Doing well here and happy to have my trusty partner in parenting, Going Mom, home since she took off today. Avery is having her 6 month checkup and a couple more vaccinations. Remember her 5 month shots?
Yeah, oh joy…..
I’ll let you know how everything goes, but now I just want to talk about the Going Strong Challenge I posted several days ago; run a 5k with your kids.
So, have you found a race yet? Not trying to be pushy, just thought I’d check in. I know I don’t have thousands of readers or anything, but if just one of you accepts and finishes the challenge, I’d be satisfied.
Really, just getting out and being active with your kids is the main message here. I still need to pick a race to run or walk (run if in stroller, walk if I’m wearing her) with Avery, but I am signed up and ready to run my last 10k before I’m 30!
The race is called the Unforgotten Heroes Memorial Day Run and is a 5k or 10k. This is the 1st annual run and will be held at the Texas Rangers Ballpark in Arlington on Memorial Day. That’s Monday, May 26th, if you needed to know.
If you’re in the area, come join the fun and support a great cause! Are you already running on Memorial Day? What race do you have lined up?
Most of my “training” has been with Avery in the B.O.B. and our Golden, Abby, on a leash. Needless to say, I’m not expecting to PR by any means, just to run my best and enjoy the last race of my twenties. Eeeesh!
Since this run will be solo with Kelley and Avery there to support me, I still need to step up to my own challenge and run a 5k with Avery. There are plenty of races this summer so don’t worry, it won’t be long before I find one.

Hope you’re having a great Friday and getting ready for a fun and relaxing Memorial Day weekend!
Are you or aren’t you running a race this weekend?
If yes, is it with your kid(s) or solo like me?
Any special Memorial Day plans?