Going Healthy: 6 Light and Easy Ways to Dress Your Salad

Are you planning on having a big feast prepared for your July 4th celebration? For most, I’m sure that involves a grill and all different kinds of meat; right? This dad loves organic, grass-fed meat (preferably local) as much as any omnivorous individual, but I “rarely” have it since it is costly. Ha, get it, “rarely”? *sigh*

Well, while the main dish is always important, don’t forget about the very healthy side options that make your celebration, or any meal, complete; fruits and veggies! An easy way to get a substantial dose of these vitamin and mineral rich plants is to create a salad.

I’m salad’s number one fan and have a giant one filled with all sorts of goodies every night, but I never use salad dressing from a bottle. Nope, most bottled salad dressings will turn that once healthy bowl of fresh produce into something not so good for you rather quickly.

Just one tablespoon of popular dressings like ranch, Caesar, and thousand island range from 65 to 75 calories. If you ever tried measuring your dressing, I’m sure you’ll find most people put way more than one tablespoon!

Ranch Dressing Nutrition Facts

Not to mention you are receiving very little, if any nutritional value from these. Also, beware of the “light” or “fat-free” varieties, these are typically loaded with sugar and extra chemicals to maintain a certain thickness. No thanks!

I enjoy finding new and creative ways to “dress” my salad without the use of those creamy and/or chemical-laden choices and using things that actually boost the nutritional value. Here are six options I suggest trying next time you’re having a salad.

Salsa on Salad

1. Salsa – If you need to cut down on calories or just looking for something different, salsa is your answer. There are many varieties to choose from at the store, just look for real ingredients and nothing more. I’ve seen modified food starch, guar gum, and even corn syrup in some, so be cautious! From mild, medium, or hot, have your choice and mix into your salad as desired. Add some canned black beans, corn, and tomatoes for a Mexican fiesta salad.

2. Nuts and Seeds – Add crunch with a healthy dose of protein and good fats from seeds like sunflower and pumpkin seeds, and nuts like pistachios, walnuts, and almonds. It’s easy to go overboard though, so try and keep it to a moderate amount.

3. Dijon Mustard and Yogurt – Stir a big spoonful of Dijon or your favorite mustard (I enjoy horseradish mustard) into 1/4 to 1/2 cup of non-fat plain regular or Greek yogurt for a healthy dressing made in minutes. Increase taste and nutritional value by adding your favorite herbs and spices; my favorite combo is cumin, cayenne, garlic powder, and dill. Have fun, be creative, and see what you can make.

4. Avocado – Just chunks of plain avocado spread across and mixed into your salad gives you the creamy texture of those heavy dressings, but in the form of one ingredient, and a healthy one at that! To avoid it from turning brown to quickly, sprinkle a little lemon juice on top. Lemon juice also adds a little something extra to your salad with no cost to your calorie budget!

5. Vinegar – Unlike the bottled vinaigrettes with sugar and oil added, I go for the plain vinegar types. With varieties like red wine, balsamic, apple cider, and more, you’re bound to find one you like. It’s strong enough to where you don’t need much, and goes well if you’re using avocado or nuts and/or seeds. The fat you’re getting from these offers more nutrition than the processed oil in dressing.

Papaya Seed Salad

6. Papaya Seeds – Yes, you read right, seeds from the papaya fruit. I love to buy fresh papaya, cut it into chunks and freeze for appetizing blender concoctions; but what about all of the seeds in the middle? Unlike the fruit that encompasses them, the seeds have a pleasant peppery taste which pairs well on salads. Try it. Papayas are easy to prepare; just peel the soft skin, cut down the middle, and viola, you have the seeds! Scoop out the seeds and keep in an airtight container in the fridge; then enjoy fresh papaya as you’d like.

Not only are these healthy ways to top your salad, but they are interesting and even fun to try. I’ve used all of these and even mix several at a time to come up with new flavors. Try setting out different options to have your kids try ones they are most interested in, they will have fun creating their own “dressing”.

Above all, these can be used year round, so don’t limit yourself to just special occasions; reap the benefits of healthy choices every day! If you’re in the U.S., have a happy and safe Fourth of July!

Since I can’t have a post without giving you at least one pic of Avery, here’s what she’ll be doing for the 4th….

I'll have a breast milk martini....shaken, not stirred.
I’ll have a breast milk martini….shaken, not stirred.

Have you used any of these as salad dressings before? Do you have any others?

Do you have any plans for July 4th? Going Mom, Avery, and I are going to G-Ma’s house to watch fireworks in the neighborhood and enjoy each other’s company. This will be our first 2-night stay with Avery, so hope it goes well!

I Hope She Likes Ninja Turtles and Forts

Did you know the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles originated in a comic book? They were created as a way to parody 4 popular comics of the 1980’s. Just your interesting fact of the day; you’re welcome.

If you’ve been reading my blog or following any of my social media outlets recently, you know Avery has “turned in” her rolling skills in exchange for crawling. Yes, this means more work for Going Mom and me, but it’s also exciting since it means more playtime during the day!!

We still can’t wrestle or run around the house as I chase her down with the “tickle birds”, but her crawling means that time is coming soon!


Turtles are a big thing in our family, hence Avery’s newborn pic in a turtle crochet as my blog header, and our home has several turtle toys, blankets, and stuffed animals spread throughout. If she grows up hating them, I’ll know we went overboard, but hopefully that’s not the case. Hey, her first encounter with our pet box turtle, Tash, went well, so I’d say things are going in the right direction so far.


As a kid growing up in the late 80’s and early 90’s, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were (I think they still are) awesome! Somehow, Nickelodeon has managed to take over the TMNT franchise and have butchered the way they look and act which really pisses me off. Despite this, I stand true to being a Ninja Turtle fan, and hope to impart my “turtle love” on to Avery.

The original.

Even as Kelley is trying to sound out “momma” and “papa” for Avery’s first words, I’ll throw in “turtle” for an impartial first word. If she says “turtle” first, there’s no animosity for her saying “mom” or “dad” first; win-win!

I don’t even know what to say…..

Man, if only I kept those original Ninja Turtle action figures from my childhood; the ones in stores now just aren’t the same. Please tell me I’m not alone here. Any other original TMNT fans who are disgusted with what they are now?

Sorry, had to rant a little, back being a parent……kinda.

Another thing I’m looking forward to is building forts with Avery. Another childhood (and parenthood!) must is having a fort to let the imagination run free. When you build a fort, it can be King Arthur’s castle or a space station from the future; both cool things, by the way.

Yesterday I figured I’d try and combine my two hopeful desires by quickly making a fort with her new playpen and a big box along with a Ninja Turtle blanket for the door.

I know, this is the Nickelodeon version; I work with what I have!!
I know, this is the Nickelodeon version; I work with what I have!!

Not much to look at, but it’s perfect for her first fort encounter. Or so I thought….


I sat her down, proud of my turtle themed structure, and watched in anticipation for her to crawl into the fort. And then I waited, and waited a little more; nothing.


“Oh, duh.” I thought, “She doesn’t realize she can crawl through the blanket yet, I’ll just put her in there myself.”


She wasn’t impressed.

Get. Me. Out!!!
Get. Me. Out!!!

I helped her out of the enclosure and continued watching her in hopes that she’d come around and heed my efforts, but her fussing simply increased with each passing moment.


It was right around naptime, so I’m telling myself that’s the only reason for Avery not immediately taking a liking to awesomeness that is what I’m deeming the “Cowabunga Fort”. My efforts shall not be thwarted, and you can rest assured I’ll continue trying. Just like our baby-led weaning experience, I’m sure she’ll catch on and “take a bite” after several attempts.

Kelley is not totally signed on to Avery playing with Ninja Turtles, not because they’re labeled as a boy toy, but because she just doesn’t like them herself. Fine with me, now I have two girls to convince Ninja Turtles are totally tubular, dude!

We both believe toys should not be gender specific, and try hard to surround Avery in a variety of things colored more than just the typical pink. If we had a boy, I’d like to think I would be perfectly fine with him playing with a doll. After all, playing with dolls is not about being a girl, it’s about taking care of another person, about developing social skills, learning body parts, and so much more.

Read more about how beneficial it is for both boys and girls to play with dolls here. I found this link in another blog from the guest poster, Torsten Klaus. The blog is FromaDaddy, and I suggest you check it out as he shares great stories about his life with two children and one wife.

What’s your opinion on gender specific toys?

Were you raised to only play with toys geared towards your gender?

How do you feel about the Ninja Turtles operated under Nickelodeon vs. the orginal?

June Photo Journal and I Can’t Believe They Did “This” in the 1930’s

Now that Avery is becoming an active baby, I want to start posting some of my favorite photos at the end of each month. I’ll still have plenty of posts documenting every minute detail of her daily activities like any new parent would, but these are just like bonuses.

If you enjoy looking at cute baby pictures and not reading, this is the post for you!

Before I begin, I wanted to share this article about something invented for babies in the 1930’s; a window cage suspended outside of a window! It was proposed as a solution to provide babies with fresh air and sunshine to those living in high buildings with limited access to the outside, but thankfully no longer used! Crazy times…

And now, reliving the month of June with some of my favorite photos.

Placing 1st in our first race together!
Placing 1st in our first race together!
Petting the neighborhood ass.
Petting the neighborhood ass.
Family pool trip!!
Family pool trip!!
Visiting a local brewery for my 30th. Avery slept most of the time.
Visiting a local brewery for my 30th. Avery slept most of the time.
Fun with lasers for the pets and baby!
Fun with lasers for the pets and baby!
Testing out the crib on my birthday.
Testing out the crib on my birthday.
The "I'm not listening." raspberry.
The “I’m not listening.” raspberry.
A very active 7 month photo session.
A very active 7 month photo session.
You can't be mad at me, I'm too cuuuuuttttteeee!
You can’t be mad at me, I’m too cuuuuuttttteeee!
Building an activity board and she likes it!!
Building an activity board and she likes it!!


I can finally wear her on my back in the Onya!!
I can finally wear her on my back in the Onya!!
Frizzy hair smiles!
Frizzy hair smiles!
A photo book of daddy and Avery from my loving wife!
A photo book of daddy and Avery from my loving wife!
Door stops are the coolest!!
Door stops are the coolest!!
The demon inside...
The demon inside…
Learning good nutrition from the start!
Learning good nutrition from the start!
An official crawler!
An official crawler!


Keeping my girls contained is tough work!
Keeping my girls contained is tough work!
Getting a much needed baby gate for the new crawler.
Getting a much needed baby gate for the new crawler.


What do you think of having your baby suspended outside of the window of a tall building?

How was your month of June?

An at-home dad on a mission to keep it real when it comes to food, fun, and raising a healthy, happy family.