Tag Archives: bear fight

The Love-Hate Relationship: A Toddler’s View

Hi there! It’s me, Avery, I’m taking over Daddy’s blog for a quick explanation about love-hate relationships. Don’t worry, he won’t mind, I practically have him wrapped around my finger…..or at least on my shirt. See?


I’ve had a certain stuffed bear around me my entire life, and no matter how many times we fight, we always seem to make up. Well, now there’s a new animal in the house, Lamby, and he’s become my new favorite stuffed buddy. Even though Bear can make me feel like dancing at times…..


…..he usually just bums me out.


Finally, I decided I must tell him about Lamby and how he is no longer my best stuffed bud. I kept pushing it off, but finally, during breakfast, there was an awkward silence.


I looked over to initiate the conversation with my old plush pal.


He seemed to sense my uneasiness and simply refused to respond or even look at me. Eeek, that awkward feeling got even awkward….er?


Knowing that I must get closure, I was the bigger only person and walked over to him so we could talk, pretty blue eye-to-beady glass black eye.


Then, all of the fights we had, the times he kept getting in my way when sleeping, and how Mommy and Daddy obviously didn’t like him since they just tossed him at me built up inside. I couldn’t help what happened next, my toddler rage took over and wrung his neck!

Just leave me alone, Lamby and I are happy without you!!
Just leave me alone, Lamby and I are happy without you!!

I didn’t know I had so much anger inside of me, but I immediately felt bad. I think I even heard poor Bear sniffle a little. Or maybe he has a hidden squeaker…oooo, that would be cool. No, getting sidetracked here, I simply felt the guilt sink in and only grow stronger. We both needed a big bear hug!

I’m so sorry, Bear, I promise, we can still be friends.

And now it’s right back where we started. I still love Lamby more, but Bear thinks we’re all good again. This love-hate relationship stuff is hard, and is truly exhausting….ugh.


Well, whatever the case, I don’t like these confusing relationships one bit. I know I love Mommy and I love Daddy, and apparently I love to hate Bear. For now he can stick around, but if ever goes near Lamby, well, here’s how I feel about that, and no, I’m not pointing at the red “R”.


20 Month Photo Session: Rocking The Ponytail

My wife started putting Avery’s hair in a ponytail not too long ago and it’s the cutest thing to see. Parenting bias aside, you can’t can’t argue with her tiny top tail paired with that precious face.


I mean…..amiright? That was the only still shot we got out of this constantly growing and non-stop crazy girl. I think her hair looks a little like Cindy Lou Who from How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

Today we are back at it with our family from PA. This time, instead of a brewery, we are checking out a new vodka distillery that’s close-by. The name of the vodka is TreyMark and, get this, it’s made with black-eyed peas as the main ingredient!

I’ve found that I have been growing a little tired of beer and enjoy sipping my libations rather than drinking in volume. Needless to say, I’m excited and hope we all have a great time as my mom continues her 60th birthday celebration with friends and family!

Now, on to the 20 month photos. I don’t have much to say, but I think “crazy”, “cute”, “hair”, and “poor bear” sum it up quite well. Check them out and tell me if you agree.


Peek-a-boo with her bear.DSC_1472

More peek-a-boo or….DSC_1462

….oh, yep, eating his face.


Just stretching the legs. Gotta keep all limbs flexible as a toddler!


Hey, I see the camera!!DSC_1479

Ahh, she loves her bear.

Oh wait….ahhhh, she loves the arm on her chair.

Annnddd apparently no love for the bear.

So, would you agree with my four words of summation? Seriously, that poor bear never catches a break!

Ever try a vodka or another spirit distilled differently from the mainstream? If not, would you?

Does your kid have a favorite stuffed animal that they love to abuse but also love?

Bear Fight in the Ninja Turtle Fort

Remember Avery’s tutorial on How to Fight a Bear last month? You know, instead of sitting still for us to take her 7 month photos, she decided Teddy needed to know who was boss?
It’s me, I’m the boss.

We thought she made her point clear, but apparently the bear didn’t learn his lesson. When word about the ninja turtle fort spread across the nursery, Teddy Bear challenged Avery to another duel on her new stomping grounds.

Being the fearless daughter of two courageous parents, Avery was quick to accept, and luckily I had the camera to catch it all on film. Is it really called film? Maybe just all on memory card? Bah, who knows?! Anyway, back to the action….

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqNPLqSvFOs&w=560&h=315]

I’d say Avery made it rather clear she’s a force to be reckoned with. I love her victory dance at the end; it’s reminiscent of the “Halo Hump/Teabag” you would do on your fallen victims during online play.

As you might’ve noticed, we still have the TMNT fort standing like I first posted about on Tuesday. In that post, it seemed Avery was not enthused by the shelled superhero mutant turtles or my crafty fort, but now she’s taken a liking to both!


The very next day, first thing upon waking and feeding, I got her in there for some playtime and she had a blast!


The pictures speak for themselves, huh? Now I need to find some quality TMNT toys from my childhood, the originals.


Another dad blogger commented on Tuesday’s post and showed me part of his Ninja Turtle collection via instagram. Needless to say, I’m jealous.

Well, as you can see, I did say that! So, now I’m on the hunt to find some of the originals for myself Avery. I have no clue what I ever did with mine, and all I found in my mom’s attic were old TMNT puzzles.


We did have fun putting them together that night, but I want the toys!

If you know of a person or place I should look, please let me know. As long as they aren’t too pricey, I might consider getting them; after my loving breadwinner of a wife approves first! I love you, Kelley! : )

Speaking of my mom/G-Ma, we’ll be going there for the 4th of July weekend, so I better start getting my food packed. I typically bring several of my own eats which includes Brussels sprouts, tuna, egg whites, a nut and seed mix, and plain Greek yogurt.

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Yep, all staples in my diet! It’s not that she doesn’t have a lot of good, healthy food, but I always hate to take other’s food (even my mom’s) I guess because I know how valuable it really is.

Do you have certain foods you like to have with you wherever you go, or can you just “wing it” with whatever’s available?