If you remember back to when you were a teenager, low self-esteem probably was a big part of your life. So many people don’t feel confident in themselves. And it’s incredibly heartbreaking when your own flesh and blood view themselves as inadequate. Teenagers can have image issues, as we all do. But what can we do to help our teenagers develop more confidence, but also fix the deep-rooted psychological issues?
Encourage Role Models of All Sizes and Aesthetics
After you address what the issue is, you can help to encourage a wider variety of solutions. When your child has image issues relating to something aesthetic, sometimes these things can be fixed. For example, something like problems with their teeth can be easily remedied with SmilePath clear aligners instead of braces. But we have to remember that insecurity stems from feeling alone or singled out. When we start to highlight that they are not alone, and there are others who are similar, we can start to show that there isn’t a single ideal of what we want to look like. In other words, nobody is perfect.
Consider the Impact of Social Media
If you were lucky enough to escape social media until your late twenties, you might not realize the impact it is having on your child. Social media has shown that it can impact how young women and men see their bodies. There’s plenty of debate around the negativity associated with social media. And with regards to body image, you’ve got to remember that social media is a rabbit hole of negativity, especially when it comes to imagery.
Look at Your Own Insecurities
Our children learn, consciously and subconsciously, from ourselves. We have to be open and honest about how we feel about ourselves. And this is difficult, but it provides a perfect template for your child. Because you might think you are the only person experiencing issues, and when you start to see that your teenager is beginning to feel insecure about how they look, you can share your insecurities and start open and honest conversations. This will help them to feel less intimidated when it comes to talking about their own feelings. But also remember that you have to practice what you preach. We will always pass on our emotions to those closest to us. And if our children have body image issues, we will need to look at ourselves as well.
Focus on Body Positivity
Body neutrality and body positivity is the baseline. And it is difficult to go from negative perceptions of oneself to the positive. But there are support groups that can help, and it’s so important to find those that offer a supportive space for people who struggle to love themselves. Learning to raise a happy child is not just about giving them love, but it’s about making them realize that everybody is individual. When people are tainted with a negative view of themselves, it colors their entire life. But there are ways for you to help.