One of the biggest fears most parents of toddlers face is traveling with them. I say this with very little experience and only hearing from a handful of other parents’ scary ventures, but figure it’s a safe assumption. Am I wrong?
I recorded a video of me explaining flying to Avery in order to help prepare her for her first time on a plane. In retrospect, it probably helped nothing, and maybe as you read/watch this, that’s being confirmed. But hey, if not for her, I feel better after at least trying to explain flying.
Think I did a good job at explaining? The toy plane running into the wall doesn’t exactly portray a realistic flight, but at least it looks like a plane. The ear popping, loud noise making, and turbulence can only come with experience. Crap, I just upped my anxiety. Good thing Going Mom will be there to help us both!
Well, I’m off and ready to enjoy time with my family in Colorado. Hope to get lots of hiking and kayaking and awesome coffee in while there. Kelley told me not to plan anything on Wednesday, the day before we return, so I’m excited to see what she has planned.
Not sure when I’ll post about our trip, but stay tuned!
Have a great week!