Actually, as long as the plate is next to her, she will still accept eating from the tray, but her plate must be blue. Pink or purple is a surefire way to set her off like Katie Ka-Boom from the Animaniacs (please, someone tell me they know the reference), so she gets her blue plate every day for at least dinner. Then wash, rinse, repeat (literally).
It doesn’t stop with just her plate either, she insists on sitting in her blue chair, drinking green smoothies from her blue bottle, wearing a blue shirt, and favors her blue cloth diaper over the other colors. And I lost count of how many times we are told the sky is blue and she has blue eyes. I know she’s too young to call it official, but for the time being, blue is definitely her favorite color.
Back to the blue plate. I’ve enjoyed sharing our toddler’s eats for past What I Ate Wednesday’s, so I figured I’d share her blue plate fare (rhyming rocks!) for this week’s edition.
Breakfast – Banana, homemade chocolate protein pancake, homemade NuttZo Banana Bread, and sprouted raw pumpkin seeds.
I’m always a bit worried about the pumpkin seeds since we’ve had several tipped plate experiences already, but lately, she’s been much better at putting her pincer grasp to use.
Snack – Tiny But Mighty Heirloom Popcorn with more NuttZo Banana Bread.
So it wasn’t a plate, but a blue lid seemed to pass her stringent color standards of….um…blue.
Lunch – Lots of slow-cooker veggies with black beans and a 50/50 mash of cauliflower and potatoes mixed with nutritional yeast, goat cheese, and several spices.
Please note the blue fork. I found it on Amazon and had to buy it for the name alone; Air Fork One. She loves it too!
Big Girl Snack – hard boiled egg, diced apple, slow-cooker butternut squash, steamed veggies, and cut cherry tomatoes.
I swear, she eats more than most adults! She’ll finish off a plate like this and simply look at us and say “more”.
Dinner – chicken thighs from a local farmer, baked apple, and more slow-cooker veggies.
Dinner time is when she tends to get a little ornery, so we keep more food to the side or feed her from our own plate/bowl. This time, however, she was all about the chicken and the veg and used her Air Fork One very well.
Picking up the cargo..
…dropping it off…
…and then back out for another load. Or she’s threatening us, not sure.
Who knows how long the blue plate phase will last, but I guess it could be something much, much worse, so as long as she keeps eating so well, blue plate it is!
Hope you have a great day, we’re getting over the hump now!
Does your kid have a particular item they must have at all times?
Ever see the Air Fork One or something like it?