Hope your Saturday is off to a great start and full of fun activities or relaxation, or maybe both!
Going Mom, Avery, and I will be out and about looking for a few clothing items for our daughter and hopefully we all have a great time along the way.
Anyone following my blog or who personally knows me, knows how much I value both good nutrition and exercise. If you didn’t know, well, I value both good nutrition and exercise; there you go.
My wife and I make it a point to show Avery how we keep active and include her whenever possible. I’ve even shared a few ways to workout with your baby on this blog. Here are a few:
- Going Strong: Burpees, Babies, and Learning to Count
- Going Strong: Peek-a-Boo Push-ups
- Going Strong: 3 Moves to Work Your Core During Playtime with Baby
When we can’t include her, she’ll watch us (or the camera) in action as we workout.

But, not all children are exposed to a daily regimen of exercise and healthy food choices/options. Obviously this is something I am passionate about and it saddens me to know so many kids and adults both are unaware or don’t care about having a better quality of life.
I understand time is a big issue, 9 times out of 10, there’s a way to make it work. Something is always better than nothing!
Which brings me to Action for Healthy Kids, Inc. This organization works with groups and individuals across the country to implement “health-promoting school programs and resources.”
Action for Healthy Kids acknowledges that if the current trend of unhealthy kids continues, their generation will be the first to live shorter lives than their parents!
Here’s a quote from their website:
At Action for Healthy Kids, we believe that all children should be healthy and ready to learn. Sadly, they’re not. One in three of our kids is overweight or obese, putting them at risk for a variety of health complications and chronic diseases, including heart disease, gallbladder disease, asthma, Type 2 diabetes and cancer.
They are helping to combat this trend by providing resources needed across the country to “Learn, Act, & Transform”. They do this by:
Staff – We have a small, but mighty national staff of professionals with expertise in the fields of nutrition, physical activity, education, social justice and communications.
Partnerships – We work through a highly-collaborative partnership network of more than 70 national organizations representing leaders in health, education, fitness, nutrition, governmental agencies, corporations and others who care about kids. Together, we make health-promoting school programs and resources accessible.
Volunteers – Our legion of dedicated volunteers – school leaders, health professionals, parents, students and others – from within the ranks of our 70,000+ constituency, work through schools in every state and the District of Columbia to improve the health of children.
With Your Support – We need the support of millions to create social change. Consider getting involved – whether you donate, volunteer or fundraise for the cause – your help can make a big difference in the lives of children.
My birthday is just less than a month away, and I set a goal to earn $100 on the fundraiser website, Crowdrise before I turn 30.
This is where I am asking you for help. If you can and are willing, I ask that you please help by donating to this very important cause.
Just click on the link below to go to my Crowdrise page and donate whatever you can.
Please share this with your friends and family and help Action for Healthy Kids, Inc. create a healthier generation of children.
You can also visit their website and sign up to take their Every Kid Healthy Pledge.
I’m signed up and ready to go; starting with our precious Avery.
Do you try to stress the importance of a healthy lifestyle to your children?
If so, please share.