With my back feeling somewhat better, all of us finally got out of bed and headed to the kitchen for breakfast. It was the usual, Kelley had pumpkin teff porridge, I had steamed veggies with turkey and Beanitos black bean chips on the side, and Avery had, umm….boob.
And, no morning is a good morning without coffee, so I made a cup for Going Mom and myself. We took our mugs on the back porch to enjoy as we listened to the neighborhood kids tell “Your momma’s so fat” jokes; good times.
I had the best view to my right the entire time too!
Sooo, yep, I got to go grocery shopping alone this Sunday. Not wearing Avery must be nice, huh? Nope!
I missed having my little girl close to me with her wide eyes taking in the bright colored consumer goods and mass of people passing by. True, she can be difficult at times, but I felt naked without wearing her in the Onya. I know, I know, next time I go shopping with her I’ll probably complain, but I’d still rather have her with me.
But, I did make use of the free time while Avery was at home with her Nana. Three store trips and several bags plus a box of food later, and I was back home.
My least favorite part about grocery shopping is having to put it all up when you get home. Do you dread that part too? That’s also when Avery likes to start crying, just to make things really fun.
Avery was good for her Nana and instead of cleaning bathrooms with her free time, Going Mom made use of the nice weather and pulled weeds instead.

Before that she enjoyed a beautiful, albeit windy, run while Avery was having her morning nap. This is big for Going Mom since she hasn’t been able to run much since being pregnant, so I’m glad she had the chance. My wife always amazes me and makes me feel like one lucky husband and father!
After visiting a while longer, Nana had to head home, and it was time for me to try our new Fiskars StaySharp Max Reel Mower. Fiskars sent me the mower to review and Sunday was my first trial in the review process. I want to mow a few more times before posting anything, so stay tuned!
But, having missed wearing Avery in the Onya Outback while grocery shopping, I wanted to take her with me for our first mow. With my legs day from the Supreme 90 Day workout complete, why not torture them a little more by pushing a reel mower while wearing a baby? That’s normal, right?

I won’t get too detailed now since that’s for the actual review post, but I enjoyed the mow. The mower actually pushes fairly easy considering it’s only you powering it, and definitely not as noisy as its gas-powered brethren!
The wind coupled with dead grass is not the most ideal mowing scenario, but luckily the Onya’s integrated hood protected Avery from grass flying all over her. Me, not so much. Mowing didn’t take too long thanks to the 18 inch reel mower, which is bigger than most of its kind, and we went for a family walk right after.
Since it was late in the afternoon, I left the hood over Avery in hopes for a short nap, and like usual, she slept. It never takes long in the Onya before she’s out, if only nighttime would be that easy!
The neighborhood goose with multiple names happened to be enjoying the weather too, but he didn’t feel like talking to me..
An hour later and we were back home and ready to wind things down for the night.
We spent a lot of time in the Onya this week and I am growing more attached to it with each use. Although, like most things, there are a few minor issues I have. When using the chest clip, trying to attach it behind my back can be difficult at times if the strap isn’t straight and Avery gets fussy fast when both of my arms are up behind my head. I am sure this is uncomfortable for her, but maybe because she’s still on the small side for this carrier. All in all, these are just petty things that don’t really bother me a lot, but just wanted to mention them. Like the Fiskars Reel Mower, I will be posting a full review of the Onya Outback in the future as well.
Hope you’re having a great start to the week!
Do you have any Sunday morning (or any other morning) routines or is it always spur of the moment?
Would you mow while wearing your baby?