Category Archives: Parenting

Beers with my Brother and Avery with Her Mother

Hey, hey!

Friday has arrived and even as an at-home parent, I’m still excited for the weekend! With no travel plans, it means our little family trio can enjoy time together!

If the title scared you a little by making you think Going Mom and I are in a situation where we are sharing Avery, don’t worry, I just like to make rhymes. Really, I just went out to meet my little brother (Uncle Preston) for a couple of good beers while Kelley was home alone with Avery.

I made sure she was okay with this before making plans, and of course she was happy to set me free…..for a few hours at least. It helps that she’s going to be hanging out a with a group of other girls tonight and I will be the one home alone with Avery.

This could be scary having just me at home with our daughter……Oh wait, not much of a difference from every other day!

We both need our time out and thankfully we understand and work with each other on this. Great communication is key to a great relationship! Write it down, remember this, and never forget! I sometimes do forget and it gets me into trouble…..oops.

Preston and I went to a bar called The Flying Saucer which holds over 200 beers at one time. I’ve been a member, “beer knurd”, for 6 or 7 years now and once you reach 200 different beers, you get a saucer with your name and whatever quote you want on their wall.

After Wednesday night, I now have 53 beers. Yeah, I won’t have that saucer for a while, but I’m okay with that. I do love the occasional drink, but I hardly actually drink. When I do, I might split a good beer with Kelley or sip on bourbon, but that’s it.

Having not had dinner yet, I was feeling pretty good after two draft beers on Wednesday night, and then Preston and I shared a Belgium beer flight. I am confident in saying that Belgium and trappist style beers are my favorite!


Every Wednesday night, The Flying Saucer has a special brewery night where you can get the beer and the keep the glass. I used to do this every Wednesday when I worked late and have a nice collection. I even asked about the prior week’s glass and our nice waitress gave it to us. That glass was a “420” glass from Stone Brewing Co, and although I’m not into that kind of thing, it was still cool.


Here’s the 420 glass..


I hardly ever go out, and when I do, I will not eat at the places we go. I’m a picky person who has to know exactly how my food is prepared, so I tend to do it myself. That said, I can enjoy a few beers as long as it isn’t too expensive, and I had a great time just hanging with my brother.


We don’t get to see each other enough, so we were able to just talk about everything in our lives. For me, that’s Avery, but he had a lot of fun stories to share. Hopefully we’ll plan another outing in the near future and maybe I’ll make it to 55 beers!

It’s Preston’s 22nd birthday on May 1st, and I tried to get a free beer from the waitress; only problem was that I already paid. Dummy! Yeah, I don’t think things through sometimes, just ask my wife.

Oh well, like I said, it was a great time, and we were even treated to this as we were leaving….


The van had a handicap sticker, but hopefully this isn’t a seeing drive dog!

Meanwhile, Kelley had a pleasant evening with Avery and even took her for a short walk in the Onya Outback. Everything was peaceful with Avery sound asleep when I arrived home. I can only hope for the same when Kelley comes home tonight!

Do you have any plans for the weekend?

Ever enjoy the simple things like just have a beer or two with friends or family? I feel I don’t do this enough!

Baby Steps to Baby’s First Steps

So she hasn’t even started to crawl yet, but it’s never too early to start working on “the walk”. Right? Right.

Avery is great at getting her legs up under her, but she’s still not sure what to do with her arms. So when she’s on her stomach, she’s usually like this….


But she’s figuring things out every day, so it’s only a matter of time. I’m not sure if we should be scared or excited. Both? I guess being a parent pretty much means you’re always scared and excited, huh?

It’s evident that Avery wants to be like Mommy and Daddy and stand on her own legs like us. Every time we stand her on her feet, she cracks a big smile and sometimes lets out a high-pitched bird sound. Not sure what it is, but it’s cute and usually means she’s happy.


On most nights now, our routine will include Avery doing what we call “the cat walk” on our kitchen island to keep her happy. Since naps are becoming scarce, Avery isn’t always the happiest of campers in the evening, but she really gets focused while on her feet.


Apparently, I do too! Depending how tired she is, Avery will either let her feet hang as I hold her…


….or she’ll put on a show and strike a pose as she “walks” back and forth across the island.


I know she has a while before she actually walks, but this fun for Going Mom and me to see our daughter enjoying herself and it’s great exercise! Sometimes exercise can be tiring though, so we’ll let Avery take a break and sit at the island.


I guess she’s not too thrilled about sitting on Mommy and Daddy’s head yet. At what age does that happen? Right now she seems unsure of what’s going on. Probably because she is unsure of what’s going on….hmmmm.

Confused on Dad:


Confused on Mom:


Hey at least we both look cool! No?

Oh well, I wanted to make sure and note how Avery is showing signs of mobility other than rolling and hope to post on her next “first”.

When did your baby first start to crawl? Walk?

Know anyone whose baby skipped crawling and went right to walking?

5 Month Vaccinations After Easter!

Yep, we’re that mean, we had our daughter get shots the day after Easter.

Pretty cruel, huh?

We are following the alternative vaccine schedule, so it wasn’t a lot of shots, but we’ll be there again in another month. Sorry, Avery.

Going Mom took the day off to go with us for the shots, and I always appreciate her company. I feel kind of guilty sometimes because when she’s home, I tend to do less of the baby tasks. But, Kelley does enjoy soaking up every extra second she can with Avery, so I don’t think she cares too much.

Once in the car, Avery was flashing us smiles unaware of her pending pricks.


Avery surprised with a hefty poo while waiting in the doctor’s office and we immediately changed once she was in a room. With her diaper off, we put our squirmy baby on the scale to see how much she gained from her 4 month appointment. At 4 months, she was 13 lbs 9oz. and this time she was about 14lbs 13oz. Almost 15lbs!!

I love seeing how much more attentive Avery is with everything and she’ll grab whatever is in reach. We laid her on the patient table and she wasted no time grabbing the paper liner and bringing it to her mouth.


Poor girl, so ignorant of what’s come.

Well, hello nice lady with blue hands.
Well, hello nice lady with blue hands.

There were 3 shots for the day and one nurse tried to console Avery as the other administered the shots.


So much for the consoling, Avery lit up in tears within seconds. She made sure to hit the high chords so everyone knew she was NOT happy.


With all of her squirming, Avery knocked one of the needles off the table requiring the nurse to prep a new one. No worries, Mommy was there to help soothe her.

Oh, okay, that wasn't too bad....
Oh, okay, that wasn’t too bad….

With the last needle ready, Going Mom the now somewhat content Avery back down.

Okay, I'm ready to go back in the car n...hey, wait...
Okay, I’m ready to go back in the car n…hey, wait…

The nurse was quick, but Avery let us know she felt the prick (I like rhymes, what can I say?).


And once more, Super Mommy was there to calm our distraught daughter as Daddy just took pictures.


At least she tried to console her. I think Avery lost her trust in us after thinking shots were over the first time. Now that she’s more aware of her surroundings, I wonder if she’ll pick up on the doctor’s office in another month.

Back in the car, I asked Avery if she was looking forward to her 6 month shots, and judging from her look, I’m thinking NO.


We have been meaning to open a savings account for Avery, and decided to go after the appointment. As we sat in the cubicle with one of the bankers, he asked us for her social and we both turned to look at each other.

Crap! Shots after Easter and we can’t remember our daughter’s social security card! Oops, sorry, Avery.

To try and make it up to her, I offered to let her drive back home.


She wasn’t impressed.

So I put her back in her car seat and we made a stop at Sprouts and an auto parts store before heading home.

Going Mom took advantage of being with us and she wore Avery in the Ergobaby Ventus that they sent me free of charge to review. Kelley was able to quickly put it on and get Avery secure before we went inside.

I made my usual zig-zag through the store as Kelley picked out some baby and lavender oils to make our own baby wipe solution. The solution will consist of baby oil, lavender oil, and tea tree oil. Hopefully this will aid in clearing Avery’s rash and we’ll feel better knowing the ingredients are pure and simple.

Going Mom’s extra day off was spent mostly with us just running around and doing errands, so hopefully we’ll be able to slow things down next weekend and enjoy playing with Avery together.

Have you ever followed up a fun day with your kids by having something not fun for them? Sayyyyy, like shots?

Do you make your own baby solutions for wipes, bathing, or general cleaning?