Tag Archives: avery post

How to Heal A Dump Truck

how to heal a dump truck, cute, funny, kids

Hi-ya, Avery here! I’m just checking out the playground scene before heading over to my new friend, Yellow Dump Truck. I don’t know if goes by any other name, but he does have three big letters, GMC, on the front.

He’s been sitting in the same far corner of our neighborhood’s new development, we call it the Phase 3 Construction Site, where I explore all of the work trucks and workers building roads and homes. At first Daddy and I thought he was just resting, but after over a week of sitting around, it became obvious something was wrong.

After watching plenty of Bob the Builder and The Adventures of Chuck and Friends, I feel confident in the practice of dump truck healing. First things first, show plenty of love in the form of dump truck hugs.

Yellow Dump Truck Hug, cute, kids, parenting, funny


Rounded areas work best to get wrap your arms around for maximum healing hugging power. I suggest the fenders to start, then move around to the bumper, front or back will do.

Dump Truck Bumper Hug

If you’re wondering if kissing helps the healing process, maybe, but I wouldn’t recommend it…….trust……me. Once you’ve used the power of love, it’s time for bandaids. Not just any bandaids, dump truck bandaids.

Duct Tape for Yellow Dump Truck


Those little flexi-strips we put on our fingers do nothing for massive dump trucks, they need heavy-duty bandages. Duct tape makes the perfect dump truck bandaid! Finding where your dump truck friend needs his or her bandage most can be difficult.

The best bet is to start where you see discoloration/missing pain as this typically indicates frequently used areas. Take, for instance, the step used for drivers to climb up and inside. Just look at all of the missing yellow paint. Even this big duct tape bandage pales in comparison to the size of his step boo-boo.

Applying Duct Tape Bandaid

It’s not much, but it’s a start. There, all patched and ready to let the healing begin.


Duct Tape Bandaid for Dump Truck

After the initial healing hugs and duct tape bandaids, it’s best to give it a day to see how your dump truck responds to the treatment. In the meantime, go for a walk, play on the playground, catch Pokemon, or swim, as I’m obviously ready to do.

The next day, return to the ailing dump truck to see if there are any signs of improvement. Right away, I could see Yellow Dump Truck was not feeling better. Just look at his hanging light!

Dump Truck Light Boo Boo

I think you know what we need to do here….

Duct Tape Bandaid Strip for Dump Truck

…..more duct tape! Just reposition the light and apply the bandage.

Fixed Dump Truck Light Boo Boo

Much better, I could sense a boost in the dump truck’s health after fixing his loose light.

Pointing to Fixed Dump Truck Light Boo Boo

Your dump truck is unique, so make sure to check him/her all over for specific spots that need duct tape bandaids. And, since you can never give too many hugs, finish off with another big dump truck hug.

Yellow Dump Truck Hug_3

Make sure to check back on your dump truck frequently to see if they are feeling better. Hopefully my Yellow Dump Truck will be back at it hauling dirt and rock soon. Until then, I’ll heed my own advice and check on him as we explore the Phase 3 Construction Site.

For the times you can’t make it out, I suggest making friends with other construction vehicles like cement mixers, skid-steers, and excavators. I’ve enlisted my mini-excavator friend to watch over Yellow Dump Truck while I’m away. They’ve become good friends, and I enjoy hanging with them both. That’s it for now, just healing hugs and duct tape along with the help of other work trucks should be all you need to heal an ailing work truck. I’m off to pretend drive this excavator, so goodbye for now!

Waving in Bobcat Excavator

I Rocked My First Easter at Nana and Papa’s

We’re traveling back in time to Easter 2 years ago. Our daughter was 5 months old, but apparently quite fluent in speaking/writing. I enjoy looking back at our little chubby-cheeked sweetheart, so I thought I’d share her story of rocking her first Easter.

Today’s she’s rocking her third Easter and hopefully finding all of the eggs hidden in our backyard. Guess we’ll know if she missed one if our dog has worse than usual gas. Whomp-whomp.

Happy Easter!

Hey there all you bunny-loving babies! Did you just get through your first Easter like I did; crazy, huh? Bunnies, colored eggs, stuff called candy, a basket, and a search to put the colored eggs in a basket.

I wasn’t sure what to make of the whole occasion, but I owned the day like a baby boss and made sure I had everyone’s full attention! Here’s how I owned the day and plan on doing the same for the next time I am put in a crazy situation…

First things first, right when we arrived at Nana and Papa’s, several giant babies called my family immediately flocked to me. You might deal with the same thing if you are the only baby around; learn to embrace this and take advantage.


Don’t act very enthused at first, that’s too easy, just kind of stare and look droopy. No hard feelings, Papa, just making sure you know who’s in control here.


And Aunt Stef, I know you were excited to see me, but I was more interested in watching those little hairy things scurry around and bark.


After a lot of banter over how much I’ve grown and blah blah, things were quiet for a while. Aunt Stef held me and I could see the other giant family babies with plates of food. I didn’t like the quiet, so I made my loud chicken sounds and screeches which made everyone acknowledge my presence again.

With eating out of the way, I was told it was time to hunt for Easter eggs. I found out, this is similar to when Daddy and I went on a scavenger hunt for Mommy’s breast pads, only it’s outside. Oh, and instead of a laundry basket, you put eggs in an Easter basket. My basket was the head of a rabbit with my name on it. It seems pretty cruel to make a basket out of bunny’s head, but he looked happy.


There was no way I was going to just go hunt the eggs, so I demanded Mommy to carry me to my plastic prey.


My first quarry; a shiny golden egg! I was pretty excited about reaching out and getting this one.


But then I noticed the floppy ear on my bunny head basket and became distracted. What egg?


So take note, there will be distractions, but don’t lose sight of the ultimate goal; get the eggs! I let my defenses down there, but luckily Daddy but it in that poor bunny’s head. I directed Mommy to my next destination where I was faced with two eggs! Ahhh, choices!!


But I maintained my composure and made the obvious choice; the shiny blue egg!


One of those barking things (my family calls them dogs) looked like a threat, so I snatch the egg and held tight!


Once the barking threat was gone, I safely placed my glistening trophy in the bunny basket.


Moving on, I directed Mommy to another popular egg hang out where I was once again faced with two non-shiny options. They were dull and I was not egg-cited about either one. Ha ha, get it? No? Was it a bad yolk?


Mommy tried to pick one for me, but I just laughed at her simple mindedness.


But Nana’s plants were intriguing…


It was an arduous egg hunt, I even lost a shoe, but I let Mommy hold me a little longer and even smiled for pictures. Another note, everyone want to take pictures of everything you do; just use it to your advantage and watch as they make ridiculous sounds and faces.


I told Mommy to let Daddy hold me for a while since she did a good job, but something didn’t seem right when he had me.


Oh yeah, I wanted to be higher! I promptly demanded Daddy to hold me higher so I could see everything and have the giant babies look up to me just as they should! This made me happy.


Daddy didn’t hold me higher for very long until he brought me down again. I did not like being lower and let everyone know with my “not cool” face.


But this didn’t bode too well for me; I just started to get passed around. First it was my great grandma, Papa’s mom.


Sweet lady, but I was still bored, or maybe it was that hat…hmmmm. Then my cousin, Garrett, took over. I didn’t even know what to do with this, so I tried to make it an awkward situation with my wide-eyed poker face.


It worked and I finally got to do something fun; play with aunt Stef and my cousin Taylor!


Playtime was tiring and I was demanding we leave soon, but first I wanted a picture with “the girls.”


Back home, all of the activities from the day caught up to me and I became very tired. I let Mommy and Daddy know just how tired I was by using my vocals until they put me to bed. It worked. My Mommy rocked me to sleep and I slept well!

Our Toddler’s Presidents’ Day Photo Shoot

This is a post from Presidents’ Day last year. I love looking back to see how much our little girl has changed, so I figured I’d share.

Happy Presidents’ Day! I’ve never done much for the holiday, but having a day off from school and work (for some) meant I never had a problem when it rolled around. So, happy birthday, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln!

As a stay-at-home dad, I obviously don’t have “off” in the work and school sense, but I do get to have Going Mom home with me for an extra day. Our beautiful Texas weather has subsided temporarily so going outdoors is not that appealing, but hopefully we’ll have a good time together with Avery.

Ever since she won the Metroplex Baby and Kids weekly photo contest, Avery seems a little more confident when we take her picture. And recently, she struck several poses in one photo shoot that I’m going to share with you now. You’re welcome.

presidents' day, parenting, baby, kids

I’m not so sure I’m ready to do this photo shoot.


Okay, starting to feel a little better in my ability to exude ultimate cuteness.


Hey, wanna see something cool?


It’s my tongue! Ahhhhhhh! Cool, huh?


Oh geez, I just froze up again! Where did my confidence go?!


Oh, oh, I know what I can try. Ready, annnnnndddddd……


IIIIIIIIIII ammmmmm theeeee youngggg-est opppperrrrrraaaa singerrrrrrr alive!


No? Not good? Yeah, I wasn’t feeling it either, forget that happened. I need a prop.


This will be perfect. Back to the couch for background. But first, how’s this “catching me off-guard” pose?


Ooooo, look, lights! Oh yeah, to the couch….


Hey look! I’m half baby, half ball! I can see this going somewhere. Like across the kitchen, that is.


Here goes nothing, lets get “rolling”. Ha ha, pun very intended. Proud, dad?


Whoo hooo, I’m having a “ball”! And I’m 2 for 2 with puns, must be the atmo-“shpere”. Boom, again!


Back to business, moving this ball across the floor for no apparent reason other than I can.


Accomplished! And now, for the final act that will have companies fighting for me to make an appearance. I’m going to pounce on the ball!


Wait, doesn’t count, my foot slipped! Redo!!

Happy Birthday to all presidents, dead or alive, thanks for all that you do…..kinda.