You can create your own custom food items all you want, but that takes a lot of time that most of us don’t have. Plus, chances are, if you’re making all of your own meals from fresh, whole foods, you probably don’t need to keep a strict food log as you’re obviously conscious what and how much you’re putting in your body.
It took me a while to stop tracking, but found that once I finally came to this realization, I had gained 30 to 45 extra minutes back to my days! More time to eat and NOT track, yay!!!
Going Mom, my amazing wife, gave me several hours of freedom on Sunday as she stayed home with Avery. I had done the same for her the day before, Saturday, and as it’s something we both could use every now and then.
Of course, we both just used the time to get a few things done around town. I had a leak in my tire that I brought to Costco to have repaired for free (ahhh, member perks), and used the waiting time by working on the computer at a nearby Starbucks. Like any normal at-home parent would do during their free time, I had to Tweet to the world….
Currently at @Starbucks having #coffee since my awesome wife let me out of the house alone! Thanks, WIFE! #SAHD #TemporaryFreedom
— R.C. Liley (@going_dad) January 11, 2015
By “work”, I mean messing around with the blog settings and getting distracted as the Dallas Cowboys went from winning to losing the game against the Green Bay Packers. I’m not a huge fan of watching other guys play sports when I’d rather be active myself, but I still root for the home team, and it was a disappointment to see us lose.
I got over it fast, though, and continued on my black coffee binge at Starbucks. You get free refills with their gold card, which I have, and made sure to take advantage of. I brought two of my own bottles that I filled up, had 5 grande refills while there, and brought another full grande back home.

One purchased Americano with nothing added, 8 free grande refills, and 50 trips to the bathroom in only a matter of 2.5 hours had me shaking like a Polaroid picture! Thank you, Andre 3000, for the great analogy. #winning
I’m used to consuming a massive amount of caffeine via coffee and green tea, but even this was a lot for me in a day! Since I refuse to eat the store bought offerings at most places and forgot to bring my own food, I basically fasted most of the day.
Will I do it again? Most likely. What can I say, I love coffee! Plus, although I am done with food logging, I figured I might as well log Sunday’s “food” intake because that’s easy…
Yep, that coffee buzz lasted most of the day and had me crashing pretty hard late into the night. Hopefully Monday is off to a good start, because I don’t exactly feel like coffee at this point. Tuesday will be a different story.
Do you overdo it on coffee sometimes? All the time?
How do you like your (if you have it) coffee?
Do you prefer another form of caffeine or abstain from it all together?