Category Archives: Parenting

Does President Obama Want More More Stay-At-Home Dads?

The social media world of parents, stay-at-home moms in particular is blowing up after President Obama’s speech in Providence, Rhode Island on 10/13/14.

During his speech, Obama was going about about the need for better childcare and his main solution was high quality childcare for children, but not wanting Americans, mainly women making the choice to stay home. Here’s his exact words from the transcript…

Obama Against At-home Parents Speech_10-31-14

There have been many stay-at-home moms who quickly lashed out on Facebook and Twitter to show their anger from his words, and rightfully so!

Mollie Hemingway published an article on The Federalist title 3 Reasons President Obama is Wrong About Stay-At-Home Mothers, and again, I agree with her stance.

But, this leaves me thinking, does Obama think it would be better for more men to be Stay-At-Home fathers instead? Or, is he just thinking we don’t exist and it’s only women who stay at home? I’m a major support of any at-home and working parent as I am and have been both and if works in your family, that’s the best thing!

Having a parent stay home to raise the kid(s) is wonderful for their development and saves a lot of hassle from dealing with getting them to and from daycare along with the expense similar to if not greater than sending them to college.

Anyway, just had to share my thoughts on our President’s great ideas (sense my sarcasm) and would like to get your thoughts.

How do you feel about Obama’s words on childcare and stay-at-home parenting?

This Pumpkin’s Not Amused: Our Baby’s First Halloween

Another first is in the books as Halloween has come and passed. We didn’t do anything too elaborate, just bought a pumpkin costume from Costco and we were all set. Of course, Avery wasn’t too impressed with her orange attire…


Sorry, dear, next year we’ll try for more originality. Deal?


I’ll take that as confirmation that she’s okay with this.

For her first trick-or-treating experience, Going Mom, G-Ma, and I took turns holding our winter squash as we walked around a small loop of our neighborhood. We went to the homes of neighbors we knew just to say hi and kindly refused any treats they offered.

It was easy this year since Avery is still too young for candy, but I’m thinking next year will prove more difficult. I get that she’ll inevitably have candy, but hopefully we can keep it limited and I can’t stress enough how some of the sweets have ingredients we should never consume. Hydrogenated oils and basically all chemicals, for instance. Bleh.

Anyway, I’ll spare you my thoughts on ingredients in food……for now.

We have a really great neighborhood filled with fun-loving people and a lot of kids around the same age as Avery. It will be great watching them grow up together and hopefully creating lasting friendships.

Our pseudo-trick-or-treating walk lasted a little too long to Avery’s liking, but she didn’t throw a huge fit. Most of the time she just had a very unimpressed look which I think was partly because there were several little superheroes, animals, and plenty Elsa’s from “Frozen” running around squealing with delight from their bags overflowing with sweet treasures.

The night was calm and the air was cool and crisp from a cold front that just came in making it an ideal night to wander the streets. It was the ideal setting for Halloween and seemed to resemble the scene of kids out on Halloween in the movie E.T.

As usual, we stretched our limits for bedtime and Avery became very fussy as we sat her in her highchair for a late night dinner. She was still happy during bath time and after another bout of fussiness, she was out with Kelley nursing her to sleep.

Our baby is almost one, just two weeks from today, and she makes both Kelley and I extremely happy! I love experiencing firsts together as a family and want to share some of the better pictures of our Halloween on here.

Taking turns posing with our pretty pumpkin princess……who will look anywhere but the camera!


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Had to bust out the “tickle bird” to get a few squirmy smiles.



I thought the shoulder time would help amuse her, but even that yielded sub-par, probably out of pity, smiles. She would hardly budge with Kelley trying to entertain her!

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Annnnd, the perfect way to end the day with a pissy pumpkin….wine. Oh hey, at least the bottle is amusing!


Hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween!

Did you go out or stay in?

Any favorite costumes you’ve dressed yourself or kids in this year or year’s past?