Category Archives: Parenting

Baby Collages: Sleeping, Sitting, and Saying “Ahh”?

Hey there, how’s your weekend going so far?

Saturday was pretty low key around here, but I did get a well overdue haircut! Yep, I used an exclamation because that’s what this stay-at-home dad gets excited about now.

I almost went too extreme by asking for a Mohawk, but thankfully the lady cutting my hair talked me out of it. Phew!

When I was a freshman in high school, my step-dad at the time once made me go back to the hairstylist that put highlights in my hair and have them taken out. Yep, I came home all happy to have highlights like the cool kids (fyi, not cool anymore) and he drove me right back to have it reversed. Fun guy…

Needless to say, my mom is no longer married to him and we’re all better because of it. She deserves better and has someone much better now!

Anyway, I got carried away, the moral of the story is that Kelley would’ve sent me right back to have the Mohawk cut off immediately; no questions asked. So just the regular “do” for me and we’re all happy.

When I returned home, I worked out in the garage and then Kelley and I went to a nearby hill for a great workout. I did hill sprints and Kelley charged (carefully) up and down the hill while wearing Avery in the Ergobaby Ventus.

We both worked up a good sweat and Avery had a short nap to boot! Win-win for us!

While I was out, Kelley had photo session with Avery in our room and snapped some great shots. I came in and we worked with Avery on sitting up and took more pictures in the process.

There are tons of photos to go through (yes, stamp “new parents” on our foreheads!), so I thought I’d share the most recent via collages.

Before the collages, here a few single shots. It’s hard not post everything we take since we are just so proud and think even the most blurry picture is priceless and hard to delete. C’mon, if you’re a parent, you know what I’m talking about.

I couldn’t “bear” to delete the photo because, well, what if one day…..


No explanation needed, just an adorable face I’m lucky to see everyday.


Oh hey, are those mine?


Helping her get set up for sit up practice.


Someone knows how to pose…


The first collage is of Avery’s multiple positions before falling asleep that we captured on the baby monitor.


Here she is in 3 stages all spanning about 5 seconds. From left to right: sitting, falling, fallen.


A few days ago Going Mom and I had a fun play session with Avery. Going Mom snapped these as Avery reached for and grasped the blue ring.


And the last collage is of Avery (surprise!) with her mouth wide open. Not sure if it’s just a laugh or she’s trying to say something, but as always, we think it’s adorable.


I hope you enjoyed the pictures and the rest of your weekend too!

Have you ever had to go back to have your hair “fixed” either by choice or by force?

Going Dad’s Top Ten Pinterest Picks (4): Homemade Baby Food

We’re almost there; Avery is approaching 6 months and we’ll attempt to start feeding her food other than breast milk!

I’ve read a few signs to look for to know your baby is ready is for them to sit up on their own and that they lose their reflex to push out with their tongue. Right now, Avery does not sit up on her own and I’m pretty sure that tongue reflex is how she rejects the bottle every day. But we’ll start slow and take it from there.

She still has 12 days before she’s officially 6 months anyway, so maybe an intense core workout will build up her strength to sit on her own. Bad idea?

Well, what’s not a bad idea is making your own baby food. Those little jars of pureed grain and produce can and do add up fast, so it only makes sense to make your own. It’s healthier, puts you in control, and saves money!

Here’s my top 10 list of recipes, tip, tricks, and helpful tools to have you on your way to making a nutritious puree!

1. This is a long one but a good one!

2. Gotta have the tools!

3. If you don’t know it already, homemade costs less and is healthier!

4. If I had a printer, this would be printed.

5. This is great for any left over breast milk bags. They also make bags like the little fruit squeeze pouches that cost an arm and a leg, but they are reusable for your homemade food. Here’s the link.

6. Yes, I’m getting this!

7. Good to know a schedule of what to start with.

8. Another good info source.

9. Make that Crock-Pot work!!

10. More tips and ideas. Can’t have enough of these!


Do you make or plan on making your own baby food?

Any stories (good, bad, funny, etc.) you’d like to share? I’d love to hear them!

Breast Milk with a Fever and Playtime with Avery

Yep, today I’m a stay-at-home dad and husband. Well, technically I’m always those things, but work with me here.

Poor Going Mom, she came home on Monday and seemed fine, but she was suddenly overwhelmed with body aches and a fever. She had just changed and started a workout when her body just didn’t feel up to par.

Kelley had quickly turned so weak it took all she had just to stand, and I wanted to help however possible, but there’s not much I can do for fevers. Of course, I still bugged her and asked if there was anything I could do about 10 times.

With Kelley so weak, I figured I’d need to be the one waking up to feed Avery as her beckoning wails of hunger rang through monitor, but Kelley was still adamant on breastfeeding. And rightly so; breastfeeding when you are sick is actually one of the best things you can do for your baby!

Actually, not breastfeeding while ill increases your baby’s chance of getting sick! I found this excerpt from and recommend reading the full post here.

The best thing you can do for your baby when you’re sick is to continue to breastfeed. When you have a contagious illness such as a cold, flu, or other mild virus, your baby was exposed to the illness before you even knew you were sick. Your milk will not transmit your illness to baby, but it does have antibodies in it that are specific to your illness (plus anything else you or baby have been exposed to) – they’ll help prevent baby from getting sick, or if he does get sick, he’ll probably not be as sick as you.

And that’s what we did, only I brought Avery to Kelley in our room instead of her going to the nursery like usual. I’m already so grateful that Going Mom is willing to continue strictly breastfeeding Avery since it is the best thing for a baby and obviously free, but to continue when so ill is outstanding!

I just want to say way to go to my dear wife and all other women who are able and willing to breast feed; it’s the best nutrition you can give.

We will be starting to give Avery food in a few weeks since she’ll be 6 months, and then I’ll puree the food with breast milk to ensure good nutrition. Fun times ahead there! I hope she likes pureed Brussels sprouts with breast milk!

On Tuesday morning, Kelley started feeling nauseous so I gave her a Zevia Ginger Ale which helped settle her stomach.


With the intention of working even though she was sick, Kelley needed her laptop. I planned on making a trip to the store anyway, so, with Avery along for the ride, we made a little pit stop at her work and we were on the way to the store.

Back home, Going Mom fed Avery and put her down for a nap while I unloaded groceries and went to the garage for a workout. Afterward, I was starving so I made something for myself and Kelley as a late lunch. Not long after, Avery decided to wake up, so she hung out with me in the kitchen.

Together, Avery and I did what all babies dream of; put together sandwiches for mom! Yep, I make several at a time so I always have one ready for my hardworking wife!

Hmm, so it takes eight slices of bread for one sandwich? I'd rather have boob...
Hmm, so it takes eight slices of bread for one sandwich? I’d rather have boob…

Meanwhile, my sick wife diligently worked on the couch in the living room. Or at least tried since I kept talking and Avery kept blowing raspberries which doesn’t make for the best work environment.


She probably didn’t appreciate that I had the TV on either. Sorry, Kelley. To give her some peace, I took Avery for a long walk in the Ergobaby Ventus while she finished work for the day.


After a rather windy, but otherwise nice weather walk, we returned home to see how Going Mom was doing. Surprisingly, her fever had gone down and no more body aches, but she did have a bad headache. Boo headaches, yay reduced fever!

With her slightly improved condition and work done for the day, we took advantage of our happy daughter and enjoyed playtime together.

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She’s been getting more interested in her colored rings and we’ve been working on her sitting up without help. You can see me in the background helping to hold her a little. I tried letting her sit up unassisted, but that only resulted in this..

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No worries though, playtime was still a go!

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How long does that “put anything I can in my mouth” phase last? Or maybe I don’t want to know.

What I do know, is that we’re finding out Avery is a very ticklish baby. Her upper thigh is the most sensitive if the squeeze both sides, it’s my weak spot too, and when I “attack” her legs and stomach.

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Poor girl, she’s probably wondering when the annoying “mom and dad tickle everything” phase will end. Well, Avery, I’m here to say it will never end! Even after you’re grown and out of our house, we’ll still tickle attack you like the baby you currently are. Sorry, it’s just love!

Although Going Mom had to get sick, it ended up being a good day just spending time together and playing with our constantly growing baby. We know she’ll be sitting up on her own soon and face planting will be a thing of the past.

If you’re a mom, have you ever had to breastfeed while sick? Dads, same question but for your significant other.

Any thoughts on the importance of breastfeeding over any other kind of feeding? Please share.