Smiling Baby Pictures for Instant Stress Relief

You know “those” days, when nothing goes as planned and you’re feeling overwhelmed about everything. Yep, that’s stress and it sucks!

It’s said that a little bit of stress is good for us, but I’m willing to bet we get way more of than we prefer. When I’m feeling stressed, seeing my smiling baby’s face makes it all go away in an instant.

I could be chopping veggies and slice my hand (true story) making me run around franticly trying to stop the bleeding and not freak out. But, if I look up and see Avery’s face smiling at me, I would forget my injured limb and just smile back; then I’d proceed to freak out.

Anyway, here’s a few pictures of Avery smiling. These make Kelley and me happy every time we look at them, and I hope they’ll help you relieve some stress.

DSC_0996 DSC_1014 DSC_1104 DSC_1150 DSC_1421 Happy, swaddled Avery 20140226_201314 DSC_0142 DSC_0677 DSC_0687 DSC_0693 DSC_0696 DSC_0818 DSC_0971

Too many? Didn’t think so. I hope I’ll be able to take many more and share with everyone!

Now go enjoy your day with a little less stress! If you’re still feeling unnerved by something…..see above.

5 Memories from my 5th Month since “Going Dad”

As a parent, there are countless memories we want to love and cherish forever. Sometimes we forget all of the memories as they happen so fast or we get caught up in the next big “first” for baby.

Another Dad Blogger, Jonathan from Dad’s the way I like it, has been making monthly posts to capture a number of thoughts depending on his son’s current age in months. I enjoy reading all of his posts, and here is his current post on 12 thoughts from my 12th month as a parent.

Inspired by this, I am going to start writing a list of memories as if talking to Avery every month. Like Jonathan, the number of memories will be driven by my daughter’s current age in months.

Today, Avery is 5 months old, and although my list of memories could already span across the U.S., I will limit it to 5.

So, Avery, it’s exciting and scary to think of reading these with you years down the road, but here are 5 of my memories since becoming your father.

1. I remember mommy and me sitting in our living room with the lights off while you slept in your swing every night for about the first 2 months. We usually had the swing turned on and it made the most nerve-wracking “click-click-click” that drove us insane.

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Mommy would nurse you to sleep and gently lay you in your swing with a tenderness only she can give. This is when I would be eating dinner and I made sure to tip toe every trip to the kitchen and my heart would stop a second if I made even the tiniest of noises.

2. I remember laying mommy’s breast milk soaked shirt in your crib to get you to sleep there at first. I would tightly wrap your arms in a swaddle in order to keep your arms from thrashing all over which kept you from sleeping.

Avery Sleeping in Crib

Mommy and I eventually had to upgrade to the Woombie and keep your arms down by wrapping a long strip of t-shirt that I cut around you. We did this every night after bath time and most of your daily naps just before you were 4 months.


3. I remember sleeping in with you in the recliner on several occasions during the day and when you woke at night. Mom would usually be the first to try and calm you, but if you were still restless, I would take you to the front room and eventually get you to fall asleep with me in the recliner.


There was one time during a harsh winter storm in February where I had to wrap you in my jacket to keep you warm when our heater went out. But, we still made the most of it and went for a very cold, white walk in the snow.

Avery in sling and snow3

4. I remember the first time I brought you in the garage to workout with me; you were just over a month. I was scared and worried you would start screaming when I was in the middle of lifting something heavy, but you were great!

Avery Under Squat Rack

I used to depend on your morning naps to get a workout in, but now you come to the garage with me every day and do fine watching me…..usually.

Sleeping while daddy works out in the garage
Sleeping while daddy works out in the garage

5. I remember mommy and I cheering you on as you rolled over for the first time. Our excitement was even captured on video to show just how proud we were! Even you were excited!

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Well Avery, like I said, I could keep going forever, but it has to stop at 5 for this post. No worries though, you’ll be 6 months before any of us know it!

Going Mom and I love you so much, may you have another wonderful month of learning and growing!

Active at G-Ma’s and I Almost Forgot Something!

For the past few times we made the trip to my mom’s, Avery’s G-ma, to stay the night, Avery didn’t do much. I mean, the hightlight of our last trip was doing Ninja Turtle puzzles…..without her! Then again, she didn’t do much anywhere because she’s under six months! But, for our trip this past weekend, Avery was more active and full of smiles. For the most part, she’s still a baby and she still cried.

Before leaving on Saturday, we had our usual routine of coffee and protein pancakes while Avery played with her Skwish Stix from the Manhattan Toy Co. Kelley put Avery down for a nap before our drive, and then we did a workout together in the garage.


The Skwish Stix are meant to help introduce the concept of cause and effect as your baby pulls the beads and watches them spring back. They are meant for ages 6 months and up, so I’m giving it awhile before a full review. But, Avery is interested and will grab at them when nearby.

Once at G-Ma’s, we sat Avery in the middle of the kitchen counter to let her read a recent magazine article.


We asked if it was an interesting story, but she just flashed smiles.


I figured it couldn’t be bad with those smiles, but then she just ripped the pages out and tried to eat them.


Hmmm, time to go roll on the floor with Mommy and G-ma!


We spent a lot of time with Avery rolling around and trying to keep her on the blanket. She’s not even crawling yet and she can really get “around”! Too cheesy? Good, the more cheesy the better! Anyway, you could tell Avery was enjoying her time playing with G-Ma, and they both loved every second of it.


Avery has been laughing a little bit, but we’re still waiting for a real outburst coming deep within her stomach. I’ve been able to get the little laughs by crawling around and “attacking” her belly, but she won’t do it for many others yet. That didn’t stop G-ma from trying though…


Avery was going strong and moving around for quite a while when all of the sudden, I think tiredness set in.


Even Abby, not allowed in the room but as close as possible to the “boundary”, seemed worn out.


When a baby is tired, fussiness is sure to follow, and it did. Nothing too bad, but it was time for a little power nap. I brought along our new Ergobaby Ventus carrier that Ergobaby kindly sent me to review, so I figured we’d go for a walk/nap to test it out.


The wind was gusting at high speeds so I utilized the built-in hood for Avery. She didn’t fuss for the whole hour we walked and I know she slept at least 40 minutes. When we returned, I asked Avery how she liked the walk, but she was still too sleepy to answer.


The Ergo was pretty nice and it is smaller than the Onya that we have, but you have to expect a carrier with a built-in child seat will be bigger. I will be wearing the Ergo more before a full review, but one thing I wish it had were extra storage pockets. These are very handy for carrying a phone, keys, wallet, or a doggie bag for our walks with the dog.

Sleep is always up in the air with a baby, and she didn’t do the best at G-Ma’s. Going Mom was up several times trying to feed and console her while my lazy self just laid in bed. Sorry, Kelley. Kelley was exhausted and Avery was still wide awake and very active, so I finally did something took Avery to the recliner in the living room. I rocked and reclined her and she eventually fell asleep on me. She’s not as small as last time we slept together, and it wasn’t the most comfortable, but I know I should still cherish it while I can.

The next day we sipped multiple cups of coffee and Avery rolled around more. My little brother, Uncle Preston, worked late the night before but was home now and he got to hold a happy Avery for bit.


It was good to see, and hopefully they’ll get to hang out more as she gets older. I can see these two becoming best buds, besides her and her Daddy, of course.


The day drew on and it was time for us to head home. Ugh, time goes too fast! G-Ma spent a little longer with Avery showing her some window ornaments and then said our goodbyes.


It usually takes us a month or more before making our next trip to G-Ma’s; I wonder what Avery will be doing then. Maybe crawling?

Oh yeah, I almost forget to say what I almost forgot. It’s nothing big to you I’m sure, but being self-motivated and anal-retentive about fitness (amongst other things in life), this would’ve bothered me had I forgot. What was it? 30 burpees!

Since the day we brought Avery home on 11/17/13, I have committed to doing 30 burpees a day and haven’t missed a day yet. Sunday night, as I had the water and was about to step in the shower, I suddenly realized I forgot. So, what’s an OCD guy to do? I knocked them out right there before getting in the shower!

Phew, close call, and sorry for sharing the details. Now you all know me a little bit better.

Do you have anything that you have to do every day? Every week?

How was your weekend?

Disclosure: The Manhattan Toy Co. and Ergobaby sent me the products I mentioned free of charge to be reviewed on my blog. All thoughts and opinions are strictly my own.

An at-home dad on a mission to keep it real when it comes to food, fun, and raising a healthy, happy family.