Since I’ve made the switch, there are several updates I need to do for various blog related accounts. Bloglovin is one of them. So, to anyone who cares, please follow my new domain on Bloglovin and then carry on with your day.
Follow my blog with Bloglovin
Of course, you are allowed to come back and visit often. Please! 🙂
Category Archives: Parenting
Did It Work? Where’s the Coffee?
So, after posting my last post on making the switch to being self-hosted, I think I transferred most of the important things over to!
Go me! I think…..
So tell me, what do you see in your inbox if you are currently a follower?
And please, I’d like to know what annoys you or what you’d like to see added. I now have more freedom on what I can do with the blog, and as I figure things out, hopefully I use this said freedom.
Until then, it’s 4am and I should be sleeping…..4 hours ago. We have several trips planned for our Sunday, and I think multiple coffee stops will be included! Hello, caffeine!
As I said last post, have a great rest of your weekend!