With our daughter’s current love for bananas, I figured I’d bring up an old post from my past foodie blog, Just Add Cayenne, and share some fun facts about bananas you probably didn’t know. I found them interesting before, and after reading (because we all forget), found them interesting again.
The following is taken directly from the post titled 15 Fun Facts for Friday: Bananas.
We all know and love bananas…right? Well, most of us do. In an attempt to make a quick, but interesting post, I wanted to share this list of 15 Facts You Probaly Didn’t Know About Bananas. Have a look; that’s scary to think a fungus could wipe out the whole banana population.
Imagine, a world without bananas…..
No peanut butter and banana sandwiches or wraps. : (
No mashed banana to make Low-fat Peanut Butter Bread. : (
No cool and creamy easy banana ice cream. : (
No chocolate peanut butter banana smoothies. : O
And the list can go on and on…
I enjoy bananas, and from the other bloggers I read out there, you like them too. Here’s a post I made a while back on banana benefits and how to enjoy them. Sometimes, I just unwrap a banana, mash several dry roasted almonds inside, and then proceed to eat. I’ll do this when there’s no peanut butter around or when I want a sweet, salty, and crunchy treat.
Q: How do you enjoy using bananas? If you don’t like them, is it allergies or just plain repulsed by the green/yellow/black-spotted yellow fruit?
Now go get yourself a banana, a jar of NuttZo (or nut butter of choice) and enjoy your Friday!