Going Mom first discovered our little assassins last weekend and quickly posted this picture on Facebook asking for any help to figure out what they were.
They look like some sort of creepy ass spider (or is that all spiders?), but we were then educated with the fact that these little guys are not spiders, but just very creepy ass bugs. The biggest giveaway is that they have 6 legs as opposed to their eight-legged look-a-likes.
Apparently, there are over 135 recognized species in North America alone, and many more all over the world. So, you just might want to check your yard for the predatory bugs. Especially since their bites are said to be quite painful they use long their long mouth parts to repeatedly stab victims.
That said, their victims are usually annoying pests that will eat up any fruits and veggies you have planted. So, barring that you don’t poke at them and get bit, they’re rather beneficial to have around your garden.
Pest killers and garden defenders aside, my wife is still utterly freaked out by the petite predators, so I did what any loving husband would do. I posted a picture on Facebook and tagged her with this message…..
I know, I deserve a husband of the year award, right? My post received many responses from creeped out friends, and I Kelley even went so far as to say “I hate you.” I guess I deserved that. I just find it funny, and she agrees, that she can watch the gore on The Walking Dead with no problem, but these little bugs spike a fear in her I don’t see often.
Here’s a closer pic of what I posted, because I know you wanted to see it better.
Awesome, there’s a nest which means more to come!!!
So anyway, we have assassins in our back yard just hanging out on one of our trees. I’m not sure how long they’ll be there, but if they are going to kill the things that kill our plants, they’re welcome to stay as long as we don’t become victims to their repeated stabbing assassin ways!
Plus, we have other things to worry about inside the house right now. Possibly another type of assassin? An ewok?
Nope, just Avery draped in Mommy’s robe. But, if she were holding a mini scythe, she’d closely resemble Death.
Well, I’m hosting a NuttZo tasting party for our neighbors today, so better get ready. It’s nothing extravagant with a lot of recipes, just tasting different varieties of NuttZo. Which, I think is the best way to really get a taste of something, right?
I’ll let you know how it goes soon! Have a great weekend!
Do you have any assassin bugs in your yard?
Have you seen them before, or worse, been bit/stabbed?