Tag Archives: birthday

Is it wrong to Take Toys from the Birthday Girl?

Hey, remember when it was July? What happened?!

I remember as a kid I’d try to squeeze in the last days of freedom before the looming school year began, but now everything just runs together. #lifeasaparent

On the topic of kids, we brought Avery to her first party this past Saturday for our neighbor’s little girl who turned 1. They have an older girl who just turned 4 and were celebrating that day too. For the older kids (and adults), an awesome bounce house was setup and getting a lot of use.

I can’t wait to get in a bounce house with Avery, but we decided to give the swing set a try. This was Avery’s first time in a swing, and as you can see in this video, I’d say she enjoyed!

The one year old party scene was not as “bounce-housey” with only Avery and another baby from the neighborhood who will be 1 next weekend, but they were all adorable and fun to watch nonetheless. I can see these three getting into trouble years from now.

Avery, Natalie, and Emma_Aug 2014

Avery’s attempt to keep cool in front of the older babies was thwarted when the sight of a camera got her excited. The birthday girl is in the middle, and the soon-to-be birthday girl is on the right.

We are grateful to have such good neighbors around us, and everyone had a great time at the party. Since the birthday girl is walking on her own now, there were a couple “walker” toys that have become obsolete in their house. Avery, on the other hand, took to liking one the sit-to-stand one, so our gracious neighbors sent us home with that and another walker!

Not too bad. Go to a party for someone, and leave with their stuff; that’s a win in my book! The rest of the weekend was spent with Avery effortlessly pulling herself up on everything and enjoying the new toys. I’ve thanked the already, but I want to thank our neighbors again for being so kind and letting us use these while Avery learns to walk.

I could go on, but I’ll let the pictures of Avery playing on her “new” walkers do the talking.

DSC_1160 DSC_1172 DSC_1178 DSC_1138 DSC_1150

And here’s a video of her smiling proudly as she stands “on her own”.

How was your weekend?

Have you ever attended someones birthday party and left with awesome gifts for yourself….or kid?

Have a great week!


Happy Birthday to the Best G-Ma Ever!

Today is G-Ma’s (my Mom’s) birthday, and although we can’t celebrate with her today, we will soon enough!

My mom has been through so much and always forges on. She’s always been by my side even when I’m not the best son (sorry about that), and she continues to be there now that we have a +1. I’m referring to our daughter, Avery, just to be clear. 🙂

Mom, G-Ma, thank you for being you and making life so much better. We all hope you have a wonderful birthday and can’t wait to see you to celebrate!

I’ve gathered several pictures of G-Ma and Avery from birth to present (Ha ha, get it, present? As in a gift? Ahhh, never mind.) day. Just like you were there for me, you’ve always been there for Avery in her whole 8 1/2 months of life and her love for you shows with each visit you make.

G-Ma and Avery; just 2 days old!
G-Ma and Avery; just 2 days old!
Not sure what's happening, but G-Ma is keeping me warm! 11/26/13
Not sure what’s happening, but G-Ma is keeping me warm! 11/26/13
Keeping cozy. 12/29/13
Keeping cozy. 12/29/13
Happy to be with G-ma!
Happy to be with G-ma! 02/20/14
Practicing her poker face.  03/12/14
Practicing her poker face. 03/12/14
Happy to be at G-Ma's! 04/13/14
Happy to be at G-Ma’s! 04/13/14
Meeting Tash with Dad and G-Ma. 05/18/14
Meeting Tash with Dad and G-Ma. 05/18/14
Cheering Daddy on at a Labor Day 10k! 05/26/14
Cheering Daddy on at a Labor Day 10k! 05/26/14
Hanging with the best group for my 30th. 06/07/14
Hanging with the best group for my 30th. 06/07/14
Fourth of July 2014
Fourth of July 2014
Playing the recorder for Avery. 07/08/14
Playing the recorder for Avery. 07/08/14


At the rate we take pictures, I know there will be many more to come! We love you, Mom/G-Ma, have an awesome birthday!

Doesn’t she look to young to be a grandma? I think so.

June Photo Journal and I Can’t Believe They Did “This” in the 1930’s

Now that Avery is becoming an active baby, I want to start posting some of my favorite photos at the end of each month. I’ll still have plenty of posts documenting every minute detail of her daily activities like any new parent would, but these are just like bonuses.

If you enjoy looking at cute baby pictures and not reading, this is the post for you!

Before I begin, I wanted to share this article about something invented for babies in the 1930’s; a window cage suspended outside of a window! It was proposed as a solution to provide babies with fresh air and sunshine to those living in high buildings with limited access to the outside, but thankfully no longer used! Crazy times…

And now, reliving the month of June with some of my favorite photos.

Placing 1st in our first race together!
Placing 1st in our first race together!
Petting the neighborhood ass.
Petting the neighborhood ass.
Family pool trip!!
Family pool trip!!
Visiting a local brewery for my 30th. Avery slept most of the time.
Visiting a local brewery for my 30th. Avery slept most of the time.
Fun with lasers for the pets and baby!
Fun with lasers for the pets and baby!
Testing out the crib on my birthday.
Testing out the crib on my birthday.
The "I'm not listening." raspberry.
The “I’m not listening.” raspberry.
A very active 7 month photo session.
A very active 7 month photo session.
You can't be mad at me, I'm too cuuuuuttttteeee!
You can’t be mad at me, I’m too cuuuuuttttteeee!
Building an activity board and she likes it!!
Building an activity board and she likes it!!


I can finally wear her on my back in the Onya!!
I can finally wear her on my back in the Onya!!
Frizzy hair smiles!
Frizzy hair smiles!
A photo book of daddy and Avery from my loving wife!
A photo book of daddy and Avery from my loving wife!
Door stops are the coolest!!
Door stops are the coolest!!
The demon inside...
The demon inside…
Learning good nutrition from the start!
Learning good nutrition from the start!
An official crawler!
An official crawler!


Keeping my girls contained is tough work!
Keeping my girls contained is tough work!
Getting a much needed baby gate for the new crawler.
Getting a much needed baby gate for the new crawler.


What do you think of having your baby suspended outside of the window of a tall building?

How was your month of June?