Tag Archives: cute

Have You Ever Seen A Baby Laugh At This?

In what seems to be a long time ago, when we controlled where our baby (now rampant toddler) could and could not go, the most random thing happened, she busted out in the cutest spell of giggles we’ve ever heard.
cute baby laughing
I can’t go anywhere because I don’t know better yet!

Avery is a couple months over 2 years old now, but when she was 5 months old, I had her (safely) sitting on the counter with me as I was busy in the kitchen. I just finished making a batch of NuttZo Banana Bread and went to cut it as her eyes absorbed my every move. Then, right when I started slicing…..

Yeah, you’d think I was dressed in a clown suit honking my big red nose, not simply cutting bread I cooked a little too long. I tried many many many times after that to replicate the laugh for Going Mom with no luck. I’m just happy she did it when the camera was on, now she seems to freeze up when she sees the camera in front of her. Can’t blame her, I’d be annoyed at me too.

cute toddler
C’mon, dad, can you just put the camera down and PLAY?

It’s not on camera, but Avery has been giving giggles like the cutting bread episode almost every night as we play around the house or during dinner. It’s a sound that never gets old and always warms the heart.

Hope you’re having a great Sunday and enjoyed seeing a sweet baby laughing at such a random thing.

Do you have something your kid laughed at unexpectedly?

Does it happen every time or was it a one time occurrence?

The Best Little Boo-Boo Kisser

It started about a month ago, Tuesday, October 13th, to be exact. The day I acquired my boo-boo while rescuing my daughter from the scariest of slides 50 stories high!


Just look at that thing, it’s treacherous! Poor girl could be scarred for life having to endure something so horrendous.

Okay, it’s just a small playground in our neighborhood with this slide that hardly lets you slide, more like slowly screech your way down the green plastic as it grasps on to your skin. But that wasn’t Avery’s issue, she just simply did not like being up there without Mommy or Daddy up there too. As referenced by the frowny face….


As I climbed up to join her so we could slide down together, my foot slipped on a step which resulted in a bloody right shin. I’ll spare you the pictures, but geez, that thing hurt for days! And what’s with shins taking so long to heal anyway?

Fast forward to this past week and weekend, and Avery has started to take a notice in all things boo-boo related, included the scab on my shin. I told her how it’s my boo-boo since she would watch me clean it every day, so, naturally, she picked up on saying it.

At almost two years old, she’s been picking up on a lot lately, and even forming sentences! Not only that, but she’s starting to understand things better. I explained the concept of kissing boo-boos which she didn’t exactly get at first, but now she’s really caught on.

Seeing her sweet self want to help make my boo-boo better (whether she really gets it or not), simply warms my from the inside out. As gushy as it sounds, it’s the truth. Parents, you know what I’m talking about.

Avery as even enlisted Lamby, her current favorite stuffed animal to help kiss my boo-boo multiple times throughout the day and right after reading at night, before Going Mom sings to her. As an aside, Lamby just recently took the lead as a favorite, giving her good friend bear the shaft. I’m not so sure about this Lamby though, she seems a little rebellious and I fear she could cause trouble when Avery is trying to sleep.

Lamby Photo Bomb

But I must say, between Avery and Lamby, my scab is gone and the shin is almost fully recovered. The constant kissing of my boo-boo gets slightly awkward at times, but only when she leans in really slow and all I can do is stand there, as if I’m expecting of a kiss on my shin. I can’t turn her away though, she’s downright insistent on offering her healing powers.

This weekend, I counted over 10 boo-boo kisses as I went about getting dinner ready and on the table one night. How I managed not to step on her as she leaned her face into my leg each time, I’m clueless, but it was sweet and my wife and I both love how much fun she is giving us.

While going about prepping food for the day and weekend ahead on Sunday, I opted to skip my usual podcast listening to enjoy hearing Kelley and Avery spending time together in the other room.  Just from the joy in both of their voices while playing and reading books, I couldn’t stop myself from grinning from ear to ear. Until I cut myself for not paying attention when chopping veggies. Good thing we have our own little boo-boo kisser and Lamby side-kick to make it all better!

Do you have your own little boo-boo kisser?

If so, do they have a stuffed side-kick to help out?

Explaining Flying to Toddlers: Avery & Daddy Ep. 7

One of the biggest fears most parents of toddlers face is traveling with them. I say this with very little experience and only hearing from a handful of other parents’ scary ventures, but figure it’s a safe assumption. Am I wrong?

I recorded a video of me explaining flying to Avery in order to help prepare her for her first time on a plane. In retrospect, it probably helped nothing, and maybe as you read/watch this, that’s being confirmed. But hey, if not for her, I feel better after at least trying to explain flying.

Think I did a good job at explaining? The toy plane running into the wall doesn’t exactly portray a realistic flight, but at least it looks like a plane. The ear popping, loud noise making, and turbulence can only come with experience. Crap, I just upped my anxiety. Good thing Going Mom will be there to help us both!

Well, I’m off and ready to enjoy time with my family in Colorado. Hope to get lots of hiking and kayaking and awesome coffee in while there. Kelley told me not to plan anything on Wednesday, the day before we return, so I’m excited to see what she has planned.

Not sure when I’ll post about our trip, but stay tuned!

Have a great week!