We’re at the stage of toddlerdom (hey,
it’s on Wiktionary!) where every new thing/word is repeated somewhere between 10 to 50 million times a day. One of those things is “plane” or “jet” every time she hears one flying overhead.
Oh, I should mention we live between two airports, one being the extremely busy DFW Airport. In other words, there’s a lot of planes that fly over us. We rarely noticed the flying vessels until now, since Avery calls out their presence upon each passing. We’re proud of our girl for everything she’s learning, obviously, but the repeated words can take a toll sometimes. First world problems, I know.
We encourage Avery with supportive words when she acknowledges a color, sound, object, etc, so now we have her waving to the planes as they fly by.

I’m not sure if she understands that she’s waving to people (like we told her), or just the actual jet and/or plane, but it’s cute nonetheless. Speaking of, we also try to explain the difference between jet and plane since she’s been using both words.
Essentially, all jets are planes, but not all planes are jets. The propeller driven planes and in a different category. All of this just goes over her head (ha ha, puntastic!), but I know she’ll eventually catch on.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!
Do you have a lot planes fly near your home?
Are there things you never or hardly noticed that your kid constantly discovers around your home now?