Right now, she can sit up without even trying. Seriously, she’ll wake in the middle of the night and all of the sudden, she’s upright…..and crying.
She eventually tumbles over and will (usually) fall back asleep.
Now the next big milestone is crawling and/or walking, and we need to get our house prepared! Of course there’s always something we’ll miss and won’t find out until she finds it for us, but thankfully Pinterest is here to offer a helping hand.
By the way Avery is able to move around just by rolling and scooting, it’s only a matter of time before she’s getting into anything within reach. If you have a baby that’s about to be or already is becoming more mobile, I hope these top ten picks help get you prepared.
1. 10+ Tips for childproofing. Practical tips and advice we all should read up on!
2. Pict-o-graphs are fun and a great way to have important info all on one giant page. Great for printing! Now I just need a printer…..
3. DIY baby gate? Yes please, the store-bought ones are pricey!!
4. We don’t have stairs in our home, but I’m sure many of you do and would like to NOT put holes anywhere. So, here you go!
5. Pool noodles to the rescue! It may not be the prettiest way to baby proof, but you might as well get used to the fact that having a baby isn’t always pretty! We’re slowly catching on…..
6. I shouldn’t have to explain the reasoning here; babies in trash = no good. I didn’t even think of the trash until seeing this Pin!
7. Well looky here, the pool noodles make another safety appearance. Again, is it pretty? No. But will it save your kid from busting their lip or worse? I sure hope so!
8. Room by room tips on baby proofing. Just skip to the rooms you need and see if there’s any new ideas.
9. Okay, last pool noodle Pin. Only because I have one left before ten. you could really surround your home in pool noodles! Hmmm, wonder if Going Mom would approve?
10. Just in case we missed something from the above pins, hopefully this will complete your list of to-do’s!
So, are you ready to baby proof your home? Have you already proofed thinking you were all set and found something else?
Let me know where you are in the process and please, share any tips you might have to offer!
You might be interested in my other Top Ten Pinterest Picks for helpful ideas and even a good laugh: