“Two Me’s For Little Monk” is a captivating exploration of self-discovery and acceptance, masterfully penned by Ben Carrettin. This engaging narrative follows the journey of Little Monk, a young protagonist grappling with the complexities of his emotions and thoughts. Guided by the wisdom of Wise Monk and accompanied by an array of intriguing characters, including an elephant and an octopus, Little Monk embarks on a journey of self-understanding. This Read-And-Talk-With-Me book is an ideal tool for sparking meaningful conversations with children about their feelings and thoughts. The second book in the Little Monk Series will be available later this year.
Tag Archives: books
Embracing Uniqueness: A Puffin Bird’s Journey of Self-Discovery
In a world where conformity often seems like the norm, teaching children the beauty of individuality and self-acceptance is a precious gift. Puffel, a charming tale has captured the hearts of both young readers and adults alike. Awarded the Readers’ Favorite 5-star badge in 2023, this delightful story penned by Sr. Gianna Casino takes readers on an enchanting journey alongside Puffel, an adorable puffin who encounters a group of penguins that leave him in awe.
From the very first page, readers are immersed in Puffel’s world (an enchanting coast in Norway). He has a fun personality and likes to play. As he navigates through the ups and downs of his journey, Puffel learns a profound lesson – that what makes someone truly special is not their ability to blend in, but rather their capacity to shine brightly in their own unique way.
What sets “Puffel” apart is not only its heartwarming narrative but also its visually stunning illustrations by Nadia Izotova, that capture the essence of Puffel’s journey with unparalleled grace. With each turn of the page, readers are transported into a world of vibrant colors and whimsical characters. See the Book Trailer for a sneak peek.
From Sr. Gianna Casino’s perspective as an author, nun, teacher, and clinical counselor, she encourages readers young and old, to walk on a path of grace, compassion, and belonging. “Our children will grow up in a world where societal pressures often dictate standards of success and beauty. Like Puffel, I want our children to know that they are perfectly lovable, just as they are.”
In a world that can often feel overwhelming, “Puffel” reminds us that true beauty lies not in conformity, but in the courage to embrace our authentic selves – quirks and all. Your purchase comes with free resources and coloring activities! Great for ages 3-7+.
Ralph and Murray: A Fun Collection of Stories About Growing Up In A Small Southern Town
“Ralph & Murray” is a captivating anthology of semi-autobiographical tales, set in a quaint southern town in the late 1950s. Narrated with a blend of wit and charm by Ralph, the family dog, these stories weave a tapestry of childhood adventures, each chapter seamlessly linked through clever introductions and epilogues. Ralph’s partner in mischief is Murray, the neighboring cat, who reigns supreme atop the backyard fence. The narrative is further enriched by a colorful ensemble of characters, including Buster the squirrel, Woody the woodpecker, spectral attic dwellers, and a host of eccentric relatives and neighborhood figures. From the farthest reaches of Cape Horn to the Florida Everglades, the tales of the wandering hobo, Zeke, add an extra layer of intrigue. “Ralph & Murray” is a delightful journey into nostalgia that will resonate with readers of all ages, making it a perfect shared experience for the entire family.
You can find more information about the book at the following links: