Simple Ways To Relax For Those With Low Energy

Do you need to relax right now? If you do, you probably don’t have the kind of bandwidth left that means you can go for a walk or call a family member and have a present conversation. You need something simple to do that’s going to help you right now!

Whether you’ve had a long working week or you’ve been dealing with a big family crisis, you’ve now got little energy left, and you definitely don’t have the patience or capacity to cook a nutritious meal or cover the bathroom in candles and incense either! 

But seeing as we all relax in our own ways, it’s good to have a long list of potential ideas for simple relaxation methods. This way you can try out a few things that won’t take much effort at all, meaning you can end your day in a comfortable and supportive way. 

Let’s make that easier as well. Here’s a little list of simple ways to relax that could work for you. 

stress, relaxation, cup of tea, tea, calm

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Have a Hot Drink Under a Blanket

It’s the simplest and most easy thing to do, but if you’ve got some hot chocolate or cocoa in the cupboard, pop it in a pan and make yourself a good hot drink to sip on. Then grab your favorite blanket and cozy up under it. Whether on your bed or on the sofa, as long as you’re somewhere comfortable and you don’t feel the need to get up again, you’re in the right place. After all, now you’re in the perfect position to have an easily relaxing evening! 

Once you’re in position, you can get up to all the other de-stressing ideas down below. For the meantime, make sure you’ve got a big cup to get through and the blanket you’re under is super fluffy and warm! 

Put Some Music on

Changing your environment can have a strong impact on your mental health. 

Play a Game You Don’t Have to Focus on

Games are meant to be fun, and if you’re already a fan of video gaming in your spare time, loading up one you don’t have to focus on is a good way to replenish your energy. This is likely to be a simple game such as minesweeper or an old game you know well that you’ve already sunk hundreds of hours into. 

Load it up, spend at least half an hour on it, and let yourself relax and have some fun without thinking about the world outside. Instead, spend some time in another world, and get involved in character problems that aren’t real and don’t require much thinking or effort from you.

And gaming has been proven to be a very relaxing activity to try out. If you’ve got a free evening to yourself and you really need to recharge your batteries for a while, use this hobby to disengage from reality at hand and take things at your own pace. 

Have a Nap

If it’s been a very long day and you just need to shut your eyes right now, feel free to take a nap! It doesn’t even need to be only 20 minutes long – you can sleep for upwards of an hour if your brain and body needs it. Let your body guide you in this moment; not listening to it is what leads to draining days like these happening a little too often! 

Curl up somewhere comfortable and take a nap; sometimes it really is the only reliable way to recharge, especially when your energy has been completely drained from you and you feel you couldn’t even take another step! 

So, if you’re a bit zombified right now, get some sleep. Or if you feel you’re going to be napping for a long time, just head to bed early and have a very good night. It’s perfectly OK to be in bed by 7pm some nights! 

Tense and Release

A form of mindfulness, tensing your muscles for around 10 seconds (or just as hard as you can tense them) and then releasing and letting the tension out can bring you into the moment. It’s a good grounding technique that helps your muscles to let go of that last bit of rigidness that was making you feel on edge. 

When you tense and release each muscle in turn, going down your body from your head to neck to your shoulders and so on, each muscle group is going to get its turn. This will ensure you let out tension all the way across your body and you’re not holding onto anything without realising it. 

Background Noise and Deep Breathing

If you don’t tend to practice deep, diaphragm breathing from time to time, let your lungs fill as much as you can and make sure you breathe from your belly (and not your chest!). The more you breathe like this, the easier breathing is going to feel, the less pain you’re going to carry in your body, and the less tension you’re going to feel across your shoulders. 

Try to keep your feet on the ground as you breathe like this, and then put some background noise on that you can zone out to as you practice. This is a good way to ground yourself and clear your mind from the worst of the thought cycles that are going round it. 

The background noise you’re using should be a sound you really enjoy, such as whale song, or a rainy forest, or even ambience from a coffee shop. If you like it, it’s going to be a lot easier to be present with yourself and not your worries. 

Take your time trying out deep breathing, as you’re not going to feel immediately relaxed after only a couple ins and outs. It’s even recommended that you should get your breaths down to only six per minute, which can help to regulate the inner cogs and clocks that rule your body and the way it behaves. 

Put Something You Love on TV

If there’s a TV show or a movie you’ve always loved to watch, and it doesn’t matter how many times you put it on – you still have fun with it – put it on right now. Having something  beloved to watch during low energy periods when you need to recharge can help bring you back to a peaceful peace where it feels easy to breathe. 

So put something you love on the screen and lose yourself to it for a little while. If you can clear your mind and end up feeling a bit stronger as a result, that’s a good thing. At the very least watching something relaxing can help you get to bed and get a good night’s rest. 

Unwinding before bed is the best way to lull yourself into a comfortable sleep, even if you need to stare at a screen for a bit! And if you happen to fall asleep as you’re watching, that’s perfectly fine too. After all, it only happens every now and then. 

If You’ve Got Low Energy, Don’t Push Yourself! 

Keep it simple instead! That makes relaxing when you’ve got no energy to do anything else perfectly possible. You can kick back with your feet up and sip a warm drink, tensing and releasing your muscles as you recline, with some warming music or something funny you love on the TV in front of you. What could make for a better evening after you’ve had a hectic and stressful day?

The Dos and Don’ts of Purchasing Private Plates

Private plates, or personalised number plates, have surged in popularity over the years. They’re a brilliant way to add a unique touch to your vehicle, making it truly your own. But before diving into the world of private plates, there are a few key things you need to know. Let’s explore the dos and don’ts of purchasing private plates to ensure you make the best choice and avoid common pitfalls.

Why Consider Private Plates?

Private plates offer more than just a way to stand out on the road. They can be a reflection of your personality, commemorate a special date, or even be a strategic investment. Imagine cruising down the street with a plate that spells out your name, nickname, or a meaningful word. It’s a great conversation starter and a way to showcase your individuality.

Do: Research Thoroughly

Before buying a private plate, do your homework. Research is crucial to ensure you understand the process, costs, and regulations involved.

Understand the Regulations

In the UK, the DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency) has specific rules about what you can and cannot have on a private plate. Your chosen plate must adhere to these rules:

  • Format: Private plates must follow a specific format, which includes letters and numbers in a particular order.
  • Offensive Content: Any plate that could be deemed offensive or inappropriate is not allowed.
  • Age Identifier: You cannot use a plate that makes your car appear newer than it is.

Check Availability

Private plates are unique, so once a combination is taken, it’s off the market. Use the DVLA website or other reputable plate dealers to check if your desired plate is available.

Don’t: Rush the Purchase

Impulse buying can lead to regrets, especially with something as personal and permanent as a private plate. Take your time to consider all aspects before making a decision.

Set a Budget

Private plates can range from relatively affordable to incredibly expensive. Determine how much you’re willing to spend and stick to that budget. Remember, the cost isn’t just the initial purchase price; there can also be fees for transferring the plate to your vehicle and retaining it in the future.

Think Long-Term

Consider how your chosen plate will feel in the future. Will it still hold the same significance, or could it become outdated? Opt for something timeless rather than a fad that might fade.

Do: Use Reputable Dealers

When purchasing private plates, it’s essential to use reputable dealers to avoid scams and ensure the process goes smoothly.


The DVLA is the most secure place to purchase a private plate. They offer a wide range of plates, and the process is straightforward.

Established Plate Dealers

If you’re looking for something more specific or potentially unique, use established plate dealers with good reputations. Read reviews, ask for recommendations, and ensure the dealer is registered and trustworthy.

Don’t: Ignore the Transfer Process

Once you’ve purchased your plate, you need to transfer it to your vehicle. Ignoring this step can lead to complications and potential fines.

Follow DVLA Guidelines

The DVLA provides clear guidelines on how to transfer your new plate to your vehicle. This includes sending off the relevant documents and ensuring your vehicle meets the necessary requirements.

Notify Your Insurance

Don’t forget to inform your insurance company about your new private plate. This can affect your policy, and failing to update them can cause issues down the line.

Do: Consider Future Resale Value

While private plates are personal, they can also be an investment. Consider the potential resale value of the plate if you decide to sell it in the future.

Unique and Desirable Plates

Plates that spell out common names, initials, or words can hold significant value. The more unique and desirable the plate, the higher its potential resale value.

Don’t: Personalise Too Much

While it’s tempting to go all out, over-personalisation can limit the plate’s appeal and resale value.

Keep It Simple

Opt for a plate that’s personal but still has broader appeal. Avoid overly niche references that might not be understood by others.

A Handy Checklist for Purchasing Private Plates

Here’s a quick checklist to help you navigate the process:

  • Research the DVLA rules and regulations.
  • Check the availability of your desired plate.
  • Set a clear budget and stick to it.
  • Consider the long-term significance of the plate.
  • Use reputable dealers, preferably the DVLA or well-reviewed private dealers.
  • Follow the transfer process carefully.
  • Inform your insurance company.
  • Think about potential resale value.
  • Avoid over-personalising to maintain broader appeal.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

Ignoring Legal Requirements

One of the biggest mistakes is not adhering to the legal requirements set out by the DVLA. This can result in fines and the revocation of your plate.


Be wary of inflated prices from less reputable dealers. Always compare prices and ensure you’re getting a fair deal.

Not Considering Plate Readability

Your plate needs to be readable to both humans and automatic number plate recognition systems. Fancy fonts or designs might look good but can cause legal issues and misunderstandings.

Final Thoughts

Purchasing a private plate can be a fun and rewarding experience, adding a personal touch to your vehicle. By following these dos and don’ts, you can navigate the process smoothly, avoid common pitfalls, and ensure your new plate is both meaningful and compliant with all regulations. Remember, it’s not just about making a statement; it’s about making the right statement. So, take your time, do your research, and enjoy the journey of finding the perfect private plate for you!

Benefits of Renovating Your Home Often

home improvement, painting, home, house, design, style
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In Georgia, where the charm of old Southern homes meets modern urban development, the idea of renovating homes often might seem unnecessary at first glance. Yet, whether you reside in the historic districts of Savannah or the bustling suburbs of Atlanta, regular home renovations can significantly enhance both your lifestyle and property value. Updating your home not only preserves its character but also adapts it to contemporary living standards, ensuring it remains both functional and competitive in the ever-evolving real estate market.

Increasing Property Value

One of the most compelling reasons to renovate your home frequently is the potential increase in property value. In today’s real estate market, updated homes tend to sell faster and at higher prices. Strategic renovations, such as updating the kitchen or bathroom, can offer a substantial return on investment when it’s time to sell. Regular improvements also prevent your home from becoming outdated, which can be a significant deterrent in a fast-paced market. Keeping your home modern and well-maintained makes it appealing not just to potential buyers but also enhances your equity.

Maintaining Modern Standards

To ensure your home does not fall behind in terms of design and functionality, regular renovations are essential. Modern homebuyers look for properties that reflect current trends and technologies. Lookup the keyword Quality Craftsmen Georgia on a search engine, and you’ll find experts like Quality Craftsmen who specialize in transforming old spaces into modern marvels that meet current standards. Staying updated with the latest in home design not only makes living more enjoyable but also keeps your home ready for the market should you decide to sell.

Enhancing Energy Efficiency

Renovating your home can significantly improve its energy efficiency, which is not only good for the planet but also for your wallet. By incorporating energy-efficient appliances, upgrading insulation, and installing new windows and doors, you can drastically reduce your energy bills. These changes not only contribute to a more sustainable environment but also can be highly appealing features when selling your home. Energy efficiency is increasingly becoming a standard expectation among homebuyers, making this a wise area to invest in during renovations.

Reducing Long-Term Maintenance Costs

Regular renovations can help you catch and address minor issues before they become major problems, potentially saving you thousands of dollars in long-term maintenance costs. By replacing aging parts of your home, such as the roof or water heater, before they fail, you prevent the damage that these failures could cause. Frequent check-ups and updates to your plumbing and electrical systems can also prevent the kinds of emergencies that lead to costly last-minute repairs. These preventative measures ensure that your home remains in top condition, decreasing the likelihood of unexpected repairs.

Improving Functionality

As your life changes, so too might your needs from your home. Regular renovations provide the opportunity to adapt your living space to fit your evolving lifestyle. Whether it’s converting an unused attic into a home office, adding a nursery, or remodeling your kitchen for gourmet cooking, updating your home to match your current situation can significantly enhance your quality of life. Additionally, functional improvements can make your home more appealing and tailored to the needs of future buyers, should you choose to sell.

Boosting Aesthetics and Comfort

Aesthetics play a crucial role in transforming a house into a home. Regular renovations allow you to refresh the look and feel of your home, keeping it in line with your personal tastes and current design trends. Simple changes like a new paint color, updating fixtures, or adding decorative elements can significantly enhance the comfort and visual appeal of your living space. By keeping your home aesthetically pleasing, you also ensure that it remains an inviting space not just for you and your family but also for guests.

Preparing for Future Sale

Even if you’re not planning to sell your home immediately, regular renovations can prepare it for a future sale by ensuring it remains competitive and attractive in the housing market. A well-maintained home with updated features appeals more to potential buyers and can fetch a higher selling price. By continuously improving and updating your home, you ensure that it’s always ready to go on the market at a moment’s notice, potentially reducing the time and effort needed to make it sale-ready when the time comes.

Adapting to Technological Advancements

Incorporating the latest technology into your home not only improves functionality but also future-proofs your property against becoming outdated. Renovations are the perfect opportunity to integrate smart home systems that enhance security, efficiency, and convenience. From smart thermostats and lighting to advanced security systems and automated appliances, these technologies make everyday life easier and can significantly increase the desirability and value of your home.

Addressing Health and Safety Concerns

Regular renovations allow you to address any emerging health and safety issues within your home, ensuring that your living environment remains safe and comfortable. This could involve removing hazardous materials like asbestos or lead-based paint, updating old electrical wiring that poses a fire risk, or improving indoor air quality by replacing old HVAC systems. Keeping your home healthy and safe is paramount, not only for your own well-being but also for maintaining its value and appeal in the real estate market.

Personal Satisfaction and Pride

Beyond the financial and practical benefits, regular home renovations can provide a sense of personal satisfaction and pride. Transforming your living space to reflect your personal style and suit your lifestyle needs can bring immense joy and a sense of accomplishment. A well-maintained and beautifully renovated home is a source of pride and can serve as a personal retreat from the world.


Renovating your home regularly is not just about keeping up with the latest trends or preparing for a sale; it’s about creating a living space that continuously evolves to meet your changing needs and desires. The benefits of regular home improvements range from increased property value and reduced maintenance costs to enhanced comfort and personal satisfaction. Each renovation project, no matter how small, contributes to a home that is not only more enjoyable to live in but also a smart long-term investment. Embrace the process of renewal and enjoy the myriad benefits that come with regularly updating your home.

An at-home dad on a mission to keep it real when it comes to food, fun, and raising a healthy, happy family.