Me: Hey, Avery!
Avery: Yes?
Me: Want to know something pretty cool?
Avery: I’m listening….
Me: Well, for one thing, you’re an outrageously cute baby and I love you!
Avery: Ahh, get out, you’re just saying that so I’ll finish that bottle without putting up a fight.
Me: Nope, it’s true, you’re a cutie. But, if you wouldn’t mind helping daddy out, it would be much appreciated if you just took the bottle without jerking your head every 30 seconds; please? Anyway, did you know we’re going somewhere tomorrow?
Avery: It’s not the doctor’s office, is it?
Me: Ha ha, nope, that will be later this month though.
Avery: Whaaaaaaa! I don’t wanna go!
Me: Calm down dear, you have a nice doctor and we’ll be there for you the whole time, I promise.
Avery: Okay, only if you’re there the whole time. And no funny stuff! Or else I won’t cooperate for your next baby workout video, which is pretty silly if you ask me.
Me: Thanks for understanding, and I do appreciate your cooperation at all times. So, tomorrow we are going to G-ma’s house. Remember, she watched you last weekend when mommy and daddy went to the Imagine Dragons concert. The last time you were there you were only 5 weeks old, and now you’re 15 weeks! You’re growing so fast and just keep getting cuter, I swear.
Avery: Oh, dad, you’re crazy! I can’t wait to see G-ma again, we had a great time together last weekend! Plus, she doesn’t swaddle me so tight where I can’t move my hands to my mouth to suck them.
Me: Well, I’m glad you’re excited and I’m sure we’ll have a great time. Just remember, we can’t bring your crib, so you’ll have to sleep in your bassinet for the first time. Will you promise to be good while we visit?
Avery: I’m sorry, what? I wasn’t paying attention.
Me: I said we’re going to G-ma’s and I asked if you promise to be a good baby while we’re there. And always, for that matter….
Avery: Ha ha, I know, I heard you the first time! Yes, I’ll be good, but I can’t make any promises about the bassinet.
Me: Okay, that’s good enough, I’ll just depend on my super swaddle powers to keep you content and sleeping well. I guess it’s time to work on this bottle now. How about giving your dad a break and just finishing it like a growing baby should? If you do, we can play airplane and make clicky noises with our tongue.
Avery: Okay, it’s a deal daddy!
Me: Thanks, dear, mommy and daddy love you!
Avery: Awwww, and I love the both of you.
Does anyone else ever make up conversations with their babies? I feel like I might be going crazy, but then again, maybe I already was…
Happy Friday, Everyone!