We like to do our part to make a smaller impact on the environment, and reel mowers are a perfect fit for this! Plus, there’s no spending money on oil and gas, and no engine maintenance! You never have to worry about your mower starting either!
Since we needed a mower and loved what I read about the Fiskars Reel Mower, I wrote Fiskars and asked if they would be willing to send one for me to review. Oh boy, the excitement that ran through me when they kindly agreed could hardly be contained!
And now it’s here! Assembly was a breeze and it was together in minutes. Of course, I did have a handy helper…
We got this in the mail today….
….but I promptly tossed it in the recycle bin! No gas-powered mowers on our lawn, thank you, and I’ll mow it myself using my own power!
The Fiskars StaySharp Max is loaded with features that actually make mowing your lawn, dare I say, fun! Here’s a list of features as provided on their website:
The smart design of our eco-friendly reel mower offers a cleaner cut without the hassles of gasoline, oil, battery charging, electrical cords or loud engine noise
Received Popular Mechanics 2010 Green Design Award and recommended by Consumer Reports over other reel mowers among other accolades
A combination of advanced technologies make the StaySharp™ Max Reel Mower 60% easier to push than other reel mowers
Patent-pending InertiaDrive™ Reel delivers twice the cutting power to blast through twigs, weeds and tough spots that would jam other reel mowers
Exclusive StaySharp™ Cutting System uses precision-ground, hardened steel blades to cut grass without touching, greatly reducing friction and blade wear for long-lasting performance without costly annual blade sharpening
Patent-pending VersaCut™ Technology offers cut height settings from 1″–4″ to provide best-in-class cutting, even when you’ve missed a week of mowing, plus one-touch height adjustment for comfortable use
Inset wheel design allows the blades to extend across the full width of the mower to eliminate uncut strips under the wheels and edge closer to foundations, fences and borders than other reel mowers
Unique grass discharge chute throws clippings forward cleanly, away from your feet
Cuts all grass types, even tough southern varieties like St. Augustine, Zoysia, Bahia and Bermuda
18″ cut width
Limited three-year warranty
So, if you live in a typical neighborhood and don’t have acres of grass to mow, the Fiskars reel mower is a great choice to save you money and keep you in shape!
After taking pictures of it, I was ready to get out and use this elegant mower for the first time. Oh yeah, I have a baby to watch though….
Being one who always looks for ways to challenge myself, I decided I would just wear Avery in our sporty Onya Baby Outback carrier; problem solved!

Notice how the Fiskars Reel Mower and the Onya have matching colors. Coincidence? I think not! Well, actually, yes, but pretty cool, huh? With Avery snug on my chest and the mower ready to go, I raised the garage door eager to get out and go.

Where should I start first? What direction would be best? Did I hang the cloth diapers to dry? All of these questions running through my mind as the door took a seemingly longer time than usual to open. Oh no, wait a second, it looks like I won’t be mowing today!
Stupid rain. But also not stupid because we don’t want a draught this year! Sorry, Avery, we’ll have to wait for another day. We can go work on you rolling over instead.

I didn’t really expect to have a review that quickly anyway. I want to go through a few mows to be able to experience it enough first. Aside from a full review, I also have more plans in store for this wonderful piece of equipment.
Look forward to a post on how I’m a baby wearing daddy, how reel mowing is beneficial to the environment and your wallet, and maybe even a lawn mowing sprint workout! Yep, I’m excited for all of these and I can’t thank Fiskars enough for providing me with the opportunity to use their reel mower!
The rain eventually died down and I was able to take Avery and Abby for our hour long walk. It was cold and windy today, and despite covering Avery in a hat and her Zippy, she was still bothered by the wind. Poor girl. But she powered through it and didn’t whine at all! So, total time in the Onya was one hour for the day.
Do you or have you used a reel mower before? If not, what’s keeping you from trying?
Disclosure: Fiskars sent me their StaySharp Max Reel Mower to review free of charge, but I was not compensated otherwise. All thoughts and opinions and strictly my own.