Category Archives: Parenting

Tummy Time and When Can We Play?!

We are just about 3 months into being parents and I’m already restless wanting to play with Avery. Am I being to impatient? Anyone else have these feelings?

I try and play peek-a-boo, nothing. I open a book to read and she looks everywhere but right in front of her at the book and then usually gets fussy; fail. I jump from around a corner and say boo; bad idea, she just starts to cry.

For some dumb reason, I thought it might be cool to pop those plastic air-filled packaging things for a “fun” and surprising pow sound. Nope. She made her bottom lip turn over just like you’d see a sad cartoon puppy do and started crying. It didn’t last long, but I felt bad. Kelley and I have started calling her sad face the “Hector Face” because it reminds us of the old guy named Hector on “Breaking Bad.”

Okay, her lip goes down more than this and she's a lot cuter, but the name is stuck.
Okay, her lip goes down more than this and she’s a lot cuter, but the name is stuck.

I know I must have patience, and everyone keeps reminding me of this, but I keep trying every day anyway. Since I am stay-at-home dadding, there’s only so much to do. If she’s sleeping, I can’t be too loud, I don’t even flush the toilet! I spend most time in the kitchen making lunch/dinner for Kelley and myself, as well as get in a workout in our cold garage. If Avery naps well, that is.

Then it’s just feed, burp, change diaper, walk/talk/move around, swaddle, try to feed again, try to get her to nap, fail at my attempt, offer the bottle, change diaper again, do chores with her in the Baby Bjorn, attempt to play, fail at playing, and so on and so forth. That’s not a run on sentence, is it?

I’ve been trying to get Avery to move or roll over with Tummy Time sessions, but she just cries the whole time and sucks on her hand. She did, however, get really close to rolling herself over, if that damn right arm would be in the way! Kelley and I got all excited about this and I can only imagine how thrilled we’ll be when she actually does something. #beingnewparentsiswonderful

Why the pound sign talk? No clue, I’m not very Twitter savvy, but this is me trying. Yeah, I know they call it a hash tag, but I refuse to say that because it’s a freakin pound sign! Do you ever hear the automated voice on the phone say “Enter your password and press hash tag.”…..NO!

Tummy Time Fail. Sorry, Avery.
Tummy Time Fail. Sorry, Avery.

Anyway, I’ll let Avery cry for a while as she lays on her tummy just hoping she’ll do something magnificent. Nothing yet, but the day will come, I know it! Then that will be the start of maybe more playing.

We want to get her a bouncer really soon since she is pretty good about holding her head up on her own now. Anyone have any good recommendations? Can’t decide if we should go brand new or find a good used one. Or is that frowned upon? Let me know, I’m up for suggestions!

Okay, Avery is getting squirmy, so that means the end of this post. Off to go see if I will get a happy face or Hector Face….

As a parent, did you ever get anxious to start playing?

How long do you let your baby cry (if he or she did) during Tummy Time?

Bottle vs Boob

If you’re reading this post to see which one reigns supreme, here’s a spoiler, it’s the boob! The boob will always win over the bottle, no contest. Hell, without the boob, there would just be an empty bottle.

Yes, of course there’s formula, but since the ideal food source would be boob, I am not taking formula into account. For anyone who does formula feed, I’m not attacking you at all, so please take no offense. We feel very lucky that Avery is able to and willingly accepts breast milk, and I understand that’s not the case for all babies.

Boob vs Bottle (Medium)

An issue Kelley and I have had disagreements with (she is going to hate that I’m blogging about this; sorry Kelley, I love you!) is how I feed Avery. In the mornings when we first wake up and Kelley is getting ready for work, I will start the first bottle of the day. Some mornings Avery is more fussy than others, but it always seems she is stubborn about taking the bottle.

Admittedly, I do try to get her to take it for too long which just makes her more fussy, or my position is wrong. Kelley has lectured me on this, and I am more accepting when Avery won’t take the bottle, I just give it a break. If Avery continues to be fussy, Kelley will get on to me thinking I’m still trying to get her to take the bottle, but that’s not it, she’s just fussy then.

Kelley will then say that she’ll feed her directly from the source, but I know she really needs to get ready for work. Anyway, after we go back and forth, Kelley will head to work and then I’ll try the bottle again.

Guess what? Avery is way more accepting of the bottle without mom around. I’m pretty confident that when mom is home, Avery knows she could have better than some plastic bottle with a fake rubber nipple; she wants the real thing! So, as we already know, the boob wins against the bottle hands down, but the bottle is also very necessary for us guys.

As a SAHD, I’m useless if I’m not armed with bottles to feed Avery, and I depend on the boob to reload those bottles every day.

Here are a few pros and cons to further prove the boob’s #1 status:


  • Convenient and portable
  • Allows others to feed and give mom a break
  • Gets the healthy fat stuck on the side
  • Have to be cleaned afterward
  • Costs money
  • Not a boob


  • Convenient and portable
  • Nothing to clean once done feeding
  • Free source of the best stuff
  • No fat stuck on the side
  • Dad (or anyone else) can’t use to feed baby
  • Babies eventually get teeth

Obviously the boob is the preferred choice, and yes Kelley, I bow down to you and the almighty boob. I don’t want to argue about anymore and I no longer try to make Avery take the bottle if she is being unruly. I just give her a break and try again later. But I swear, she will chug the thing in one sitting when we’re alone!

Any other couples have this issue? How do you both come to terms on feeding?

Do You Clip Your Baby’s Nails?

We have been avoiding trimming Avery’s pterodactyl claws nails for quite a while now and I thought I’d give it a shot this morning. Bad choice.

It's there, but luckily not very noticeable!
It’s there, but luckily not very noticeable!

The baby clippers I used has a nice light to help see the nails, but attempting while Avery was awake and squirmy is not the best time. I knew this, it’s obvious, but I tried anyway after being scratched so much. Plus, she scratches herself!

Trying to trim her nails in her sleep is pretty useless too since she’s swaddled every time she’s sleeping. So, I figured this was my only shot while she wasn’t too fussy.

I was doing just fine and finished within minutes with a sense of accomplishment. I picked her up and we went back to the kitchen to talk and do whatever else she wanted to avoid crying. Mostly I just stared out the window with her and cursed the cold weather we’re having.

As I looked down on her clothes, there were blood spots across her leg. At first I thought is was from my dry, cracked hands, which is pretty common, but after a quick assessment, there were no open wounds on me. I checked Avery’s hands and sure enough, there was a little spot on her right index finger; right where daddy trimmed her nail!

It didn’t seem to stop since she kept moving her hands everywhere like a baby does, so I put a mitten on there to hopefully let the bleeding stop.

Seems to be acceptable.....for now
Seems to be acceptable…..for now

Do they even have Band-Aids for babies? I figure she’d just put it in her mouth which could be a choking hazard. All of here other scratches clot pretty fast and I’m hoping, given the chance, her finger will too. Avery, when you’re reading this someday, daddy’s sorry. Please don’t take it out on me if you have to care for me in my old age. : )

I think she forgives me! Phew!
I think she forgives me! Phew!

Yesterday we made our rounds to two stores and a vacuum shop to get ours repaired. Avery was pretty good the whole time but really missed out on her naps. I try to plan as much as possible so the entire trip will allow me to avoid feeding in a cold car and just do it when we get home. This worked, for the most part, but getting a good nap was futile and we just waited for her bedtime.

I still have some figuring out to do regarding store trips, but I guess I have time for this being a stay-at-home parent!

Have you ever trimmed more than your baby’s nail? Any advice?

How do you plan store trips with your baby?