Tag Archives: family

Making Your Family Home Environmentally Friendly

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Nowadays, kids are being educated on all sorts of matters that may affect them directly during their lives. Environmental damage and pollution may be one of the subjects that they are taught at school. Why? Well, human activity is the number one cause of environmental problems right now, and things that we do on a day to day basis are making the world an increasingly problematic place for our species to survive. It’s therefore up to us to change this and kids are likely to be the leading generation to implement real change! So, if your little one comes home all hyped up about becoming an eco warrior and saving the planet, encourage them! Work hand in hand with them to make real change in your family home and create a greener living space for everyone. Here are just a few steps that you can take to make your family home as environmentally friendly as possible.

Say Goodbye to Plastic

Sure, it’s highly unlikely that you’re going to be able to completely eliminate plastic from your family home. There are certain items and products that you will have to use that come wrapped in plastic whether you like it or not. Examples include bottle caps and pill trays for medication. However, you can significantly reduce the amount of purposefully disposable and non-necessary plastic from your family’s lifestyle. Buy fruit whole rather than pre-cut and wrapped in plastic containers. Use bamboo toothbrushes rather than plastic ones. When it comes down to it, all plastic is bad for the planet and its use should be seriously minimized.

Insulate Your Home

If your home automatically lets heat and energy escape, you’re going to have to burn fossil fuels constantly to keep it warm and functional. So, make sure your property is as well insulated as possible. Make sure that windows are double glazed and coated in Residential Solar Films. Make sure that your roof and loft have insulating materials in the cavities. Use draft excluders between rooms. Small steps can make a massive difference!


Families tend to use more ingredients in their meals, as there are more mouths to feed. But the more food there is in a home, the more waste there is likely to be too. Try composting natural waste. You can invest in a compost bin where you can dispose of potato peels, vegetable cuttings, tea bags, and other forms of food waste. This can then be used as a great natural fertilizer.

These are just three different steps that you might want to implement into your family’s home and routine. Sure, they may seem like small changes. But they would make a massive difference if every kid’s family tried them out. So, get the ball rolling in the right direction and give them a go!

Health & Finance Tips For Families

health, finance, financial, family, tips, advice

CC0 Licence (Pixabay.com)

Of all the areas of your family’s budget, few are quite so as important as your budget for healthcare. With medical expenses one of the leading causes of bankruptcy, the needs to protect your family’s financial future and ensure their good health and well-being are inextricably entwined.

Below, we have put together three simple, straightforward tips that all families can implement in an effort to keep control of both their health and, subsequently, their medical expenses too.

#1 – Find the right insurance coverage

It is estimated that just over 12% of Americans do not have health insurance, which is an extremely worrying statistic given how severe the costs of essential treatment can be. However, while anyone reading this is almost certainly aware they need insurance, it’s important to note that bad coverage is not particularly useful in and of itself.

In a busy world with a thousand and one different demands on your time, it’s often tempting to buy the first policy you can afford and consider the matter settled. However, it’s worth setting aside some time to research in depth, checking to see if your children are eligible to enroll in CHIP, and reading through every page of the terms and conditions of any policy you are considering buying. Consumers Advocate .org has online reviews of providers and coverage’s that are an excellent resource. This extra level of research should mean that you can find a genuinely useful policy, and also helps to ensure maximum value for money from any premiums you pay.

#2 – Focus on “prevention” over “cure”

Even with the right insurance, medical bills can be expensive, so it can be hugely helpful to focus on proactively preventing illnesses. Here are a few ideas to help achieve this:

    • Cut down on your alcohol consumption
    • Improve your diet, perhaps by considering scientifically-backed options such as a Mediterranean diet
    • Avoid added sugars and processed foods
    • Use sunscreen, even on cloudy days
    • Keep your vaccinations up to date
    • Exercise at least three times per week; recent research has shown that strength training is particularly beneficial for overall well-being
    • Wash your hands after touching public surfaces, such as door handles
    • Use lumbar support to ensure proper posture when sitting at a keyboard
  • Try to get between six and seven hours of sleep per night

#3 – Explore natural remedies for mild conditions

Some conditions, such as the common cold, ‘flu, coughs, and throat infections frequently do not require medical treatment or antibiotics. It’s therefore useful to have an idea of natural remedies that can ease the symptoms of these illnesses while you wait for your immune system to do the rest. For example, rather than spending $10 on cough syrup or far more on a doctor’s visit, you could use honey and lemon; tests have shown that this combination is just as effective as cough syrup, and it’s cheaper too.

However, there are a few caveats to this point: if your symptoms last for over three weeks, or you are taking prescribed medications, seek further advice. For children, natural remedies should be checked with a doctor prior to use or avoided altogether.

In conclusion

By focusing on a mixture of sound financial management, combined with a focus on developing and sustaining good health habits, you should be able to ensure that these two so linked – and so important – areas of your family’s life are always protected.

Could Your Next Family Car Actually Be A Truck?

family car, kids, parenting, tips, advice
Photo by Kasey McCoy on Unsplash

While pick up trucks are still predominantly bought by men, the number of trucks registered to women in the US increased by 67% between 2008 and 2016.  Manufacturers have spotted the rising popularity in the vehicle among a broader demographic and are rising to the challenge of creating family friendly trucks. While safety will always be the priority when choosing a family vehicle, many people love the idea of a more surprising choice in the garage. In fact, the future of your family may well ride in an unexpectedly truck-shaped vehicle. 

Flat-beds for family life 

At one point it was estimated that Americans spend 84 billion hours driving in a year.  Any Dad who’s had to taxi his kids from hockey to choir to soccer practice may sympathize.  Pickups now have improved cab space so you can at least be comfortable while you’re running family life, plus they offer a good view of the road due to their height and glass coverage.  Another clear advantage is the flat-bed space for transporting sports equipment, camping gear or whatever else your kids are into. Pre-owned pickups offer good value, but if you prefer a little luxury, you can now find newer trucks with infotainment systems and soft closing tailgates; perfect for when you need to bring home teenagers plus instruments from band practice late at night.   

Pickup power 

Traditionally, pickups haven’t been known for their fuel economy, but the marketplace is changing.  Major manufacturers such as General Motors are looking at ways to improve the fuel efficiency of their trucks, using smaller, more powerful engines and reducing the vehicles’ weight.  Ford is looking to add a diesel version later this year which could be its most efficient diesel truck yet.  This is good news when it comes to filling up for those long family road trips or camping vacations. To get the best mileage for your money, choose the lightest truck that will meet your family’s needs. 

When it comes to choosing a family vehicle, most parents prioritize safety, reliability and affordability.  A pickup truck may seem a surprising choice but for those who yearn to shake up suburbia, it may be just the thing.  Increased height and visibility are definite plus points, along with ever-improving interior features and fuel efficiency.  If you’re thinking of replacing your vehicle over the next few years, it’s well worth seeing what the truck market has to offer.