Now that we’re past the 2 year mark, I will be changing my usual Monthly Memories posts going forward. Still not dead set on how I’ll go about it, but I figured it would be good to put all of the past memory posts together.
This weekend flew by (as usual) and our one plan to go out to take family photos got nixed from a bad cold / possibly turned sinus infection. Her eyes keep getting crusty and looked so swollen all of Sunday. I think this pic pretty much sums up how she feels…
Poor girl, lucky she has an awesome Mommy who stuck by her side and gave her lots of love all day. She still gave it what she could and remained playful part of the day, and even enjoyed watching some “crazy football” as she is currently repeating a lot. That, and “blue plate tonight.”
Pretty low key weekend, as we prefer, minus the sick kid, so nothing else new to share. Hopefully I’ll be able to report our girl is fully recovered before Thanksgiving rolls around. Until then, on with the compilation of Monthly Memories.
Since there’s no memories post for the first 4 months, I’ll just share pics to see her progression from the start. Then, from 5 months, my first Memories from my Xth Month Since Going Dad post, we’ll go all the way to 24 months.
Wow, if you actually went through them all, thank you, for one, and I bet you’re a close friend/relative. Or just love seeing our precious girl, in which case I don’t blame you. 🙂
Now, if you’ll please excuse me, Thanksgiving is coming up fast, and I’ll be busy working on the few dishes we’re having at our tradition-in-the-making gathering. Hopefully with a healthy toddler tagging along as my official taste-tester.
Well, it’s here, our little girl is now a 1 year old! The world has come full circle around the sun since Going Mom gave birth to Avery as I stood by her side and helped the nurses took pictures while getting in the way at the hospital.
Thumbs up for a job well done by my wonderful wife!
Seriously, how has it already been a year?! A lot has happened between now and then, but some of it all seems like a blur. And this is just the first year!
Today we’re having a small birthday party at our house and hopefully all goes well. After attending one of our neighborhood friend’s party for their 1 year old girl, we now know NOT to give a cake with a lit candle. Who would’ve thought they would grab right at that flickering light? Ha, sorry, neighbors, you know who you are. 🙂
Over the last month alone, we had many memorable moments; here’s 12 of them.
1. I’ve been adding to our cardboard box collection in the house which makes for exciting playtime for the whole family!
2. I successfully brewed my first batch of beer as a dad. You weren’t too thrilled about the beer, but I could tell you were eyeing all of those bottles.
3. Mommy’s work had a family trick-or-treating event, but it interfered with your regular nap time. To ensure you got your rest before we went, I just made nap time a little earlier. You had other plans…..
4. Dressing you up as a pumpkin for your first Halloween costume was far from original, but damn, you were are always cute!
5. Taking you around the neighborhood for trick-or-treating on Halloween didn’t last long, but Mommy, G-Ma, and I had a great time sharing another first.
6. Mommy and I have been sticking our tongue out at you since you were only a few months old, but finally, you started firing back with your own tongue!
7. Mommy took off work and we went to the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Gardens to see the festive fall decorations and take a lot of pictures with you. I know, so rare, right? It was pretty warm that day and you became fussy early, but we still snapped some great shots together.
8. Sleeping on our living room floor with you on my chest and Mommy beside us after a long night of painful teething. It was sad to see you in pain, but ended up being a moment I will always remember.
9. Your poop schedule suddenly had you booked all day for many days in a row. This was a shock since we used to see nothing at all some days. This coincided with your teething, obviously, as it is one of the signs of a teething baby. Yep, confirmed!
10. I have been kissing you goodnight on the cheek for a while now, but this month you started trying to kiss back. It’s more like you stare at me with your teeth exposed, but it’s cute, sweet, and making progress in showing affection!
11. After preparing a warm breakfast of pumpkin teff for Mommy, she let you have some and you ate quite a bit. This was confirmed that night when “the world’s smallest grain” reappeared in your diaper!
12. Your “walking” status keeps getting closer and closer, and now you’re scaling the cabinets in the kitchen or anything else for that matter. This includes going around me by holding on to my legs if I’m in the way.
We are so grateful to have Avery in our lives and look forward to many, many more wonderful years to come. But first thing’s first, lets work on that walking……
I hope to have a great report with lots of pictures from the party some time next week, but for now, I’m off to celebrate our daughter’s 1st birthday with my wife!
Had a pretty good week of workouts and decided to stick with an upper/lower routine by following one I wrote out a few years ago. I’m still adding more conditioning work than needed, but it’s getting better. Avery did great by “spotting” me in her jumper and cheering me on with her cute and loud coos.
I don’t write it out, but I always warm up before lifting with a 10 minutes of dynamic moves and stationary biking before ramping up the weights to my working sets. Again, this is in additional to walking at least a total of 3 or 4 miles each day of the week and chasing a very fast crawler around the house.
– Warm-up walk/jog followed by 12 x ~75 meter hill sprints pushing Avery in stroller with 35lb weights in bottom basket; cool down jog of ¾ mile
– 31 1-leg squats and Push-ups + run 2 miles easy
Thursday – 10/30
– Front Squat: 4 x 8 x 170lbs
– Dead Lift: 3 x 8 x 230lbs
– Clean: 5 x 5 x 120lbs
– 31 Bulgarian Split Squats w/ 20lb Dumbbells/arm and 31 Push-ups
– 1 Round of Tabata bike
Friday – 10/31
– Overhead Press: 4 x 8 x 105lbs
– Barbell Bent Row: 4 x 8 x 130lbs
Superset w/ Dumbbell Incline Press: 4 x 10 x 45lb/arm
– Dumbbell Hang Clean & Press: 5 x 5 x 45lb/arm
– 4 Rounds: Close-grip Bench – 10 x 130lbs, Wide-grip Pull ups x 5, Kettlebell Windmill w/ 25lb/side x 10/side, Bike ~30 seconds
– 31 1-leg squats and Push-ups
Saturday – 11/01
– Cardio Challenge (30 min of 30s on: 30s off) wearing Elevation Training Mask
– 31 1-leg squats and Push-ups
Sunday – 11/02
– Walk 1.5 miles with Kelley and Avery in stroller to playground to push Avery in swing and then run 1.5 miles back
– Reel Mow back yard while wearing Avery in the Onya
– 31 1-leg squats and Push-ups
– Strict Pull ups x 10, 11, 11
November 1st marked the end of October and the month Avery was born. Yep, we’ll be celebrating her one year birthday on the 15th!!! Ahhhh! I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it many times again; being a parent is equivalent to having a time machine stuck on the “future” setting.
I’ll be sharing more about her birthday soon, including her 1 year pictures we had done recently. But I need to go for now and just wanted to mention that I’m participating in Movember and just shaved my face clean on 11/01. Now I’m all set to let my mustache grow…..or something to that effect, it never grew well before.
Starting with a clean slate…..
If you can, I’d love to have you support the cause by donating to my page or team of Dads/Bloggers. Just sharing our page with your friends, family, and followers would be much appreciated too!
Any plans for November?
Have you heard of Movember?
An at-home dad on a mission to keep it real when it comes to food, fun, and raising a healthy, happy family.