Yeah, it’s not the most inspiring or motivating day of the week, but it does mean it’s International Babywearing Week! If you’ve followed me for a while, you’ll know that babywearing is near and dear to my heart and something I support 110%!
I’ve been wearing Avery since she was 2 weeks old and still going strong today. I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon either. Which is perfect since that means Avery and I can celebrate International Babywearing Week (IBW, for short) in 2015 too!

Babywearing International Inc. (a non-profit organization) and are the organizations behind IBW. Here’s an explanation from Babywearing International’s website about IBW:
International Babywearing Week is a focused opportunity to celebrate, promote and advocate the many benefits of babywearing. International Babywearing Week is also an occasion to focus media attention on this beautiful and beneficial practice. Nonprofit babywearing groups around the world are participating in International Babywearing Week by registering as Official Celebrating Organizations. These organizations will be hosting many exciting and educational events throughout the week, including presenting local awards and sharing information about babywearing with their communities. At the International level, Babywearing International and will jointly present International Babywearing Week Awards, recognizing excellence in babywearing advocacy and education. There will also be a coordinated media outreach campaign to raise awareness about babywearing among the general public.
Since I already wear Avery on a daily basis, I will have no problem celebrating this week just like every other week. But, besides my babywearing ways, I hope to get others interested and active in wearing their baby as well.
Us dads have a lot of catching up to do bonding-wise since moms are 9 months ahead of us and have something we’ll never be able to replace. I think that’s wonderful and don’t want to take it away, ever, but I do want to ensure my daughter and I have a strong, everlasting bond. By wearing her as much as possible, I feel this helps to achieve my goal quite well.
This week, I would like to share several babywearing resources I find helpful on my blog and across my social media pages. If you have something you’d like to share, please do so without hesitation.
Also, this Thursday, October 9th, our newly formed Dallas Dads Group that I wrote about in past posts will be hosting an event for IBW sponsored by Britax. We’ll be a part of 12 other City Dads Groups celebrating on Thursday and will make sure to make a scene across social media.
If you’d like to follow along with our group, use these resources:
- #citydads
- #INTLBabywearingWeek
Make sure to keep an eye out on my Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram pages (links on the side of this page) for babywearing resources I plan on sharing throughout this week and please share them with others if you can!
Do you currently wear your baby or are you planning on it if you are expecting?
Have you before?