedom on Sunday as she stayed home with Avery. I had done the same for her the day before, Saturday, and as it’s something we both could use every now and then.

Of course, we both just used the time to get a few things done around town. I had a leak in my tire that I brought to Costco to have repaired for free (ahhh, member perks), and used the waiting time by working on the computer at a nearby Starbucks. Like any normal at-home parent would do during their free time, I had to Tweet to the world….

By “work”, I mean messing around with the blog settings and getting distracted as the Dallas Cowboys went from winning to losing the game against the Green Bay Packers. I’m not a huge fan of watching other guys play sports when I’d rather be active myself, but I still root for the home team, and it was a disappointment to see us lose.

I got over it fast, though, and continued on my black coffee binge at Starbucks. You get free refills with their gold card, which I have, and made sure to take advantage of. I brought two of my own bottles that I filled up, had 5 grande refills while there, and brought another full grande back home.

starbucks, coffee
Coffee, FTW!!!!

One purchased Americano with nothing added, 8 free grande refills, and 50 trips to the bathroom in only a matter of 2.5 hours had me shaking like a Polaroid picture! Thank you, Andre 3000, for the great analogy. #winning

I’m used to consuming a massive amount of caffeine via coffee and green tea, but even this was a lot for me in a day! Since I refuse to eat the store bought offerings at most places and forgot to bring my own food, I basically fasted most of the day.

Will I do it again? Most likely. What can I say, I love coffee! Plus, although I am done with food logging, I figured I might as well log Sunday’s “food” intake because that’s easy…

food log, diet, calories, food, coffee

Yep, that coffee buzz lasted most of the day and had me crashing pretty hard late into the night. Hopefully Monday is off to a good start, because I don’t exactly feel like coffee at this point. Tuesday will be a different story.

Do you overdo it on coffee sometimes? All the time?

How do you like your (if you have it) coffee?

Do you prefer another form of caffeine or abstain from it all together?