Category Archives: Parenting

Our Baby is a Puppy Smuggler

Saturday was off to a great start with Avery letting us sleep in and waking up happy as can be. We can’t get enough of her smiles, I mean just look at her…..

Avery in diaper_Big Smile 

After laying in bed trying to get Avery to flash us as many smiles as possible, we migrated to the kitchen for breakfast. I normally make some form of protein pancakes on Saturday and this day was no different. In the batch was unflavored protein powder, coconut flour, cooked teff, peanut flour, stevia, and egg whites. I’ll be happy to share a recipe just as soon as I actually measure ingredients!


Avery played in her jumper and flashed us more smiles for a while, but then she started to get fussy. So, Kelley took her to the nursery to feed and get her to take a nap while I finished making the pancakes.

Happy Jumper Time!
Happy Jumper Time!

With Avery down, Kelley and I took to doing things around the house. 10 times out of 10, this means Kelley pulls weeds (weather permitting) or cleans something while I pretty much find something to do in the kitchen. I seriously could keep myself busy in this part of the house all day!

3 hours later with Avery up and done eating, we got in the car to go to the bank and then Costco. Oh, and Starbucks just happened to be on the way……twice. Free refills with a member card MUST be taken advantage of!

At Costco with Avery in the Baby Bjorn (seriously can’t wait for the Onya!) and my jacket zipped over her, she took deep interest in the crowds of people walking by. Then, against our approval, some old and wrinkly lady with 7 layers of makeup approached and poked at Avery with her evil witch smile. Avery just stared and thankfully the lady went on her way; probably back to Oz.

Not Costco, but this was the look.
Not Costco, but this was the look.

We checked out the Nutri Bullet since I was looking for something to make baby food, but after comparing prices against the Magic Bullet, we decided we don’t need one. We do have a food processor and Vita-mix after all, so that would just be a waste of money and take up more space. Now I need to look for some good baby food recipes for the Vita-mix. Know of any?

Back home, we praised Avery for being such a great baby the whole day and hardly fussing while out. Since the weather decided to suck again (cold and windy = suck) Kelley and I agreed to skip our daily walk and do a workout video instead. We have a dvd collection of a cheaper version of P90X called Supreme 90 Day that uses weights and I think is better anyway. We did the Cardio Challenge video which is 30 minutes of 30 seconds on and 30 seconds off of different exercises. Good stuff.

Avery sat in her swing and watched us or the TV as we worked through the video. She would fuss, but I would substitute burpees for several of the exercises and that kept her quiet….for 30 seconds. That and I would just swing her around during the 30 seconds rest. Either way, it was fun and I’m glad Kelley and I got through it with Avery!

Right after, Kelley jumped in the shower while I held Avery and cooked dinner. We pretty much followed the nightly routine from there and Avery was asleep in her crib like normal. She hardly even cried after the bath; it felt too good to be true.

While she slept, we watched two episodes of Breaking Bad since the last of the series became available on Netflix. Only 6 more episodes until we’re done! It’s always bittersweet when you finish a good series.


Then, midnight struck and we heard crying. We sat staring at our baby on the monitor just squirming and kicking while letting out short bursts of squeaks and cries. Once we decided she wasn’t going to just go back to sleep, Kelley went in to try and nurse her back to sleep while I just laid on the nursery floor to keep company.

She fell back asleep pretty fast and was back in her crib minutes later.  That was something new, but the problem was quickly solved. Time for us to go to bed now……wrong! Not 5 minutes later and squirmy puppy dog noises were emitting from the monitor again.

Staring at the monitor once more, Avery would have periods of silence and we thought she was out again, but nope, she’d start back up. We agreed it would be best to let her try falling asleep on her own unless the cries turned into loud screams, so we went to bed.

Listening to the puppy dog noises, we obviously couldn’t sleep, so we sat up talking about puppies for Avery when she gets older and other random things. I mentioned how she sounded like a puppy, and Kelley said she’s probably smuggling them under her crib. With both of us laughing, I said she’s probably only making those cries to cover up the puppy’s noises.

It sure is fun to make something up while trying to make it through your poor baby crying. And, finally, Avery went to sleep and so did we.

I don’t know what brought on this change in Avery since she’s been sleeping through the night for that past few days, but we blame Daylight Savings Time. Probably Avery being a typical baby is more accurate, but I like placing blame on other things. Plus, losing an hour makes me a grouch too!

Do you make your own baby food? Any recipes or links you can share….please?

Have you struggled to let your baby to fall asleep on their own? Ever pretend they are doing something as ridiculous as puppy smuggling?

How To Tell Your Baby They Are Getting Shots

Dad's Face_Smile

Me:  Hi Avery! Can we have a little chat?


Avery: Hi Dad. I was trying to figure out this jumper thing, but I can make time for you. What’s up?

Dad's Face_Serious

Me: Well, remember the conversation we had about a week ago?


Avery: Yes……….Are we going to G-ma’s again?

Dad's Face_Surprised

Me: We will again soon, but that’s not what I want to talk about today. I am referring to the part about the doctor’s visit.


Avery: Doctor’s visit? Hmm, doesn’t ring a bell.

Me: Oh, c’mon, I know you remember. I told you it will be coming up later this month, the 17th to be exact. It will be your 4 month check up.


Avery: Crap! You got me, I remember. I was really hoping you forgot though.

Me: Nope, sorry. And, well, you see, this check up will also include giving you several….ummmm….shots.


Avery: What!? Why would you do that to me?

Dad's Face_Big Smile

Me: Well, these shots will help protect you against things waaayyyy worse than just a tiny needle. So, just a quick little pinch from the shot isn’t so bad considering you could be in severe pain and agony for days from some of these infectious diseases.


Avery: Hmm, never thought of it like that. I’m sure I’ll still cry, I am a baby after all, but maybe not as long as I would’ve before.


Me: Very true, you are a baby and babies do cry, but I appreciate your understanding. Hey, and just think about the good things, we’re getting a new baby carrier soon!

Dad Wearing Avery

Avery: Really? Yay! I’ve been getting really tired of my legs dangling in the Baby Bjorn while going on long walks. I mean, just look at me in that picture.

Me: Yep, we’re getting an Onya Outback provided by Onya themselves! Daddy is very excited and happy about this and can’t wait to take you on adventures while wearing you in it. Plus, you will be in a more natural, wide-legged position that will be more comfortable for you. Another benefit is that the weight won’t be all on my shoulders and your legs won’t be dangling in front of me which makes it really hard to pee straight. You know, it’s the little things.


Avery: Yeah, I do like to kick a lot. Sorry about that. The Onya Outback sounds like it will be much better for the both of us and I can’t wait until we have it too!

Me: It won’t be long dear, and I’ll even be able to buy teething pads made just for the carrier. No more eating the fabric on the Bjorn! We’ll be getting a really cool color scheme of burnt orange and grey which looks good on both mom and dad too. Another cool thing is that Onya supports cloth diapering, which we do with you. I could go on and on, but we’ll discuss this in more detail once we have it.


Avery: Okay dad, sounds good to me. Can I get back to my jumper now?

Dad's Face_Looking Away

Me: Sure thing dear, jump away!

Disclaimer: This conversation really never occurred and would be kinda weird if our almost 4 month old could talk so well. But, it’s always fun to pretend, right? As for most of us with babies this age, you can’t really tell them they are getting shots, it just happens.

How are your kids about getting shots?

Did they ever feel a little ill afterward? Avery was just really tired after her 2 month shots, so we’ll see how these go.

Our Visit to Mommy’s Work and What to do Without a Swaddle

Avery is 16 weeks old today! Where did those other weeks go? I know I am impatient wanting her to grow so we can play and interact more, but geez, time flies! All of those experienced parents telling us how fast time goes with your baby weren’t kidding!

Today we made a trip to Kelley’s work, my old employer, just to see her and old co-workers. After her long morning nap and finishing a bottle, we were off to work….I mean Kelley’s work. That’s so fun to say; being a stay-at-home parent is world’s better in my opinion!

Mommy greeted us at the entrance and I wore Avery in the Baby Bjorn until we were inside. Kelley couldn’t wait to hold her baby and she immediately took her from me once we were in the main area. So, I was looking pretty cool with an empty Baby Bjorn dangling across my body. Not that I really cared, it was casual Friday!

Going Mom and Avery happy to be together!
Going Mom and Avery happy to be together!

Avery got to meet a lot of new people that mom works with and used to work with me too. They all took turns “ohhhing” and “aaahhhing” while passing her around. Avery did much better than I expected with all of the new people and she was hardly fussy at all. Go Avery!

We spent about an hour making our rounds and visiting friends/co-workers until it was time for us let mommy get back to work. It was an overall good trip and I was happy to be able to bring her to Kelley since I know how much she misses our darling little girl.

It felt weird wearing this, but a good weird....
It felt weird wearing this, but a good weird….

Before leaving the campus (it’s a rather large area), I took Avery for a mile long walk around the dirt trails that surround the building. This loop is a walk Kelley and I would take together every day before having lunch, and it was nice to take Avery around.

Ahhh, outdoors!
Ahhh, outdoors!

She seemed pretty alert and interested in the new surroundings, but then fell asleep half-way through. I always hate waking her up to put her back in the car, but since I was in a Fire Lane, figured I shouldn’t press my luck any longer. Oops!

Taking my time before putting her the car seat.
Taking my time before putting her the car seat.

Up to this point, Avery was oddly calm and she just felt like a ticking time bomb for when her major fussy time would blow! Once home, Avery ate a little and showed signs of tiredness setting in. At this time of day, I am usually laying her in her crib for an afternoon nap, but CRAP, her Woombie was wet in the wash and there is no way she can sleep alone without it. We’ll work on that, but not yet.

I put Avery in the carrier and went for another walk with our dog, Abby, since Abby usually gets a walk anyway. I usually have luck getting Avery to sleep while walking, but she squirmed forever while trying to what seemed like climb my chest to get out of the carrier. Finally, she fell asleep as I was half-way through again. I sense a pattern here…. I tried to extend the walk while she slept, but she ended up waking anyway. Is 20 minutes a good nap?

Short answer, no. That time bomb went off not long after coming inside. I offered her more bottle and she finished it fairly easily, but continued to wail and fling her arms about. Still without a swaddle, I just held her close and tried swaying with her. 30 minutes later and her eyes were heavy but still open and she was still crying. Ugh.

At this point I was just desperate to get her to have a little nap before night time, so I brought her to the recliner. With my arms wrapped around her and my hands holding her arms from moving to her mouth (a human swaddle!), I rocked the screaming beauty to sleep. And this is what Kelley came home to….

Baby got cloth diaper back!!
Baby got cloth diaper back!!

Kelley washed up and came back to get Avery for a feeding. The nap was successful and held Avery over until laying her down to sleep tonight. Phew, what a day! Poor girl was exhausted!

Aside from the tiring day, I do have great news! I spoke with a nice person from Onya which makes great baby carriers and they agreed to send one to us to review and write about! I can’t explain how happy I am and can’t wait to wear Avery all around with it. Stay tuned for constant updates on where we travel in the Onya Outback!

Have you ever had to make yourself a human swaddle to get your baby to sleep?
Do you or have you used a baby carrier? If so, what kind?