Tag Archives: 10 months

10 Month Photo Session + Friday Foodie Fun Facts: Mushrooms

Our past few monthly photo sessions have been quite eventful to say the least, but it seems Avery has calmed down a bit since then. She still fights with her bear, as if it just insulted her crazy, curly hair, but keeping her on the chair wasn’t as difficult this time.

Going Mom had to work later than usual, so I figured I’d try and take a few 10 month pics alone before she arrived home. If I tried this for her 7th, 8th, or 9th session, I would’ve failed miserably….and maybe have an injured baby!

For this reason, I started with her on the floor in fear of what might happen if I set her on the chair and step away.


But, much to my surprise, Avery actually stayed away from the chair’s edge once I gathered the courage to test her. Matter of fact, she didn’t do much at first.


No worries, she quickly warmed up and started flashing some funny/crazy faces as she tosser her bear around. Here are some of my favorites from the solo session before my wife came home to assist.

I'm cute and you know it!
I’m cute and you know it!
There might be poop and there might not....only one way to find out!
There might be poop and there might not….only one way to find out!
Check out my spit bubbles!
Check out my spit bubbles!
Quick, Dad, look over there!
Quick, Dad, look over there!
Hey bear, can we be friends forever?
Hey bear, can we be friends forever?
What? I can't hear you!
What? I can’t hear you!
Yeah, that's what I thought!
Yeah, that’s what I thought!

Thankfully, Kelley arrived home ready for more picture taking, so we went back to the chair. I suck at getting Avery “dressed up” and choose clothes that make it easier for diaper changes over how she looks. Sorry, Avery, that’s why people always ask “How old is HE?”

Since it was late, Kelley opted just to put a bow on Avery after I talked her out of picking a completely new outfit. I’d say Avery was just happy to have both parents at home and spending time with her.

I'm on to you, bear....
I’m on to you, bear….
Still cute....check!
Still cute….check!
This is my bashful pose
This is my bashful pose

Our love for Avery is unconditional, and her personality develops more and more each day. Not long ago, we had a baby who would just lie dormant wherever we sat her and she was completely reliant on us to move her. But now, ha, she’s zipping all over the house and makes it apparent she’s ready to walk very soon!

I could go on raving about our sweet girl forever, but now it’s time for Friday Foodie Fun Facts. This month, I have partnered with Life of Dad and The Mushroom Council and recently published a sponsored post for #ShroomTember with a recipe and details on how you can win $500. Today, I’m going to share fun and interesting shroom facts from The Mushroom Council’s website.

Besides being delicious when cooked or raw, mushrooms deliver a host of beneficial nutrients not found in many other foods. Their wide variety and multiple uses make them perfect to always have on hand. Instead of the normal list, here’s a handy infographic to loaded with mushroom info.


The healthy benefits of mushrooms span far and wide, and if you’d like to learn more, visit The Mushroom Council’s page on the nutritional benefits of mushrooms.

Hope you found one or more things you didn’t know about mushrooms and you’re inspired to go out and try some this weekend.

Are you a fan of mushrooms or can’t stand the sight of them?

Any favorite types and/or recipes?

10 Memories from My 10th Month Since Going Dad

Okay, sh*t just got real, we’re in the double digits for months and never looking back!

What? Oh yeah, at least we have a while before we say the same for years….phew!

Avery is still not walking on her own, but she’s damn close. I am therefore updating my “bet” to her walking before the 11th month rolls around.

The past month has revealed a very active baby, and I can only imagine her activity levels will keep increasing from here.  Fine with me; bring on the baby chasing, fort building, coffee craving days looming in the not-so-distant future, I’m ready! I think….

One leggin it and ready to escape!
One leggin it and ready to escape!

What are the odds that, as I’m pulling Avery out of the litter box after having mastered walking, and, in retrospect, think back to this post wondering why I’d ever wish for such a stressful thing? A super curious baby who can’t quite yet talk or understand most of her parents’ commands, is able to walk/run around the house taking no prisoners in her path. Or, that’s what I imagine sometimes.

Only time will tell for sure, so no reason to sit and contemplate on the “what ifs”. For now, I’ll focus on what is known with the memories we created; or, 10 of them at least.

Avery, I hope you are reading this with mommy and me one day and we are all smiling and laughing at these memories at the ten month mark.

1. Leaving you with G-Ma for the weekend as Mommy and I celebrated our 7 year wedding anniversary in downtown Fort Worth.

2. G-ma discovering your first unofficial first word (words?) of “Uh-oh”. When we came back from our weekend away, you were spouting out “Uh oh” several times a day and it is the first word you repeat when we say it out loud.

3. Taking you down the slide at the neighborhood playground for the first time. Nothing crazy, but it was fun to introduce you to something that will surely become a favorite when you start walking.


4. You saw fish in an aquarium for the first time. I couldn’t get over at your intrigued stare as you gazed at the brightly colored fish in awe. Such a wonderful thing to be able to show you so many things the world has to offer!

5. Apparently, you DO NOT enjoy 2+ hours of riding in the car. The first road trip we took with you to see our friends in Norman, Ok proved to be a dread for all of us. You had a few cute moments, but mostly crying/screaming and little sleep. We’re not sure when the next long drive with you will be, but I’m thinking it will be when you are a bit older.

6. Walking around our old college campus, University of Oklahoma, with you while visiting Sean, Erin, and Brooklyn. The time spent out of the car after our road trip was enjoyable, and you got to play with a big girl; Sean and Erin’s 2 year old girl, Brooklyn.


7. Easily using your borrowed walker to go back and forth across the house. The walker our neighborhood friends let you borrow has turned out to be the most used thing in the house. Mommy and I first had to walk along with you and hold it steady, but now you’ll go back and forth all on your own as you look up at us with a proud grin. Each time, we are quick to respond with a proud grin of our own!

8. Screaming at the highest pitch you possibly can as if it were a contest. Seriously! It’s completely random and this is separate from your crying fits, you just let out loud screams when and where ever you want. This includes as I’m wearing you while shopping in a quite store; I guess it’s too quite for your liking.

9. Taking you to our first dads group outing. Another stay-at-home dad, David Kepley and I have been working with the City Dads Group to start our own Dallas Dads Group and we’re excited for what the future holds. Our first outing was a miniature train ride next to the Fort Worth Zoo. You weren’t sure what to make of the new surroundings at first, but I could see the amazement in your eyes and can’t wait to bring you to many more outings.

10. Kicking the crap out of your crib. The fact that it’s still in one piece speaks wonders about the quality workmanship of your crib, because your kicks are heard throughout the entire house! You’ll kick before falling asleep and soon after waking. Your mom and I will lay in bed sometimes and just listen as you kick and talk to yourself for up to 30 minutes. You aren’t mad or crying, just kicking, rolling, and “talking”. 

Going Mom and I love watching our beautiful girl learn and grow, and we can’t get over how fast the time has gone. It’s bittersweet, really, and I must remind myself everyday not to rush things and just enjoy the moment. Sounds simple, but it’s hard.

Who knows what memories will unfold leading up to the 11th month, but one thing’s for sure, they will happen too fast.

Do you participate in any mom/dad/parent groups with your kids?

Random screaming. How do you deal with it?