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How Does EMDR Therapy Work?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a specialized type of psychotherapy used to treat trauma, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. It has been used successfully to help people cope with traumatic life events, such as physical or sexual abuse, accidents, war experiences, natural disasters, and more. This article will provide an overview of EMDR therapy and explain how it can be beneficial for those struggling with mental health concerns.

The Principles of EMDR Therapy

Understanding the EMDR process and its principles is important. EMDR therapy is based on the idea that trauma and other negative life experiences are stored in the brain in a way that can cause distress when triggered. During EMDR sessions, the therapist works with the client to help them process these memories in a safe environment while providing tools that they can use to manage their symptoms outside of treatment.

How Does EMDR Work?

The main principle behind EMDR is bilateral stimulation—a method that involves stimulating both sides of the brain simultaneously. This stimulation is usually done through eye movements or tapping on alternating sides of the body.

As the client follows these movements with their eyes or taps along with the therapist’s instructions, they are encouraged to think about their trauma or anxiety-inducing memories while also focusing on positive self-statements that can help them cope with their emotions more effectively. This process helps them reprocess their memories so that they no longer have a negative emotional impact on them.

The Length of Treatment Depends on the Individual

The length of EMDR therapy depends on the individual and their needs. Generally speaking, the duration of treatment may take anywhere from 3-6 sessions. The number of sessions of emdr therapy melbourne and other areas needed for successful completion also depends on the individual’s progress in therapy. If a person is making steady progress and responding well to the treatment, fewer sessions may be necessary; if there are more complex or deep-seated issues to work through, more sessions may be required.

Why Is EMDR Effective?

EMDR uses an efficient approach when it comes to treating mental health issues. Rather than spending long hours discussing past traumas and working through emotions one at a time, EMDR allows clients to access deeply stored memories quickly and efficiently in order to reprocess them in healthier ways. It also works faster than other types of talk therapy because it targets emotions directly rather than trying to work around them by talking about other topics. This makes it an ideal option for those who don’t have much time or patience for traditional therapies.

Benefits of EMDR Therapy

Studies have shown that EMDR therapy is highly effective in treating a wide range of mental health issues including PTSD, panic disorders, phobias, anxiety disorders, depression, and more. Additionally, many clients report feeling calmer after just one session and find that they are able to better manage their symptoms over time with regular sessions. Furthermore, research has demonstrated that EMDR is just as effective as traditional talk therapies but can often provide faster relief from symptoms due to its unique approach.

Overall, EMDR therapy can be an extremely beneficial tool for those struggling with mental health issues related to traumatic life events or anxieties brought on by difficult circumstances. By combining elements from traditional talk therapies along with bilateral stimulation techniques designed to access both sides of the brain simultaneously, this type of treatment offers an effective way for individuals to process their trauma in a safe environment while providing them with coping skills they can use outside of treatment sessions.

If you are looking for relief from your mental health struggles or would like more information about this type of therapy before making a decision about treatment options for yourself or someone you love, please contact our office today! We would be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding EMDR or any other psychotherapeutic treatments we offer here at Metric Marketing!

How to Help a Pet Settle in

When you welcome a new pet into your home you need to make sure that you and your family get off to a good start. It takes some time to get used to a new pet in the house, and the time that you take can be make or break. You want to know that your cat or your dog is going to settle in very well, and if you have a dog, you have to ensure that you have the time to help it to settle in. The good news is that you can take the time to help your new dog to settle into their new home – you just have to give yourself space!

Not only will you need to find out what your dog is going to need to eat, you need to give them a space to sleep, start Googling around for a dog trainer near me and figure out how much investment you are going to need into training. There are many things that are involved in getting a dog to settle into their new home, and we’ve put together a list of things that you have to consider before you sign on the dotted line and adopt your first pet.

pets, family, dogs, cats, animals, adopt, rescue

Image source: Pexels

  • Be prepared. You want to ensure that your new dog feels comfortable and content living with you and your family. This means you have to be prepared! You don’t want to have to make any last minute dashes to the pet shop for leashes, beds, or feeding bowls, nor should you want to run out of anything that you will need in the early days. Whoever you are adopting the dog from should be able to tell you the kind of food the dog eats, and they should be able to tell you whether they’ve had any training. This will help you to know whether to buy puppy pads, such as these Premium Pet Training Pads with Adhesive Tabs | Bulldogology, or whether you should not worry at all and simply make sure you have a space for them to do their business outside.
  • Make sure everybody is patient. It does take time for a pet to settle in when they first come home. It’s a new and unfamiliar set of surroundings that they do need to get used to. This is an adjustment., and it does vary from animal to animal, so you need to have patience when it comes to getting your dog to settle in. The family, from you to the children, have to be patient with this because the dog will take some time to be able to sleep during the night, or feel comfortable in the house.
  • Take it all very slowly. It’s super tempting to go out and about and show off your new pet to all of your friends and family. You have to put yourself in your pets paws; They are brand new to all of this and you are still a new face. They need to get used to you first. Important thing to consider here is that the pet and you both have a lot of adjustment to make. There is no rush to introduce your new pet to everybody because you are providing a forever home for them. If you take it slowly and don’t run out to bring your dog to your friends, you’ll be able to help them to settle in better.
  • Establish a good routine early on. When you bring the new dog home you have to establish a good routine because they will be used to doing things a little differently. Every single pet has its own set of needs, so establishing a good routine makes things easy for everybody. Their routine isn’t just about the time you take, but it affects how they feed, what they eat and where they sleep. Making sure these remain the same will help them to get used to your home much quicker and it will help them to stay calm. Nobody wants a dog who barks all hours of the night, but you have to be proactive and ensure that the routine is good enough that they don’t feel the need to bark.
pets, family, dogs, cats, animals, adopt, rescue

Image source: Pexels

  • Provide your dog with their own space. It’s not just about whether the bed goes, but where you plan to put the crate. don’t need somewhere that they can feel safe and secure, especially when they are feeling overwhelmed, anxious or stressed. Some dogs simply just get tired. They may want to lay their head somewhere that is away from everybody petting them for 5 minutes. Ensuring you have the space sorted and lined up before you bring the dog home is important to their development and growth.
  • Make sure everybody knows how to behave around the new dog. Everybody is going to be very excited meeting a new pet, so you need to have a conversation with the children in the house before the dog comes home. The dog is going to feel heightened when they first come in and if the children are aware to keep the noise low and disperse big groups, they won’t overwhelm the new dog. Everybody should feel comfortable, including the new pup that’s coming into your house to live with you forever. Make sure that all of the introductions that you have planned are quiet and without interruption.
  • Have a list of family rules established. Rules are super important to make sure that everybody is aware exactly what to do when there is a new dog coming into the house. Establishing these rules can help everybody to know where they should and what they shouldn’t do. If you aren’t allowed to talk in specific rooms, everybody should know about that. Make sure everybody sticks to the same rules that your pet doesn’t get confused, and it also helps everybody to adjust to having a pet in the house.

A new pet is always going to be a welcome addition to a family so make sure that you are all on board with making their settling in as easy as possible.

How to Choose the Right Painting Company For Your house?

Painting is a part of renovating and is often considered to put life in old residential and commercial buildings. It is one of the most exciting activities for any homeowner. Painting makes your beautiful house breathe.

While choosing colors for your room walls is exciting, it is also costly. Therefore, choosing the right paint providers to do it right in the first go. While there are several Denton painter contractors or providers available online, you cannot just select one and give them the job. Looking for experienced and skilled painters is the trick. It will help you ensure the task is done effectively and successfully. For unskilled or inexperienced painters, it can cost you a considerable amount.

5 Tips To Choose Professional Painters in Denton

Conducting thorough research before hiring painting contractors is essential. Below are tips and guidelines to help you choose the best painting contractors for your house.

1. Do your research.

Before choosing any service provider, it is vital to conduct thorough research. Painting your house is expensive; doing it right in the first go is extremely important. To look for painting contractors, it is crucial to understand and evaluate the entire project and the type of provider you are looking for. You can check the advantages of commercial and residential painting contractors. In some projects, remodeling or repairing walls is involved. In such cases, you must look for service providers that can do both. You want professionals who treats your home like their own, which makes it vital to find a reputable residential painting contractor in Lakewood or another area local to you.

2. Look for experience

Painting is an integral part of your house. The looks of your house, taste, and personality are reflected in the way you decorate your house. Therefore, your painting contractor must have years of experience. Always check that your provider has the skill and capacity to take up the project you have to offer. Always look for reputable painting contractors as they have already done several buildings before and have enough experience. Their experience and skill will benefit you.

3. Check their license.

License is one of the critical elements to look for when you are planning to hire a painting contractor. The authorities require Denton painters to have licenses and permits before providing customer service in any state. If you are making a list of painting contractors, ensure they are licensed. It is the easiest way to ensure that your provider is skilled and has passed all the required tests per the state rules.

4. Ensure quality checks.

Painting your home is a thrilling experience that is the first step to making your dream home possible. Since people usually paint their homes every seven to ten years, it is expensive. Since your home is an integral part of your daily life, hiring painting contractors with top-notch quality skills is crucial.

A painter in Denton, Texas, typically charges $60 an hour. However, the charges can vary based on their work. For example, they charge $879 on average to remove wallpaper from walls. For accent wall painting, the Denton painters usually charge $1827.

5. Insurance services

Painting your house can be exciting, especially when selecting your favorite colors for your room. However, it is also a dangerous task, so you must ensure that you select insured painters. In such cases, if any accident takes place during the project, you won’t be responsible for any damage done. The insurance services will pay for the damage. Lastly, always look for contractors who complete the job within that period.


Painting your house is a massive project and requires thorough research and highly skilled painters with years of experience. It is essential to conduct thorough research and look for reliable paint contractors to paint your house.