Category Archives: Parenting

Baby’s First Road Trip, Chasing a Dog, and a Stress Fracture

Most weekend recaps occur on Monday, but I prefer to mimic the “muscle confusion” ideology of P90X and confuse anyone reading. You know, to keep your brain more alert by throwing it off every now and then. Stupid analogy? Yeah, sorry….

This past weekend, we drove up to our old college town, Norman, Oklahoma, to visit our friends, Sean, Erin, and their little 2.5 year old girl, Brooklyn. Remember when they came down to visit us last February?

Brooklyn is growing so fast and is such a pretty girl!


Both of our little girls have grown so much in just 6 months and it was fun watching them kind of play together.


I say kind of, because Brooklyn, is in the stage of not wanting to share things, so when Avery would go to a toy, she sometimes tried to push her away.


I guess this was a good foreshadow for what’s to come! No big deal though, she was quick to allow Avery access to her toys and even say sorry.


The 2.5 hour drive was full of Avery’s pleasant, and not-so-pleasant screams. I thought she’d take a nap since the 10 minute drive to Costco usually has her asleep within minutes, but she slept not once the entire drive. Instead, she’d make her presence known with coos and yells followed by crying fits for no reason.

Kelley eventually climbed in the back to soothe her the rest of the way to our friend’s house. This worked for almost the remainder of the drive, but even Mommy couldn’t qualm our upset baby. But alas, we arrived, exchanged hugs, and brought everything inside to the room we’d be staying in for two nights……with Avery!

We shared the same room with Avery once before at G-ma’s for the 4th of July weekend, but this setup was different, she’d be right beside Kelley instead of at the foot of the bed.


It was weird, but really not as bad as I expected. We were able to sneak into bed without waking Avery fairly easily, but she did wake more often versus when at home. Oh well, just part of parenthood, right?

The past few times we’ve come up to stay with Sean and Erin was for the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon in April. This always meant my nerves were high and I wasn’t a fun person to be around, so it was nice being there without a major race to prepare for. This time, we were there for Erin’s baby shower. Yes, this beautiful family of three is about to have a little boy in a few weeks which will even out the genders.


They have yet to decide on a name, but have a few one their mind like Ian or Barrett. Care to offer a suggestion?

We had zero plans for Saturday, so we played everything by ear. Going Mom, Avery, and I drove to local coffee shop we enjoyed before in hopes of enjoying again. This time, we were not impressed and a little sorry we didn’t just go to Starbucks.

While in town, we picked up a few groceries for breakfast and since there was a liquor store nearby, I figured I’d bring a few craft beers back. Kelley was trying to eat her long overdue breakfast, so I carried Avery inside with me. Or, at least I made it to the front door with her, but then I was stopped by the owner who let me know no one under 21 is allowed!

This seemed ridiculous since obviously, a baby isn’t going to run around drinking their stock, but the law is law. As I wore a frustrated frown on my face, the owner kindly offered to hold Avery as I perused their beer selection. Ha, a stranger holding my baby while I bought beer? I accepted…

But only because she was non-threatening, gentle woman who obviously worked at the store and I wouldn’t expect to run off. Yeah, yeah, “it’s the least suspecting”, I know, so sue me. Please, not really.

Meanwhile, as I shopped for beer, Kelley was trying to have breakfast in the car when she noticed a woman holding Avery. At first she thought maybe we knew the woman, but after a few minutes, she realized the lady was a stranger and quickly walked out to get our daughter. Luckily only kind, understanding words and a few laughs were shared as Kelley brought Avery back to the car.

Sorry, my dear wife and daughter….Daddy did bad. But, we did get some good beer! Silver lining?

As we returned to Sean and Erin’s, Sean was jumping in his car to search for one of their dogs that escaped. They have a Great Dane, Hudson, and a 100lb mutt, Polly; the latter being the escapee. I changed vehicles to help search and left Kelley with Avery.

I'm not escaping anywhere...
I’m not escaping anywhere…

Our search by car yielded nothing, so Sean hopped on his bike and I took to going for a run around their neighborhood. My foot was hurting from a run I did with Avery before leaving the day before, but I planned on doing some running anyway, so this worked out okay in my mind.

Thirty minutes of running and several hill sprints later (plus my daily dose of “must do” 31 burpees, push-ups, and squats), I was limping with severe pain in my left foot. The pain hasn’t subsided yet, and I have concluded it is a metatarsal stress fracture with the pain and swelling to go along with it.

As a guy who can’t stand sitting (ha, I love that saying), this drives me crazy! As I write this, I’m still standing on one leg with the other propped up on a stool. #stubborn

Sean and Erin continued their search driving to and calling neighbors with no luck. Polly was a stray dog in poor health that Erin nursed (just so happens she is a nurse!) back to health almost 8 years ago. I remember seeing Polly as a pup, and she didn’t look good. But now, well, she’s a sweet, giant, dog in good health.

Polly competing with Avery for attention from Kelley
Polly competing with Avery for attention from Kelley

Needless to say, Erin was distraught at the thought of having lost Polly, and Sean wanted so bad to make his wife happy by finding her. Having exhausted himself with several hours of searching, he was inside trying to recoup when someone knocked on their door.

Yes! It was a neighbor who found Polly and was generous enough to bring the 100+ pound dog back to their house! The mood was instantly lightened in the house, and a very happy yet still pretty pissed Erin, took Polly out back to wash the burr-covered mutt.

With more action than expected on our “no plans” Saturday, we kept it calm the rest of the day and just hung out engaging in conversation. Plus, we kept tabs on the pay-per-view OU vs Louisiana Tech game where the Sooners ruled the game with a final score of 48 – 16! Hopefully they’ll have the same luck with ranked teams this season too!

Supporting OU with preggo Erin.
Supporting OU with preggo Erin.

Kelley and I made it a late night and took over the TV to watch an episode of Orange is the New Black on Netflix after Sean and Erin went to bed. We just started this season after not having our TV on for a few months, and now we’re hooked.

Our Saturday with good friends had come to a close, but we still had most of Sunday before heading back home. Look out for my next post with our Sunday events including a coffee shop win and another long drive fail.

Do you have any road trip with baby stories or tips to share?

Ever inure yourself and go crazy being limited in what you can do? I’ve still found ways to lift weights in the garage and reel mowed as I limped across the lawn. Now my daily 31 burpees are done on one leg which definitely makes it harder!

This post is part of the following link-ups:

Her First Time to See Fish + Friday Foodie Fun Facts: Carrots

Do you remember the first time you saw a fish? Not filleted and cooked on a plate or those little golden crackers, I mean alive and swimming in the water.

I haven’t a clue about my fishy first, but I had the joy of showing Avery fish for the first time the day when I had to go to the doctor. Yeah, I had to go in for blood work as part of my unsolved issues I mentioned in this post.

So it was the most ideal way to show Avery fish for the first time, but the aquarium in the doctor’s office held several brightly colored species that she took interest in immediately. While waiting, I held her up close to the glass and her eyes would hone in on one, it would wisp away behind corral, and she’d lock onto another gilled guppy nearby.

The entire time we were waiting, Avery couldn’t take her eyes off of the lively underwater melting pot of fish, and I loved being able to experience her seeing something totally new for the first time. This excites me for everything new Going Mom and I expose her to, and going to the zoo will be splendid for sure!

I remember our first attempts at baby-led weaning with carrots and broccoli being the first foods. She had no clue what to do with those veggies at first, but it was a pleasure watching as she finally figured out they were edible eats.


We’re still feeding  her the same veggies plus a couple new ones, and she’s still crapping them out confirming they don’t all end up on the floor! Also, as confirmed from her poop, carrots remain as her favorite food. After mommy’s breast milk, obviously.


Which leads me to today’s Friday Foodie Fun Facts. No, not breast milk, although that might be interesting, today I have carrot facts! I’ve changed several staple foods in my diet over the years, but carrots have always been present and welcome.

For those who crave a satisfying crunch without reaching for a bag of chips, carrots are a perfectly healthy option. Dip them in natural peanut or almond butter and I’m good to go! Another favorite of mine, is to dice them up and eat them with milk or yogurt like cereal. Much better than boxed, processed and sugary grain, and you still have a great crunch that never gets soggy!


  • Carrots have been cultivated for at least 5,000 years and are thought to have originated in Afghanistan. Originally, carrots were white, purple, red or yellow, but not orange.
  • In the 16th century, the orange carrot was developed in the Netherlands (Yellow carrots were cross-bred with red carrots) in honor of the House of Orange, the Dutch Royal Family. 
  • Most veggies are best eaten raw, but carrots are more nutritious when cooked first. Carrots have tough cellular walls that make much of their nutrients locked up and indigestible. Cooking, however, partially dissolves cellulose-thickened cell walls, freeing up nutrients by breaking down the cell membranes.
  • Carrots contain more sugar than any other vegetable, except for beets.
  • The longest carrot ever recorded was 19 feet 1.960 inches.
  • The heaviest carrot ever recorded weighed 18.985 pounds.
  • Mel Blanc, the voice of Bugs Bunny, was reported to not like carrots.

Are you a fan of carrots?

Ever seen or eaten one a different color than orange? I had the opportunity to buy two large purple carrots a few years ago and thoroughly enjoyed them raw as well as roasted. Look at those massive things! Bugs Bunny would be envious…….his voice? Not so much.
