Tag Archives: daddy’s girl

Flying High in the Backyard: Avery & Daddy Ep. 6

We took the Vlog outside in our backyard (after picking up the dog poo) to show off our flying skills. Pilot Dad (that’s me) and my oddly quiet Co-Pilot, Avery, safely defy gravity (kinda) and even add a few spin moves.

The day was hot, but with the clouds and a light breeze, it was manageable. Plus, our flight lessons made going out in the heat well worth it. I ended up throwing her a little higher than anticipated, but she didn’t seem to mind, and no one was hurt.

When the camera is out, Avery tends to turn silent, as you can tell, but that blue-eyed grin says it all loud and clear; “I’m happy!” Or she’s already good at throwing me a pity parade. If so, I’ll happily take it!

Especially after this past Saturday morning. Kelley had just changed and nursed her and they were coming into the kitchen to have the peanut butter blueberry oatmeal breakfast I always make on the weekends. Avery seemed in a good mood at first, but then I crouched down and asked for a hug only to have her turn away crying.

I tried several times to get a hug or just talk to her and the girl simply wanted nothing to do with me! Talk about breaking a dad’s heart, geez! She eventually came to her senses and gave me a hug, but I haven’t felt so rejected since the high school dating scene. Hmm, maybe she really didn’t like me throwing her so high……or spinning…

Does or did your kid love being thrown in the air?

How do you deal with rejection when you’re the odd parent out that day/week/month/always?


Daddy-Daughter Photo Book: Birth to 19 Months

For my first Father’s Day, Going Mom made a Dad and Avery photo book that means the world to me. It’s not just something anyone can buy, and she put some obvious love and quality time into making it.

A photo book of daddy and Avery from my loving wife!

This year, for my second Father’s Day, she slipped the book from it’s spot on our bookshelf (or tried, because I noticed it was missing) to add to it with more daddy-daughter photos. In my last post, Kelley was in the process of putting it together as I wrote (all hail nap time!), and after seeing the final product, my heart turned from mush to pure liquid. Kinda sounds bad, but trust me, it’s a good kind of mush-to-liquid.

I love it so much and every time I flip through the pages beginning from the first day Avery was born to just a few weeks ago, I am still amazed at how much she has already grown. I figured I’d share the entire book in a post for everyone to appreciate Kelley’s lovely crafting skills and pictures we will hold dear for eternity.

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I’d like to note, the pictures of me wearing Avery in a Baby Bjorn are before we learned of the dangers of wearing babies in “crotch danglers” for impeding their hip development among other issues. Plus, having them face outward is also not the best. Not judging, I’ve obviously been there too, but I stopped right after learning of this and hope any babywearing parents will consider the same.

Okay, I’m done with the thought of the day. I can’t express my gratitude to Kelley enough for making this book of memories, and wish I was at least a quarter as crafty as her so I could do the same. Makes my photo coffee mug I got her pale in comparison.

I’ve said it already, but THANK YOU, Kelley, for being such an amazing wife/mother and for the best gift ever. Oh, and the beer of the month club is just stevia sweetened icing on our homemade chocolate cake! 🙂

Do you love sentimental gifts like these or prefer getting gifts from retail stores instead?

What would be your favorite personalized gift to receive? A photo book, jewelry, framed picture, kitchenware, etc.?


Daddy-Daughter Flipping Fun in Slow Motion

Tropical Storm Bill might keep us inside, but it’s not keeping us from a little daddy-daughter fun! Who’s raining on whose parade now, Bill? I thought it was funny, except that there’s no parade…..*sigh*

In lieu of spending time writing out a blog post, I thought it would be fun to record Avery and her Daddy (that’s me) running around the house and me flipping her on a pallet I made in the living room. She gets high and sometimes I let her land a little too hard, but she keeps coming back for more.

I figured slowing down some of the flipping action would make for a fun video to watch for everyone. Make sure you have your audio on as that should make for a good laugh.

If you’re wondering, yes, I will do sound effects for your audio or video project. I know, it’s just a gift. 😉

But seriously, is it just programmed in everyone’s head to make sound effects when playing with kids? I can’t think of a time I don’t make stupid noises when chasing/throwing/tickling Avery, or any kid really.

Hope you enjoy the video as much as I did making it. For the record, this helped wear her out for a much better nap time than the day before…..

What kind of sound effects do you make when you play with kids?

Are you being affected by Tropical Storm Bill?