Category Archives: Parenting

Mixing Your Pet’s Name with Baby’s and Friday Foodie Fun Facts #4

Happy Friday! Or at least I hope it is! As long as we’re optimistic, right? Kinda like this plop of poop…..or maybe it’s ice cream…


Sorry, this just makes me laugh; hope you laughed too!

I’m sure most of us parents have at least one pet in the house; usually a cat or dog. If not, I’m slightly envious since I am OCD about hair, and now that Avery’s crawling, I’m vacuuming several times a day. #stayathomeparentproblems

We have one each of a cat, Lou, and a dog, Abby, and they both shed a lot. Of course, Avery doesn’t help the situation as she tend to grab at anything and everything.


Our little angel has mastered the art of ninja crawling where she’ll make her way to the other side of the room immediately after we set her down. No clue how she gets there so fast, but it results in Going Mom and I having to tell her not to get into one thing or another.

We’ll attempt to yell out her name, but instead of “Avery”, it’s a combination of one of our pet’s names and “Avery”.  Some of the common ones are “Ay-very” or “Abv-ery”. Or we’ll just flat out call our daughter Abby or our dog Avery. It’s typically a mix of Avery and Abby, but Lou sometimes finds his name in there too.

We’ve been doing this a lot, and something tells me it won’t end soon. How many other parents do this? It’s a common thing, right?

Just for fun, I found an online word mixer that will generate a unique name from up to 5 different words. If we’re going to mess up yelling our daughter’s name, might as well have fun with it!

Here’s what I got after entering Avery, Abby, and Lou:

Pets and Avery Name Mixer

That’s enough to have a new name for our pets each day of the month! Call me crazy, but I…..okay, I’m crazy.

Now for the foodie fun facts. I don’t enjoy most packaged desserts as they’re heavy on fat, sugar, and chemicals I wouldn’t consider food. Yeah, yeah, I know these things taste good, but when you know what’s in it and how it affects your body, I lose all desire to have it.

But, thanks to Nature, we have a plethora of naturally sweet options to choose from. One of those things being bananas! I love them with brown spots all over when their sugar content is highest, but have been trying to consume them more often when they are green.

However you enjoy them, bananas are a great option to satisfy your family’s sweet tooth while providing many key nutrients you won’t find in ice cream and cookies. I have a lot of facts to share on bananas, so I’m going to give more than 5 today, and there will be more next week too. Make them fun to eat and your kids will happily gobble them up!

  1. You can use the inside of a banana peel to clean and polish leather shoes and silver —just rub with the inside of a peel and then buff with a cloth.
  2. Thanks to its oil, rubbing the inside of a banana peel on a mosquito bite (or other bug bite) or on poison ivy will help keep it from itching and getting inflamed.
  3. The highest average per capita consumption of bananas in the world is in Uganda, where residents eat an average of 500 pounds of bananas per person every year. In fact, the Ugandan word matooke means both “food” and “banana.”
  4. India produces more bananas than any other country on the planet, accounting for about 28 percent of the worldwide crop. (China is number two, with ten percent.)
  5. A man in India once ate 81 bananas in a half hour.
  6. More songs have been written about bananas than about any other fruit.
  7. Bananas are the only fruit that contains the amino acid tryptophan plus vitamin B6. They help your body produce serotonin—a natural substance that alleviates depression.
  8. About half of all people who are allergic to latex are often also allergic to bananas.

If you have pets and mix their names with your baby’s, please let me know some of the funny ones in the comments below.

Do you like bananas? Any creative ways you enjoy them if so? You can never go wrong with nut butter and bananas, but I also enjoy mixing mashed banana with eggs and a little stevia and scrambling them for a sweet, protein-packed treat. Great for breakfast or desert!

Favorite Photos of our Baby in July

Aaaaannnddd there goes another month! Goodbye, July!

The end of July marks my mom’s (G-Ma’s) birthday, and the anniversary of when Going Mom and I first met. We think it was right before G-Ma’s birthday, but can’t remember the exact day.

11 years have passed since we first met, and we’ve been together ever since. Like most couples in love, there have been ups and downs, but obviously wayyyyy more ups than downs! I love my wife, and I’m happy to share this life with her and Avery.

August 17th will mark our wedding anniversary, and we’re celebrating by staying two nights in a hotel while G-Ma holds down the fort/Avery. I’d be lying if I said we weren’t counting down until this day; we could use the time!!

On the topic of time, I can’t believe July has already passed, but I’m excited to see what Avery will surprise us with next. Here are some of my favorite pictures from this past month; hope you enjoy!

First day of July started with a TMNT fort!!
First day of July started with a TMNT fort!!
But don't you love me, Daddy?
I’m a little stinker. But seriously, I’m sitting on a big stinker right now….
Starting to hang out with Daddy in the kitchen.
Starting to hang out with Daddy in the kitchen.
Crawling in G-Ma's kitchen for 4th of July weekend
Crawling in G-Ma’s kitchen for 4th of July weekend
Hanging out at the pool with G-Ma and Paul
Hanging out at the pool with G-Ma and Paul
Fourth of July 2014
My favorite ladies all in one shot!
G-Ma makes me happy!!
G-Ma makes me happy!!
I don't even know what to say....
I don’t even know what to say….
Visiting Uncle Preston at work.
Visiting Uncle Preston at work.
You have to have a spoon if you're in the kitchen!!
You have to have a spoon if you’re in the kitchen!!
Happy in the bathroom!
Happy in the bathroom!
Playing with Papa
Playing with Papa
Night out with my love. BYOB paint class.
Night out with my love. BYOB paint class.
Not happy, but I know I'm cute....
Not happy, but I know I’m cute….
8 Month photo session. Hey bear, I got your nose!!
8 Month photo session. Hey bear, I got your nose!!
Okay, I'm a little proud.
Okay, I’m a little proud.
Keeping busy with my busy board.
Keeping busy with my busy board.
I claim this freezer MINE!
I claim this freezer MINE!
No matter what, I'm happiest when working out in my jumper.
No matter what, I’m happiest when working out in my jumper.
Happy after a nap!
Happy after a nap!
Food tastes better in this position.
Food tastes better in this position.
At least she won't be scared of a lot of things...
At least she won’t be scared of a lot of things…
I get lost in the ocean of her blue eyes every time.
I get lost in the ocean of her blue eyes every time.
I have the power!!!
I have the power!!!
Bottles stop her crying instantly.
Bottles stop her crying instantly.
Excited about going for a run in the stroller!!
Excited about going for a run in the stroller!!


Did I post enough? I had to stop myself from adding more, but hopefully you like what I have. We’re looking forward to another exciting month ahead!

How was your July?

Any plans for August?

Do you have kids going to school for the first time or preparing for another year?

One Thing I Miss About My Old Job after 6 Months of Being a Stay-At-Home Dad

It doesn’t seem like half a year has already passed since I’ve become a stay-at-home dad, but here I am, stay-at-home daddying (it’s a word) with our precious 8 1/2 month old daughter. I have to keep repeating “precious” to myself as she’s in teething mode and wants to make sure everyone knows.
No I'm not!
I don’t want these things in my gums!!

Her screams get progressively louder as if in competition with herself and she refuses to be outdone. How long do they say this takes? Around two years? Damn.

But, I remember saying goodbye to my office job and hello to my new office a.k.a. home and how much better I felt. Needless to say, I’ll gladly to listen to screams over getting on another conference call to discuss the “how’s” and “who’s” of whatever was going on at the time.

Walking out the doors for the last time.
Walking out the doors for the last time.

I’ll stop there since I could easily get myself “worked” (ha ha ha) up and blab on about my despise of having a desk job. We aren’t made to sit so long and be so sedentary as we……oh, crap….see, I’m still doing it!

Anyway, life as a stay-at-home dad started off slow with a baby who could only eat, poop, pee, cry, and sometimes smile. Luckily, babies experience rapid growth and Avery is surprising us with new skills/abilities almost every week!

Now at almost 9 months old, she’s a very mobile crawler showing signs that walking isn’t too far away.


I know everyone says that’s when I start to go crazy because I’ll always have to watch her, but I’m still excited. Before I know it, we’ll be able to wrestle, play outside, and go on (short) hikes.

Going Mom has to remind not to get ahead of myself and try things too soon. What? Is it that bad when I get on the ground and push our baby in an attempt to wrestle now?

Seriously, dad?
Seriously, dad?

Oh….okay then, I’ll ease up.

I know I have a more meaningful role now than I did when employed, and am ever so grateful we are able to make this work for our small family.

I’m extremely grateful for my lovely wife who goes in to work each day and handles various situations way better than I ever did/could. Then, when the workday is done, she comes home and helps deal with whatever is going on with Avery. Thank, Kelley, you are appreciated more than words can describe!

Visiting a local brewery for my 30th. Avery slept most of the time.
Visiting a local brewery for my 30th. Avery slept most of the time.

Speaking of, although I’m happier and more proud as a stay-at-home dad than my old job, I do miss one thing; my wife. Yep, we worked for the same company, in the same building, and even in the same office.

I was the only person in the building with a desk converted to standing and I could look over and see her desk not far away. We would talk to each other through the company’s internal messaging service and visit each other’s desks frequently.

Very rarely would we miss a day of going on a walk together around the nearby trails before having our lunch. There were times when we would give each other notes or share a laugh at an inside joke no one else understood.

My wife is my best friend, and now I don’t get to see her as much as when we worked together. I miss her, I miss our walks, and I miss being able to walk over to her for no better reason than to just say “hi.”

The good thing is that our relationship has grown even stronger since I’ve become a stay-at-home dad. Gone are the days of me stressing over work and letting it drag me down at home; now the time I do see her means more and we both recognize it. Sure we still have are disagreements like any couple, but they’re (usually) over fast and we get on with life.

So, in the end, it’s a worthy trade-off we are both happy with and it seems to be working for our family of three. I still go on a daily walk, but with Avery, and again with both of my girls if time is permitting.

Yes, I’m still adjusting to the stay-at-home life, but after 6 months, I feel good about our decision and am ready to continue down this path of daily obstacles and adventure.

Do you or would you ever consider working in the same office as your spouse?

Have you been both an employee and a stay-at-home parent? Which one are you now and what do you prefer?