Tag Archives: family

Keeping Decorum During Divorce Proceedings (For The Sake Of The Kids)

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It’s one of the most stressful experiences anybody can go through. Everything that’s inherent about your personality is ripped out of you, and put on display, and then used against you in a legal setting. But when you are going through the divorce process and you’ve got children, the most difficult thing to keep a lid on is the anger and negative emotions you feel so tempted to spit out. But for the sake of the children, it’s important that you set an example, and keep everything in check. What can we do?

Keep The Adult Conversations Between The Adults

It’s simple, but it’s seldom abided by. If your ex is denying you time with the children for a specific reason, the temptation right there and then in front of the kids could be to tell them exactly what your rights are. It’s important that we know what we are allowed to do in a legal context, and there are father’s rights help resources that can help with this. But when the conversation turns to things like money we need to keep the children out of it.

Stop Your Childish Sensibilities

Name-calling, being spiteful and criticizing your ex doesn’t turn your children against them, it turns them against you in the end. This is poisoning your children’s minds, and if you use whatever limited time you have with them to spout negativity about your ex, this is going to cause them so much stress. Doing this is making your children choose between one or the other, and if your ex is holding the fort and not resorting to name-calling, then you are the one that’s going to emerge as the loser. The same applies to money. We can’t buy our children’s love, and resorting to bribery tactics may help on the surface, but when you want your children to love you no matter what, money isn’t the way to get them to love you more. We underestimate children in this respect, and they are smarter than we ever give them credit for. Sure, buy your child something nice because you want to, but don’t use it as a reason for them to keep coming back.

Put Yourself In The Kids’ Shoes

They are going through a stressful time, and while you are struggling with a whole manner of emotional, not to mention financial, problems, you need to look at it from the perspective of your children. They are being forced to live in two different places, and this is such an upheaval, that you need to find ways to ease them into this inevitable scenario. Instead of uprooting them, as difficult as it may be, finding ways for you and your ex to spend time with the children as a family could help the kids feel better about the situation. This means that both you and your ex have to reach some common ground. This may be done through counseling, but whatever your approach, the children have to take priority. Amazingly, during divorce, this is something we can forget about. Keeping decorum during divorce is not easy, but it’s achievable, just as long as both sides are ready and willing.

Living With Family: Townhouse, Condo, or Apartment: Which Option to Choose and Why

living with family, home, house, options

Image Source: https://pixabay.com/en/family-house-pumpkins-halloween-2844962/

When you’re looking for accommodation as a family, there are different factors to consider than when you’re alone or with roommates. The most popular options for families are an apartment, a townhouse, or a condominium. You can also use services like a melbourne townhouse builder to design a customized home specific to your wants and needs. 

Confused about what kind of housing to get for you and your family? Make things easier with the tips below!

Consider The Maintenance Factor

When you’re living with family, you’ll probably require repairs on a regular basis. Are you good at repairs or will you have to call someone in every time? This is a major consideration when you’re choosing between housing styles. A townhouse is a single, independent unit that gives you the freedom for repairing and renovation. However, this also means more responsibility. If the thought of house repairs and maintenance stress you out, it’s worth finding outside help like a handyman in Bogart or something similar near you.

With a condo, though, you pay a monthly fee to a board and get your snow shoveling, exterior repairs, and mowing done from there. If there’s a shared yard or playground, its maintenance might also be the board’s responsibility, not yours. Make sure you know what you’re getting in return for being part of the condo community before finalizing.

A house or apartment repair will depend on whether you buy or rent it. Renting would take most of the repair responsibility off your shoulders, but it would also mean you have little freedom or motivation to renovate. Then again, you have a lot of options with this style, such as at https://www.vintageapartments.com/.

Don’t Overthink It

Whether you’re looking for a first home or have some experience already, don’t fuss too much about the housing style but research the differences between townhouse and duplex before you make any final decisions. When looking for a new home the location, price, maintenance, and other factors of buying a house are what matter first. At the end of the day, you might find that the different living spaces aren’t that different from one another when it comes to actual living. While condos do provide flexibility and house a higher level of privacy, there isn’t much daily sacrifice in choosing one housing style over another.

Think About The Cost Of Living

living with family, home, house, options

Image Source: https://pixabay.com/en/architecture-building-facade-window-2475712/

A family home requires a lot of budgeting in most cases. You’re already juggling utilities, school fees, and medical bills on a monthly basis. Adding a lease payment or rent to the mix isn’t going to be easy.

Hence, keep in mind how your new home’s location will delve into your pocket. A desirable housing option like Kapilina beach homes for military housing might be one of the considerations. If you’re looking for military housing, you can conduct additional research on the cost of living involved and match your budget accordingly.

Assess Your Expected Lifestyle

Your housing style would also decide your lifestyle to a large extent. Check out your preferences in order to make the best decision for you and your family.

If you like a suburban neighborhood, a townhouse or condo are the best options. For an urban, fast-paced lifestyle in the center of the city, you’ll find an apartment the most logical decision.

With a family, having a stable job is also important. If you don’t work solely from home, you should know about the ideal commute. There’s little sense in moving to an upscale urban neighborhood if it means a three-hour commute every morning.

Finally, you may also want to make sure you stay within reach of extended family and friends. Your kids would need that sense of belonging no matter where they live. The adults would also require sure a support system from time to time.

Winter Wisdom – Keeping Your Family Healthy Through The Colder Season

winter, family, health, tips, advice, kids


The colder months are upon us once more. And that means your family will be under greater threat of various minor health issues that could potentially ruin your winter fun. With the right plan of action, though, you can successfully keep those problems at bay.

Here are 10 simple ways to ensure that you stay on top of those seasonal problems.

#1. Insulate The Home

Cold temperatures are the most likely source of minor winter illnesses, which is why staying warm should be a priority. However, spending hours in a stuffy room with the heater on can leave you feeling less than 100% too. As such, improved insulation should be the goal.

Doors and windows will be the main source of lost heat, which is why visiting Windowsusa is a great place to start. You must not forget to install draft excluders and focus on the roof tiles and attic insulation, though. Failure to tick every box can leave the family at risk of picking up chills.

It’s important to get your HVAC working in style too, but they’ll count for very little if the insulation properties aren’t under control first. Make this your first step towards a healthy winter.

#2. Eat Well

Every parent appreciates the importance of good nutrition. This is even more crucial during the winter months as it can be the perfect way to boost the immune system, fight off colds, and flush toxins from the body. Start with a strong level of fluid intake, and you won’t go far wrong.

This is the perfect time to add warm soups and similarly comforting meals to your diet. It’s also an excellent time to think about high antioxidant recipes that can actively aid your health. Find a handful of meals that are loved by adults and kids alike. You will not regret it.

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying candies, chocolates, and other delightful treats too. Just be sure to build a healthy foundation of wholesome meals first to strike a sense of balance.

winter, family, health, tips, advice, kids


#3. Stay Active

The winter weather makes it very tempting to wrap up on the sofa and binge watch festive films. While this is an ideal family activity for a day, you cannot keep doing it again and again. It’s imperative that you stay physically active. Otherwise, it will affect your health in a negative way.

Young kids can be taken to play centers while family walks and bike rides can be very fun as long as it’s not raining cats and dogs. If leaving the home isn’t an option due to the weather, try an exercise DVD or an interactive video game. It doesn’t matter how you squeeze exercise in, just do it.

Given that you’ll be eating a lot of candies and naughty treats over this period, there’s an even greater need to burn off the calories. The physical and mental rewards can be huge.

#4. Sleep Well

A good night’s sleep can have a huge impact on your general well-being at any time of the year. Still, the need for rest and recuperation is even greater in the winter months. It could be a key factor as your family tries to keep winter sicknesses down to a minimum.

Investing in a new mattress may not be on the cards. Thankfully, you can enjoy an equally positive transformation by upgrading the pillow, duvet, and bed sheets. Decluttering the bedroom can aid the cause too, not least because it reduces the threat of dust particles from causing an issue.

You may not like this one, but breaking the habit of using your smartphone in bed is perhaps the greatest upgrade of all. Try it for a week, and you’ll be amazed by the results.

#5. React To Illness

Prevention is the best form of protection, but you won’t be able to stop all bouts of flu. As long as you respond in a fast and efficient manner, it should be possible to minimize the impacts and stop the symptoms from getting any worse. Therefore, preparation is vital.

Over the counter painkillers and medications can work wonders for headaches. Meanwhile, experts at Pastendurance can help you overcome stuffy nose symptoms. A lot of rest and regular hydration should work wonders too. If possible, getting a little fresh air is another top solution.

The kids may require child-friendly medications, which is why seeing a doctor is advised. Or failing that, connecting to online GPS via the internet can help you gain the necessary support.

winter, family, health, tips, advice, kids


#6. Keep The Home Clean

Whether a member of the household has been ill or not, a clean home is pivotal throughout winter. Viruses spread on surfaces very quickly, and this will be infinitely more likely if you do not keep them clean. Antibacterial wipes are an essential weapon against germs. Do not forget it.

Even shaking hands can see germs spread, so your family needs to be in the habit of washing their hands after blowing their noses. Furthermore, used tissues need to be disposed of right away. Leaving them on tables can see the harmful bacteria spread into the air.   

While keeping the rooms warm is a priority, good air circulation is also required. Ensure that ceiling fans are working well before the coldest weather arrives.

#7. Quit Smoking

If you’re a smoker, there’s a good chance that quitting cigarettes would be your New Year’s Resolution. Why not take charge of the situation today by making the decision today. It’ll have a huge impact on your health while preventing secondhand smoke from harming your family.

Quitting isn’t easy, but the level of support is greater than ever before. Aside from patches and support groups, you could look at vaping as a way to transition into a smoke-free lifestyle. Or you could look at other consumables that provide nicotine without the smoke.

In truth, making this lifestyle upgrade will actively enhance many of the other issues and finances. Besides, it’ll avoid the need to stand out in the wet and cold smoking area at work.

#8. Manage Your Finances

Money worries are the most common source of stress, and it can have a damning impact on your mental health. When taking the festive season costs into account, along with the increased utility bills, staying on top of this aspect is crucial.

This is the perfect time to make simple upgrades. From adjusting your home entertainment package to finding a new energy supplier, those tricks will work wonders. Moreover, setting up an organized payment plan for any gifts that are bought on credit will help you maintain control.

Keeping on top of those finances should help you avoid stress, and this can prevent your body from feeling run down too. While it’s vital throughout the year, now is the time to take charge.

winter, family, health, tips, advice, kids


#9. Wear The Right Clothing

While you will spend more time at home during winter than in the summer, going outside is still vital. Nevertheless, you must take extra precautions by ensuring that the family are wrapped up in coats, hats, and scarves. Failure to do this could invite chills and illnesses.

Perhaps most importantly, you need the right footwear. Walking in the snow with the wrong choice will lead to wet feet. Davesnewyork winter boots are a great option for Dads, but you also need to find suitable options for the wife and kids.

Apart from keeping out the cold, you must also consider the potential hazards caused by the ice. Slipping over could result in an unwanted trip to the E.R.

#10. Be Committed

Finally, you must remember that the above tips can’t be followed and unfollowed on a whim. Keep them in mind at all times, and the rewards will be huge.