Tag Archives: funny

10 Dad Worthy Puns on Pinterest

Anyone who follows me on Twitter or my personal page on Facebook has probably seen me post plenty of puns. Some good, some so-so, and some that even make me cringe as I press the post button. You might find a good mix of all of these in the 10 I have to share with you today, but I count just one smile a win. Plus, it’s the weekend, so hopefully you’re smiling already!

Enjoy these 10 puns I found on Pinterest recently and enjoy your weekend too. If you’re a dad in need of some corny material, hope these will help you add to your arsenal gag-inducing jokes/puns. Hey, it’s just something we are good (or is not good?) at doing!

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2. Please tell me you get this one….puns, pun, funny, pinterest

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puns, pun, funny, pinterest

I know what you’re thinking, “His poor wife and daughter.” I’ve had plenty of crinkle-faced reactions from Going Mom, but that never stops me. Dads, don’t let it stop you either!

Hope everyone reading found at least one they liked or hated less than the others. If you happened to laugh at more than one, chances are you’d like this cool board game I found called Punderdome: A Card Game for Pun Lovers. If you’re a pun lover, obviously you’ll love this game, it even says so in the name!

Punderdome board game for pun lovers

If you had to pick just one of these to share, which one would it be?

Have You Ever Seen A Baby Laugh At This?

In what seems to be a long time ago, when we controlled where our baby (now rampant toddler) could and could not go, the most random thing happened, she busted out in the cutest spell of giggles we’ve ever heard.
cute baby laughing
I can’t go anywhere because I don’t know better yet!

Avery is a couple months over 2 years old now, but when she was 5 months old, I had her (safely) sitting on the counter with me as I was busy in the kitchen. I just finished making a batch of NuttZo Banana Bread and went to cut it as her eyes absorbed my every move. Then, right when I started slicing…..

Yeah, you’d think I was dressed in a clown suit honking my big red nose, not simply cutting bread I cooked a little too long. I tried many many many times after that to replicate the laugh for Going Mom with no luck. I’m just happy she did it when the camera was on, now she seems to freeze up when she sees the camera in front of her. Can’t blame her, I’d be annoyed at me too.

cute toddler
C’mon, dad, can you just put the camera down and PLAY?

It’s not on camera, but Avery has been giving giggles like the cutting bread episode almost every night as we play around the house or during dinner. It’s a sound that never gets old and always warms the heart.

Hope you’re having a great Sunday and enjoyed seeing a sweet baby laughing at such a random thing.

Do you have something your kid laughed at unexpectedly?

Does it happen every time or was it a one time occurrence?

A Baby’s New Year’s Resolution: Master the Kettlebell

This was originally posted on New Year’s Day last year, the beginning of 2015, but wanted to repost to show how much smaller our little girl was. She’s obviously a master at working out now, and only getting stronger! Enjoy the post and Happy 2016 now!

Hi babies, Avery here, and I’m here to tell you Happy New Year!! Oh, and to reveal one of my biggest resolutions for 2015. Can you guess what it is?


I’m staring at it right now.


Yep, this here is what you call a kettlebell. Simply put, it’s a cast-iron ball with one big handle on top. Kettlebells vary in weight from a wimpy 2 pounds to well over 100lbs!


This one is only 45 pounds, and I figure since I saw daddy pick it up and carry it around so easily, I’d like to do the same. So, this New Year, I’m making one of my resolutions to master the kettlebell! Starting today, I’m beginning my journey to increasing strength and endurance with kettlebell training!


*Uuugghhhh* Okay, just need to get a better grip first…



Yak! My foot slipped! Oh yeah, and my grip is all wrong, I need to hold it from the other side. Here we go…


Fine, I’m letting my ego get the best of me. Just because daddy walks around with the weight in one hand doesn’t mean I have to…..yet. For now, I’ll stick with using both hands. Let me just regain my footing here.


Annnnnddddd go! *Grrrrrrr*


Holy diaper explosions, is this thing bolted to the rug?! What is wrong with you, hands?!


I think I need to focus more on my leg power and thrusting in the hips.


Whoa, talk about diaper explosions! I think I had a New Year’s firework just go off!


Nope, I passed the smell test, so I’m good for another go at this kettle…..no, dumbbell. Ha ha ha! Oh yeah, they have those too, crap, I’m already turning corny like daddy! I better work on my strength just to stand up to bullies picking on my corniness. Thanks, dad…….NOT!


Ah ha, I moved it! Take that, heavy ball with a handle!


Guess that answers my question…..it’s not bolted to the rug. Phew, that was an exhausting workout, but I think it’s safe to say progress has been made. Avery – 1 : Kettlebell – 0


And that, my baby peers, is how to start the New Year off right; by attacking your resolutions in full force right off the bat! Don’t put it off, you’ll only find more and more excuses as the days pass. Plus, if you never conquer your goals, mommy and daddy will continue doing things like this to you…


Not my proudest moment, obviously. Anyway, I’m off to work on my other resolution; getting these darn colorful balls in the right colored hole! They aren’t heavy like a kettlebell, but for some reason they keep throwing me off with their 3 different colors.


Go on now, go enjoy 2015, I’m sure you’ll see me again soon!

Happy 2015!!