You usually wash daddy’s clothes, polish his shoes and serve him after work. You may have so many fun memories with your dad. However, it is always a headache for you whenever you decide to get him a gift, be it on his birthday, father’s day, Christmas eve, or new year’s eve. All because there are numerous gifts to select from, and you are not sure you can get him the perfect one. You need not worry. Here are the top ten gift suggestions to give daddy for all occasions.
You can give your daddy a sweatshirt as an all-season gift if he is the athletic yet fashionable daddy. Sweatshirts have this comfortable feel that keeps you warm in more relaxed atmospheres. There are many types of sweatshirts to make a pick from to surprise your daddy. You may choose a crew neck sweatshirt that is slightly heavier than a regular long-sleeved shirt but with a crew neck. It can be a perfect choice if your dad is a simple man.
You can also opt for the polo sweatshirt from Ralph Lauren Clothes, which has its unique official touch and a polo neck. Other types to choose from are the hooded sweatshirts, the fitted sweatshirts, the pullover type, the athletic ones for running outside, the mock neck, zipped, fleece, and Baja types. Any of these types may be selected depending on the preference, build, and fashion sense of your dad.
Sunglasses have a fashionable yet classy appeal depending on the type of sunglasses and the weather. However, you need to be sure you have seen your dad’s rock sunglasses in the past. To make it even super cool, you could buy matching colors for yourself and your daddy. Take a look at the various types and shades you could make a pick from.
If you are considering a summer outdoor experience with daddy, you may opt for the Durand sunglasses. They appear just like regular sunglasses with a combined design of round and square shapes, making it a bit of both. With its scratch resistance and hand-polished cellulose acetate, you are sure daddy can use it like prescription or fashionable glasses. You can also go for the pilot sunglasses, which come in a simple but classy style. You may also select from the cat eye, club master, rectangle, shield, or wayfarer.
My dad And I photo album
It is pretty understandable why people occasionally pick their family photo albums and smile while looking through them. The memories shared are forever stored in the album. Getting a “my dad and I photo album” will be an extraordinary gift your daddy will never forget. However, you may consider making a photo collage to relive the special memories you share with your dad. Your biggest challenge will be choosing from your collection of pictures. You can build a gradual tempo by starting with pictures from when you were little. Then add pictures from when daddy changed your diapers, sent you to school in a baby’s carrier, preschool pictures, and graduation pictures. The catchy point will be the numerous random photos your mom might have snapped of you and daddy. To further create a relishing effect on your dad, you may create funny captions that he can relate to.
Handmade leather bookmark
A handmade leather bookmark can be an exceptional gift for your bookworm daddy. For many book lovers, a handmade leather bookmark may be a special fancy gift. The bookmark will constantly remind your dad of how thoughtful you are towards him. You can choose a long-grain full-length leather bookmark with a quote from one of his favorite authors. There are many more styles and colors to choose from, depending on how you see your dad.
Customized phone case
Another unique gift you can give your dad is a customized phone case. Gadget lovers usually enjoy the relish that comes with having customized gadgets. They may occasionally show it off among their peers. Customized phone cases are handy gifts your daddy will cherish. Think of it this way, wherever daddy goes, he moves with his phone, and your gift will always remind him of you. You will need a few samples of his pictures with his big man grin on. Get a good designer to make a lovely print on the back of the phone case. If you have a very close bond with your daddy, a customized frame of you both your smiles can be a good choice.
For the perpetual latecomer, a personalized watch stand and watch
The choice of a personalized watch stand and custom watches may be a good gift for your dad. If he has missed the time to pick you up from school, always late for dinner, never early for a planned date or outing, your gift may start the course to refine him to be punctual. The customized watch stands come in many types of wood, plastic, and metal. You may have a wide range of watches to make a pick from. For someone who has the habit of being late, you may buy a much lighter watch that will be easy to move around with.
A road trip vacation
Your daddy may be an indoor person always glued to his newspaper, movies, and music. A preferred gift would be a road trip vacation. You may want to spend some time planning the perfect getaway road trip to give your daddy the outdoor exposure he needs. Preferably a summer camping trip will do just fine. It will be an excellent time to stretch out and enjoy the warmth of summer.
3d screen magnifier
Have you observed daddy squinting his eyes to read from his phone or catch up on his favorite shows and movies on Netflix? Then a 3D screen magnifier can be the best gift to give him. The magnifying screen will give daddy some alone time and peace to enjoy his preferred content on his phone without much struggle and eye constraints.
New York Times custom front page puzzle
Many older folks love to keep in touch with the world around them by reading newspapers. If your dad is a New York Times regular, this gift may appeal to his fancy. Try getting a front-page publication that he can relate to. It can be a front-page publication that talks about his line of work or his locality. Customize it nicely and present it to him as a gift. Your dad will appreciate such a gift.
For the thrifty shopper, undies will be a good gift
Your dad may be among the section of men that hardly spend their money on shopping. You can select some very nice undies for your daddy. Some comic-related designed undies may be what he needs if he is a comic lover.
These are some top suggestions, but you can always twist it slightly to fit your fancy to make your daddy happy.