It’s so important to find the time to bond together as a family, now more than ever in this busy build. It’s well worth going in the great outdoors with the family as this helps to temporarily break away from the constant connectivity of the phone and social media. This summer, plan an outdoor adventure with your family! These tips will help you and your family bond in the great outdoors, regardless of age.

Vacations are a great way to relax and connect with your family. There are plenty of ways to have a kid-friendly vacation. Some ideas would be flying, taking a cruise, train, or even a classic road trip. Sites like make it easy and, well, stress free, to rent the perfect vehicle for your trip. There are so many options such as going to a city and exploring, staying at a resort, or maybe trying out some camping. But make sure to talk to your family about what they would prefer the most. It’s important to make sure that nobody has a bad time.
Plan things out together
As stated above, it’s best if everyone in the family can voice their wants and concerns when planning activities out. This helps kids with sharing the ownership of the activity but it also allows them to enjoy it more as well. Sitting together as a family and making suggestions is the best way to go. There are even websites that allow for family’s to create a vacation planner to share ideas for their itinerary.
Go on small escapes
Small escapes can be anything from a day trip, going out for a couple of hours, or even just something overnight. These are short but still, bring in some family fun time and bonding. This could entail going camping for the night in the woods, hiking in a nearby park, purchasing some dye paintball, or even just going on a picnic.
Gardening together
A very inexpensive save to have some outdoor time with your family would be to do some gardening together. Whether you have a large backyard, a balcony, or even an allotment, no size is too small for gardening. Teaching your kids to the garden will give them an educational experience about biology while helping the environment out. This also helps with creating a beautiful garden, where you can enjoy your harvest of veggies during dinner time. Plus this is given a great opportunity to take some cute family-friendly photos too.
Creating traditions
This is another great way to encourage children to get outside more. Creating a family tradition is a great way to keep up this yearly ritual. You can even base it all off of each season. For example, whenever autumn rolls around, your family could have a tradition of picking apples from an orchard or maybe visiting a pumpkin patch to purchase pumpkins. The same can be said for the summer or spring, there can be an annual tradition of picking berries in the forest or maybe going on a big hiking trip every year. If this is done annually, then it will have a deep connection with the family. This tradition could even continue with grandchildren too.