1) Figure out a good routine. First thing’s first, and this is a big one! Avery needs to be on a routine as well as I do for sanity purposes. Kelley has done a great job at setting the ground work, now I need to maintain and improve as needed.

2) Keep a (somewhat) clean house so Kelley doesn’t have to worry about it when home.
3) Cook good food. I’ve already been doing this for years, but that was as a non-dad, so it could be a little more challenging. Either way, I want to make sure Kelley has a good, healthy meal to take to work and when she comes home. At first it might be my infamous one-pot meals where it’s just a lot of veggies and a protein source thrown together, but that will improve. I hope.

4) Post to the blog at least twice a week. This fits in with goal number 1 and hopefully will be part of the routine. I suspect I’ll be writing while wearing Avery……and she’s asleep.
5) Take a lot of pictures and video. I have confidence in the fact that you can only have too little and never too much on (digital) film.
6) Find time to work out during the day. This is a big one. I heavily depend on getting some form of exercise most days of the week. I used to just run long distance for exercise, but now I focus more on strength training. We have a fairly good setup with a squat power rack, bench, and Olympic weight set in our garage, so I just need Avery’s permission.

7)Make our own snacks. I used to do this often in the past, and hope to find time to do it again. A favorite around here are my homemade salsa goat cheese crackers and they keep Kelley a happy wife. And you know what they say about happy wives! They usually smile.
That’s not being overly ambitious, is it? Okay, probably, but I need to have something to work towards, and these goals will do just that!

So, without further ado, here I go!!!!
Do you ever try to do too much in too little time? I’m expert at biting off more than I can chew, but hopefully my mouth has grown since becoming a father.