Hope you’re having a great weekend and the greatness continues for all of today right into next week.
I posted pictures of our smiling Avery back in April of this year to help provide instant stress relief, so I figured it’s time for some updated smiles from our rapidly growing and ever so beautiful daughter.
Instant stress relief and happiness are sure to follow as you scroll down below. Start your day with a smile and enjoy the pics, I know Going Mom and I will be doing the same!
Thanks for stopping by, and if you feel gravity pulling the corners of your mouth southward, come back and…..wait for….yep…..”turn that frown upside-down!”
Hey there! How’s it going? Hope your weekend is off to a great start!
We are hanging at G-Ma’s house for a second night, and enjoying each other’s company as Avery keeps everyone entertained. Now that she’s crawling, things are definitely more interesting, and it’s hard to keep up with this girl! What happens when they start walking?
Walker in training.
Maybe we should look into those leash and harness contraptions….
The other day, while I was in my home inside our home, the kitchen, Avery wanted to give a pictorial tour of our kitchen and dining area. I told her no at first, but then she turned on her super cuteness and I caved…
But don’t you love me, Daddy?
And so the tour ensued. Enjoy!
Oh, hi there, welcome to our kitchen! As you can see, behind me is the fridge and freezer. It’s nice and silvery; perfect to see my fingerprints on!
And right here is the oven, where Daddy does his baking and roasts a lot of vegetables.
It’s also silv…..oh hey, look, I can see myself!
Pretty cool, I can see other things too. So shiny….
Huh? Oh yeah, the tour. Sorry, I love seeing myself.
And this right here, is one of our two bar stools for the island. Mommy sometimes holds me as she tries to eat, but I play a game called “grab everything and shake it while making your body go straight”. So far, I’m winning.
I also like to practice pulling myself up on it like this…
But I’ll save that for later, let’s move on to the dining room.
Here is our dining room. This is where we sit down to eat at night and I…..oh, it’s Lou, our fat cat.
Let me just go try and grab some of his hair out really fast.
Nope, wait, stay right there, Lou.
There you go, hold that tail still and I’ll be right there.
Well crap, he didn’t listen.
If I can just make it over this electric cord to Lou…
Oh, and here we are back at the start. I guess Daddy didn’t want me giving any more of the tour.
Thanks for visiting, that makes me happy. Until next time, hope you have a great weekend!
Remember Avery’s tutorial on How to Fight a Bear last month? You know, instead of sitting still for us to take her 7 month photos, she decided Teddy needed to know who was boss?
It’s me, I’m the boss.
We thought she made her point clear, but apparently the bear didn’t learn his lesson. When word about the ninja turtle fort spread across the nursery, Teddy Bear challenged Avery to another duel on her new stomping grounds.
Being the fearless daughter of two courageous parents, Avery was quick to accept, and luckily I had the camera to catch it all on film. Is it really called film? Maybe just all on memory card? Bah, who knows?! Anyway, back to the action….
I’d say Avery made it rather clear she’s a force to be reckoned with. I love her victory dance at the end; it’s reminiscent of the “Halo Hump/Teabag” you would do on your fallen victims during online play.
As you might’ve noticed, we still have the TMNT fort standing like I first posted about on Tuesday. In that post, it seemed Avery was not enthused by the shelled superhero mutant turtles or my crafty fort, but now she’s taken a liking to both!
The very next day, first thing upon waking and feeding, I got her in there for some playtime and she had a blast!
The pictures speak for themselves, huh? Now I need to find some quality TMNT toys from my childhood, the originals.
Another dad blogger commented on Tuesday’s post and showed me part of his Ninja Turtle collection via instagram. Needless to say, I’m jealous.
Well, as you can see, I did say that! So, now I’m on the hunt to find some of the originals for myself Avery. I have no clue what I ever did with mine, and all I found in my mom’s attic were old TMNT puzzles.
We did have fun putting them together that night, but I want the toys!
If you know of a person or place I should look, please let me know. As long as they aren’t too pricey, I might consider getting them; after my loving breadwinner of a wife approves first! I love you, Kelley! : )
Speaking of my mom/G-Ma, we’ll be going there for the 4th of July weekend, so I better start getting my food packed. I typically bring several of my own eats which includes Brussels sprouts, tuna, egg whites, a nut and seed mix, and plain Greek yogurt.
Yep, all staples in my diet! It’s not that she doesn’t have a lot of good, healthy food, but I always hate to take other’s food (even my mom’s) I guess because I know how valuable it really is.
Do you have certain foods you like to have with you wherever you go, or can you just “wing it” with whatever’s available?
An at-home dad on a mission to keep it real when it comes to food, fun, and raising a healthy, happy family.