In an effort to work with her bottom lip, I wrote a note in hopes that we could come to an agreement. For a while there, it seemed like it understood to stay tucked up so that Avery’s already irresistible cuteness didn’t transform into an all out war to test the health of our hearts.
See? Doing perfectly fine just like that. As the months rolled one, things were pretty good, and although there was the obvious crying, that lip didn’t do “it’s thing” for the most part. This, I can take…
…kinda. But that bottom lip is something else, it’s…..EVIL!
Anyway, long story short, it’s been coming out a lot the past few weeks which I guess means my note has gone by the wayside. That lip has become a renegade with its own agenda, separate from the parents raising the kid it inhabits.
Not only that, but Avery is now fully aware of the ultimate cuteness that ensues when she flips that lower mouth flange of hers. First she’ll try being cute by saying “Hi” and smiling since she’s caught on that Going Mom and I react with big smiles and ooooo’s and ahhhh’s. But when we are able to hold in, Avery’s next line of artillery is that damn lip!
We’re fighting a losing battle with that thing and there’s nothing we can do about it. Well, I guess we could ignore it in hopes that she stops using it to her advantage, but that’s an arduous task not to be taken lightly.
Until we figure it out, I guess we’re stuck with that cold lip until it “cracks” and starts working with us instead of against. At this point, my wife and I had better be prepared for the long haul all the way to when she’s caught sneaking out of the house, like I mentioned in my note.
Do your kids have a signature “pouty” face that tends to get them out of trouble?
Do they know it?