Tag Archives: avery laughing

Going Dad’s Top Ten Pinterest Picks (3): Baby Memes

Has your kid ever randomly laughed at the most unexpected thing? When she was just a squishy baby, Avery sat next to me in her Mamas & Papas Baby Snug chair as I was cutting bread when she started giggling out loud.

Like any new parent would do, I grabbed the video camera that’s always nearby and luckily got her to do it again. As proof, I uploaded it to YouTube for all to see.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwTowQY1nZ8?rel=0&w=420&h=315]

I later tried to replicate the laugh again and got nothing, just a blank stare. Babies truly are the 8th wonder of the world.

With funny babies on the mind, I searched for laughing babies on Pinterest. What I found wasn’t exactly laughing babies, but multiple baby memes that gave me a good laugh.

There are many with the same picture but different captions which I tried to stay away from. Some captions are just vulgar and not funny to me, so I hope you enjoy these.

1. Going Mom and I are both advocates of breast milk and frown on formula if it can be avoided, so I got a kick out this.

baby memes, funny, humor, babies, pinterest

2. This is one of the reoccurring baby pictures, but I love the caption. I already know I’ll be doing the airplane with a spoon for Avery.

baby memes, funny, humor, babies, pinterest

3. I bet this thought really goes through their head at some point.

baby memes, pinterest, funny, humor


4. Kind of sad, and I apologize if anyone is offended, but this makes me laugh.

5. I bet this happens to a lot of babies quite often.

6. I believe some cats can be evil, this cat being one of them.

7. This could be really bad if it’s another boy in the doggie door….

8. Yes, another one you might see a lot of, but the captions crack me up!

9. One way to deal with the evil cat problem….

10. This is a legitimate concern. Same for baby powder!

Hope you enjoyed these baby memes. If you have any favorites, please share as I’d love to see more!

Have You Ever Seen A Baby Laugh At This?

In what seems to be a long time ago, when we controlled where our baby (now rampant toddler) could and could not go, the most random thing happened, she busted out in the cutest spell of giggles we’ve ever heard.
cute baby laughing
I can’t go anywhere because I don’t know better yet!

Avery is a couple months over 2 years old now, but when she was 5 months old, I had her (safely) sitting on the counter with me as I was busy in the kitchen. I just finished making a batch of NuttZo Banana Bread and went to cut it as her eyes absorbed my every move. Then, right when I started slicing…..

Yeah, you’d think I was dressed in a clown suit honking my big red nose, not simply cutting bread I cooked a little too long. I tried many many many times after that to replicate the laugh for Going Mom with no luck. I’m just happy she did it when the camera was on, now she seems to freeze up when she sees the camera in front of her. Can’t blame her, I’d be annoyed at me too.

cute toddler
C’mon, dad, can you just put the camera down and PLAY?

It’s not on camera, but Avery has been giving giggles like the cutting bread episode almost every night as we play around the house or during dinner. It’s a sound that never gets old and always warms the heart.

Hope you’re having a great Sunday and enjoyed seeing a sweet baby laughing at such a random thing.

Do you have something your kid laughed at unexpectedly?

Does it happen every time or was it a one time occurrence?

One Way James Bond Never Used a Laser

Earlier this month, we were playing with Avery in the living room as it was nearing her bedtime, and, like most babies, she was getting fussy. But, instead of getting her ready for bed, we chose a different route….play time with a laser!
Don't move, you might scare it off!
Don’t move, you might scare it off!

Since that day, we have been able to buy ourselves a little extra time before Avery turns into a sleep deprived night demon with the special power of shrill screaming. As a bonus, our slightly overweight cat gets a nice workout chasing the blasted red dot across the floor. This, in turn, amuses Avery more than the laser alone and even makes her laugh the craziest and cutest sounding laugh we’ve heard yet.

Being the textbook first time parents we are, there’s always a video camera nearby, so we quickly captured Avery’s amusement as she watched Lou (our cat) chase the red dot. And of course I posted it on YouTube since to us, it’s worth showing the world!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OO6hA4nhfB0&w=420&h=315]

I know using a laser pointer as cheap entertainment is far from a new trend, but imagine seeing something like this for the first time when you’re a baby. There’s already so many crazy things you’ve never seen, fat black cat included, that I’m convinced her high-pitched laugh is partly a result of not knowing what else to do.

Now that she’s seen it a few times, she doesn’t laugh as much as in the video, but it still keeps her engaged and most importantly, not crying. And that, my friends, is definitely one way James Bond has  never used a laser!

Do you use laser pointers as entertainment for your kids? Pets?

Any other cheap entertainment tips/stories to share?